Nineteen. Wake Up Call

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• One month later •

I was sleeping in my bed one morning when I was awoken by the phone ringing. I quickly picked up.

"Hello?" I asked, groggily.

"Hi." A deep, scary voice answered.

"Who's this?"

"You're worst nightmare."

"What are you talking about?"

"I AM YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE." He said slowly and loudly, sending a chill down my spine.

I immediately grabbed my baby bump that was growing rapidly. I was now six months pregnant. I'd be broken if anything happened to my baby girl.

"I don't know you, please stop." I said, fear filling my voice.

"No, you don't deserve to be happy or have a family you punk! I  know where you are!"

I immediately hung up and started crying.

I was currently in Jace's parents home in Cleveland where we'd be staying for a while. How did these people know that I was pregnant? No matter what I did, it seemed like my past just kept creeping up on me. I wondered if I would ever be able to be happy and live my life without fear.

I couldn't tell Jace's parents. They didn't know about my past or my attack. They didn't need to know. If they did, their perception of me would have surely changed.

A few hours later...

"Hey Callie, I'm home!" Jace said, as he rushed over to hug me as I laid in bed.

I was too scared and sad to get up.

"They did it again." I said, quietly, tears streaming down my face.

"Who did what again?" He asked,trying to console me.

"Those people who threatened my life. He said I don't deserve to have a family and that he's my worst nightmare!" I burst into tears.

I couldn't control myself. I was just so scared. Not even for myself, but for Jace and my unborn baby Aurellie.

Jace just stared at me with fear on his face. He's always so strong, but I feel like this was taking a toll on him.

"I don't know what to do anymore, Callie. I'm so sorry." He said placing his hands over his face.

Tears filled my eyes again. "They can take me. I don't even care anymore, it's my fault. They just can't hurt Aurellie!"

He looked up. "No, no don't say that. They're not hurting you because we're moving again. We're going to your mother's."

I looked at him confused. "What? We can't just keep moving around, Jace. It's not gonna stop them!" I nearly shouted.

"That's the only option if you want to be safe. If you want to get hurt, go ahead!" He shouted and left the room.

I was hurting. My heart was broken. All I could do was cry and cry some more.

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