Chapter six: Ignored

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The next morning, Jungkook felt horrible due to a headache and got permission by PD Bang Si Hyuk and Namjoon to rest for the day.

He knew the headache was caused by thinking about what he had said to Taehyung the previous day. Regretting everything he had thought yesterday, because clearly he was wrong.

He stayed in his bed for about 4 hours straight, and all of a sudden had a craving for something to eat, something sweet.

He walked through the dorm to see what the others were doing. He found 5 of them sitting in the dance room, sure that the missing boy was Taehyung, they sat there doing nothing not even talking or anything. He found it really weird.

He wondered where the other maknae was. Though he wanted to go and look for him, Jungkook decided not to since he was unsure of what reaction he would from the elder member because of yesterdays incident.

Jungkook headed towards the kitchen to get a packet of gummy bears he had seen in the cupboard a few days back and hoped it was still there.

He entered the kitchen and was surprised at who he had found scratching around the in the cupboards. It was Taehyung. He watched the said boy as he continued searching the cupboard hoping he doesn't find the sweets before Jungkook does.

Jungkook stood in a daze, wondering if he should apologize again or maybe even try to start a conversation.

Before the maknae could decide as to what to do, Taehyung turned around and Jungkook noticed the packet of gummy bears he was going to eat in the other's hand. Taehyung walked towards the kitchens door, where Jungkook was standing. The maknae gave a feint smile hoping to receive at least a glance.

Instead he got nothing.

He being ignored by the elder boy. He didn't mind being ignored, but since it was Taehyung that was ignoring him, he felt he heart sink a bit.

Later on in the day, Jungkook continued to try countless times to get at least a look from Taehyung, but whenever he got close to the light brown headed boy, he would walk away from the maknae and stand with one of the other members.

Jungkook tried to talk with Taehyung one more time and told himself that he wouldn't bother any further if Tae ignores him once more.

Yes, Jungkook was getting sick of trying to apologize, Taehyung was going to far with ignoring him and he didn't like it. It was more annoying than Jimin.

                                                                *                    *                     *

“Jungkookie~” J-hope yelled out loudly

Jungkook wasn't in the mood to talk since Taehyung did exactly what he thought he would. He Ignored Jungkook once again.

Jungkook  stood up and tried to get away from his hyung, but was unsuccessful. Hoseok stopped the younger and turned him around to see the fallen expression on the maknaes face.

“Whats the matter Jungkook?”

“Its nothing, ” Jungkook lied and obviously it was easy to tell since he wasn't making any eye contact. Hoseok forced it out of the maknae, and Hoseok being Hoseok managed to get Jungkook to tell him what was bothering him.

“ Tae- Taehyungs been ignoring me the entire day,” He told the elder boy.

Hoseok couldn't help but laugh at what the younger boy had conjured up in his mind. “No he's not. Nobody's ignoring anyone,” he informed Jungkook.

“ Yes, he is. He's not talking to me and whenever I try to speak to him, he walks away from me. Are you telling me that's not being ignored!?” Jungkook unknowingly screamed at his hyung.

“Jungkook I know it seems like that, but-”

“ Stop trying to make me me feel better when Tae feels more like shit than I do!!!” Heseok shrugged as he headed the maknae cuss. “Its my fault his like that,”

Jungkook eyes became teary and he was surprised since he hadn't cried for a long time.

He felt a hand rest upon his shoulder and was surprised at the familiar touch. Jungkook turned around and found the boy he had just been talking about now standing before him.




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