Chapter nine: Lie Detector

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“Jungkook-ah! Jungkook-ah!” the elder boy yelled as he shook the maknae who was still in his bed.

“Hyung, I said its okay. You can have the last piece of cake.” Jungkook began sleep talking, something he didn't do. Taehyung suddenly had an idea. He slipped Jungkook's hand onto the little machine he had wanted to tell the sleeping boy about.

“Kookie? Are you dreaming of me?” Taehyung asked softly

“No, no. Not at all.” Jungkook continued his sleep talk, whereby he had lied about not thinking about the 4d member even while sleeping. Jungkook immediately sat up from his previous laying position and screamed due to the sudden shock that ran from his hand to the rest of his arm.

“Tae! What are you doing!?” the maknae's face was filled with fright and he was confused as to what he had felt a few seconds ago.

He was sure that Taehyung was behind it since the elder boy was laughing. And a bit too much.

“Stop laughing Hyung!” Jungkook commanded as he was getting irritated and was about to wrestle Taehyung when he saw the miniature machine in the others' hand.

“What's that in your hand?” the younger boy took the object that was being held by Taehyung and inspected it. He came to find that it was the lie detector that was used in one of the V-app videos.

“V hyung? Did you ask me something while I was asleep?” Jungkook asked curiously.

As a reflex Taehyung jumped up and ran out of the room and following behind him was a Jungkook that found this scene rather familiar.

Unlike the last time -where Taehyung outran the maknae- Jungkook caught up to him rather quickly. Jungkook stood behind Taehyung getting ready to punch him, but stopped when he noticed the elder boy breathing heavily.

Jungkook walked in front of Taehyung so that they were face-to-face and noticed that he was sweating, a bit to much for the short distance they had just ran. Not only was he sweating alot, his entire face was red and his eyes were slightly closing.

“Hyung? Are you okay?” Jungkook asked in a worried tone.

“Yes, I'm fine.” V lied and unexpectedly collapsed to the wooden floor, leaving Jungkook to panic more than he ever had in his life.

“Tae! Taehyung!” Jungkook shook the unconscious boy that lay helplessly on the cold floor, trying the get him to at least open his eyes.

The maknae quickly ran to the hyungs' room for help but found nobody. Nobody in the practice room and nobody in the make-up room and obviously nobody would be outside since it was raining. He went back to Taehyung and carried his helpless body to their room.
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Jungkook didn't know what to do and because of the panic that had taken over his mind, he couldn't sit still. He tried phoning the leader, the manager, Jin and even their trainers, nobody answered though.

A few minutes passed and the sound of laughter was heard coming from down the corridor.

The maknae ran out and saw the other members walking freely with not a single sign of worry on their faces whatsoever. Each with a bottle of energy drink in their hands.

The elder members noticed the worried expression on Jungkooks face and looked at him wondering what the problem was. They had been out with the manager and some of the staff members looking for a dorm that they could live in since their previous one had burnt down because of someone *cough cough* Namjoon *cough*

The leader finally went closer to Jungkook and asked for the reason he was looked so frightened and worried.

“T-Tae is There's something-” Jungkook trembled as he tried his best to answer Namjoon.

When Seokjin heard the tone of the maknaes voice and him mentioning Taehyungs name, he couldn't help but push pass all the members and rush into the maknae line's room to see why Jungkook was so worried.

Seokjin found Taehyung laying beneath a few thick blankets with hair sticking onto his face caused by the sweat that had been produced.

“He has a fever,” Seokjin stated after he had felt the younger boys forehead. “he has it bad. We need to take him for a checkup tomorrow. ”

“Why can't we take him now?” Jungkook asked “If his that sick we have to take him as soon as possible, right.” Tae maknaes obvious panic never seized to end. He kept on telling the elder members that they should take Taehyung to the doctor ASAP before he got worst.

“We can't take him now Kookie.” Jimin notified the maknae

“Why? Because his not sick enough? Look at him. He never looked as bad as he does right now, even if he is sick. Are you telling me he isn't sick enough to be taken to the hospital. Jin hyung clearly stated that h-”

“JUNGKOOK!” Seokjin screamed interrupting the younger boy.

“We can't take TaeTae to the doctor now because -if you didn't notice- its storming outside. We can't risk him getting worst than he already is”

The eldest member tried to make Jungkook understand that they should rather let Taehyung rest for the rest of the day and that they will give him some pills to deal with the fever. But Jungkook never stopped his arrogant side and kept on trying to get Taehyung to see a doctor.

“Cant we phone a doctor to come to us and check up on Tae?”

“ Jungkook, please.” Namjoon put his hand upon the youngest member's shoulder assuring him that Taehyung would be okay. All he had to do was be patient.

What ya think? Hm hm

Wanna tell you guys that I've written another book calledBitter Sweet’  its a Taehyung fanfic. Please read it if you've got the time.


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