Chapter Nine

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"And here we are Willow. Bruce Wayne's humble abode."

Willow's pov
     I stare at the large mansion and shake my head. I can do this, I can do this. He is only the biggest hero. And I know that is information I should not know but I just do. It seems a little obvious with the way he talks about justice...

I grip the door handle and open the car door. My mother had a close connection with the Wayne's. I don't really understand how but she also told me about the identity of BatMan. That is the main reason I know who he is. I think they had a romantic relationship but what do I know?

Jeff stands in front of me and I follow him to the front doors. I feel my heart pound against my chest, the sound drums in my ears. We walk up the few steps and stand in front of the door. I take a deep breath and look up at my friend. He gives me a confident smile and puffs out his chest. I let out a small chuckle and Jeff rings the doorbell.

We wait for a couple seconds until we hear the locks on the door being unlocked. The door opens and someone that I have a very blurry memory of appears.


He gives me a small nod and moves out of the way for us to enter.

"You have grown quite a lot Miss Willow."

I give him a sheepish smile and nod.

"What is your business here with this man?"

"I need to talk to... Bruce."

"Ah, he should be done with paperwork soon. Come take a seat, would you like anything to drink?"

I shake my head and Alfred leads us to a larger room. The home is gigantic and very elegant. My words aren't enough to explain it. He brings us to a room with a large table and seats surrounding it. Not like a dining room but a conference room.

Jeff and I sit down next to each other and Alfred leaves the room. I feel Jeff's large hand grip my own and I turn my head to him. He grins widely and lets go of my hand.
I let out an awkward giggle and look to the side.

"What was that for?"

He shrugs and we both turn our attention to the entrance of the room when we hear footsteps. The sounds of shoes clicking on the ground become closer and closer agonizingly slow. All of the sounds stop as a man appears in the doorway.

"Good morning Willow."

"M-morning Bruce..."

He steps forward and to the table. He sits across from us and lets his gaze fall upon Jeff.

"And why are you visiting with the Joker's henchman?"

Jeff shifts uncomfortably despite him being buffer than Bruce.

"He helped me..."

Bruce raises an eyebrow and leans forward,

"I heard the the Jewel of Gotham disappeared mysteriously. But you're in front of me, where'd you go?"

"Ah, um... The Joker, he ah... He kidnapped me."

His eyes widen for a brief second but he calms down in a matter of seconds.


He stands up and brushes his hand through his hair.

"He... Ugh. He will pay."

His eyebrows furrow and he shakes his head.

"I promised her and I failed."

Bruce turns towards us,

"And why is he here?"

"He helped me escape..."

Bruce nods and lets out an annoyed sigh. My heart races even faster than before as he steps around the table and stands before me. I freeze when Bruce leans down and wraps his arms around me. He lets out a muffled whisper,

"I'm sorry. I promised to protect you."

Sorry that Joker has not been too apparent in the story yet. He will be in the next chapter or the one afterwords. That is when the romance will truly bloom.

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