Chapter two: DOCUMENTARY

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Jungkook woke up to the sound of loud snoring coming from behind him. The maknae struggled to turn since his shirt was stuck or rather being held onto really tightly.

After twisting around a couple of times, Jungkook finally managed to loosen his shirt from the grip. He turned around and wasn't surprised to see the light brown haired boy sleeping beside him. This happened almost every third day or so.

The maknae was used to it, and like always, he woke Tae up in the exact same way he always did whenever the elder boy crept into his bed with out notifying him


The younger boy whisper-yelled while kicking V off from the warm comfortable bed and onto the cold hard wooden floor,making the brown haired boy grunt in pain.

“Ow, what the-” Taehyung moaned “Ah, Kookie. Why are you always so harsh. It hurts you know.”

“Hyung. Why are you in my bed this time?” The maknae asked the elder member with a bit of annoyance in his tone of voice.

Taehyung lifted himself off from the floor and dusted off his UFO pajamas. V looked at the maknae and answered him while putting on his adorable box smile on his half awake half sleeping face.

“Kookie. Please swap beds with me. Its scary in the corner where my bed is.” Jungkook was a bit surprised that Tae was actually getting scared because of some corner. He's not afraid of anything, according to the younger boys knowledge.

Jungkook agreed to let V claim his bed, and let himself sleep in Vs bed from now on.

Taehyung having an even broader box smile present on his face, went up to Jungkook and hugged him so tightly that he almost ended the maknaes life.

Ha ha. As if anybody could kill the Golden Maknae.

Jungkook giggled and slightly pushed Tae away from him even though he didn't want to leave the elder boys' arms,but the squeeze was starting into become a bit painful.“Lets go see what the hyungs are up to.” Jungkook suggested after leaving the so-called aliens embrace.

“Aren't the still asleep? Its only 3 am now.” Taehyung added while looking at the clock that hung on the wall.

“Maybe we could do something else to pass the time.” Jungkook knew it was now impossible to go back to sleep since Tae wouldn't let him. He looked around the room and spotted a video camera on one of the desks.

“ Why don't we make a video?” the maknae suggested and walked towards the camera.

“A documentary! I wanna make a documentary!” The elder boy screamed excitedly, making Jungkook run towards him to cover his mouth. “Shht!” the maknae shushed his hyung ad blushed when he felt Vs mouth moving into a smile against his hand.

Jungkook took his hand away as quick as possible and said,“Hyung, you should be the documenter person since you still look okay without having make up on your face.

“Aw Kookie is so cute.” Tae said in his aegyo voice. Jungkook then realised what he said. He coved his face and apologized for some reason. Tae reached out to remove the younger boys hands from his red face.

“Why are you apologizing? Come on. Let's get started.”

“O-Okay,let's go.” Jungkook calmed down a bit, but he still felt-um-blushy, if that's even a word. He turned on the camera and started recording. He noticed that box smile disappeared and was replaced with a serious expression. No wonder he is going to be able to debut as an actor. The maknae thought it was rather fascinating.

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