Chapter Five

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I just want this nightmare to be over.

Willow's pov

I trot down the hall with a slight limp and stop when I hear an alarming voice. I peek around the corner and hear yelling from a voice I have heard too much from today.
"O-okay boss lets just not get rash here! Let's just talk about this!"
I watch as Joker yells at the drunk men who love to gossip.
The man sitting in front of him falls off his chair and his blood and brains leak onto the floor as he lays lifelessly.
"Oh yeah?! Did you know your girlfriend is running around the halls?!"
One more body on the ground.
I rush past the room back to where he thinks I reside. I run up the stairs and to the room. I unlock it from the outside and lock it before I close it. I run to the big bed and jump under the covers. I sigh at this daunting situation. If he finds out I left... I'm dead.
There's loud and booming footsteps as he makes it closer to my room. I hear a faint clicking sound and the creaking of the door. The footsteps become quiet and they become closer to me. I try my best to look like I'm asleep and I think it might work.
There's a warm breath on my face and I can easily assume he's standing over me. He's really creepy, ew. The air disappears and footsteps overcomes the sound of my breathing. I really thought I was going to die. I guess... Some sleep wouldn't hurt.

Time Skip

I sit on my bed and wait to be let out of this cage. I listen as the door's lock is fiddled with and thrown open. There stands a buff man who looks like he's tired of life.
"Let's go girly."
I jump off the bed and I pad over to him.
"Hey, can't you just leave?"
He lets out a loud sigh and scratches the back of his neck,
"He'll find me. And kill me."
I follow him out of the room and down the stairs. He really looks like he's had enough. We walk down a couple of halls and I make note of where the rooms are placed. He brings me into a giant dining room with a giant empty table.
"Just sit down anywhere. The boss couldn't eat with you due to some urgent business."
He walks away and to where I assume the kitchen is. I limp over to the table and sit at the end of it. I pull out the chair from underneath it but notice a little note taped to the seat. I pick it up and read it,
I shove the note into my back pocket and feel some sharp poke me. Owwww. I look at my hand and see a cut mark. Oh right, the knives. I sit down and wait for something to happen. The guy from before comes back in with a plate and walk to my seat. He places it in front of me and sits next to me. I look at the plate and see some basic eggs and bacon. I look back up to the man who's rubbing his eyes and give a sympathetic smile,
"Soooo, what's your name?"
He looks shocked I asked and clears his throat, "J-Jeff... You better remember it because I'm not repeating it. The Boss assigned me to be your 'caretaker' not friend"
He puts little air quotes around the word caretaker, "Every time he's not around."
"Well Jeff, we both have something in common I can tell."
"And what's that?"
"We both hate this place."
He chuckles and nods, "Very very true."
I eat and spend the next thirty minutes getting to know Jeff. He's twenty six, been here since he was twenty two and has been the Joker's best goon since. He had a wife and some kids but the Joker sort of ruined that for him.
"What about you?"
I smile at this question,
"I had a basic life. As basic as it can really be in Gotham. I lived with my mother but no one else. She was usually gone because of work. I had friends and stuff, still do, because I don't plan on being stuck here."
He sighs with slight humor and nods, "I wish that was the way it worked here. Being able to leave with a simple escape plan."
I drop my smile and enter a more serious topic, "Why don't we escape together?"
He makes light humming sound and nods,
"We can try."
I grin and jump from my seat wrapping my arms around him,
"Sometimes, we just need a hug to make things better."
He lets out a low gruff laugh and grins idiotically, "Sometimes we do."
He stands up and grabs my plate to wash and leaves. I follow him and start a meaningless conversation and we spend our day like that. Or until 8:59 pm like that.
I laugh at his bad dirty joke and pat him on the back,
"You're such a dork!"
"You're the one snorting!"
We both let out a little sigh of new found happiness. But then, a certain voice makes the blood drain from our faces,
"And what's so funny?"
We both turn our heads and see the Joker looking back and fourth to each of us. Jeff stands up and straightens hit suit out.
"Nothing important boss."
The Joker has his lips slightly parted as he creeps towards Jeff. He stands in front of him and grabs him by his tie. He looks down on him and glares daggers into his eyes,
"Remember what I said earlier? Yeaaaah, you're kind of being a problem here Jeffery. I don't like second chances, but without you, my men fall apart. Don't get in the way or it'll be your life I take next."
He lets go of him and smiles. He puts his hand to Jeff's mouth and a big smile has been tattooed on it. He takes his hand from him and pats his shoulders and I hear a quiet, "Oh god." From Jeff.
Jeff hastily nods and lets out an awkward chuckle.
"Yes boss."
He looks to me and grabs me by my arms and pulls me up. He grips one of my arms painfully tight and looks to Jeff,
"Bed. Now."
"Yes boss."
He walks over to me and lightly grabs my shoulder and the Joker let's go. He lightly pushes me out of the room and all the way to mine. Once we reach it he gives me a weak smile,
"I know you were out of your room last night. But please don't leave tonight. The Boss may not be in the best state. He owns a lot of liquor."
"I can't make any promises but I'll try and keep my curiosity to a minimum."
He nods and smiles brighter, he bends down and hugs me,
"Thank you for not making this place an even worse hell hole."

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