Chapter ten: The Truth

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Taehyung woke up when a drop of water was felt running down his temple and caused a ticklish feeling in the boys pierced ear when the drop found its way in.

He scratched hi ear and sat up causing the wet cloth that was placed on his forehead to fall onto his lap. Because of the sudden action of getting up, a sharp pain was felt in Taehyungs head.

He held his head and moaned as if the pain would go away. He felt his leg was numb and tried moving into a different position, but failed because of a certain someone that had fallen asleep on the boys leg.

It was Jungkook

Taehyung stared at the boy and couldn't help but let a smile make its way to his face despite the fact that his head felt as if it was about to burst.

He couldn't understand why the Maknae was laying the way he was. He was kneeling on the floor with his upper body resting on top of Taehyungs bed.

Taehyung was about to reach out to the younger boy to brush the hairs that curtained his eyes when he heard a sneeze coming from below his bed.

Taehyung looked down to the floor and saw all the members sleeping there with piles of blankets a and pillows surrounding them. Taehyung found Hoseok rubbing his nose, informing him that he was the one that had sneezed.

Hoseok opened his eyes and spotted Taehyung sitting up - looking at the elder boys sleeping beside his bed on the comfy looking floor.

“Taehyungie! You're awake~” the loud, hope filled boy exclaimed waking the other members with a jump.

“why the hell are you screaming you horse?! I'm trying to sleep!” Yoongi complained as he kicked the younger boy playfully.

“Stop kicking and look who's finally awake.”

All the members looked towards Taehyung and yelled out his name while they all pushed each other out the way to hug Taehyung before the other does. Out of the five losers there was only one who managed to get to the sick boy first and person was the Golden Maknae.

Jungkook was practically laying on the targeted boy with his arms wrapped around his neck. The elder members were all disappointed that it wasn't them, but not as much as Seokjin was.

“V hyung, are you okay? Do you need to go to the doctor again? Let's go.” Jungkook still hadn't calmed down from a few days ago. Taehyung had been out for 2 days and he was now awake. Jungkooks questions made Seokjin mad and irritated which led to him yelling.

“Maknae!” he yelled “Stop worrying about Tae. I'm supposed to be the one worrying about him, his mine not yours.”

Jungkook eyes widened at the words which escaped the elders mouth, especially at the last four. The Maknae distanced himself from Taehyung and stopped hugging him.

“What do you mean his yours? ” Jungkook looked at Taehyung and saw him looking at his hands uncomfortably.

“You knew what I meant when I said I liked you, didn't you? Is this why you acted so weirdly when I confessed to you? You were already dating Jin hyung. Why didn't you say anything? Why the fuck was i worrying about in the first place when you already have someone to do that?”

Jungkook ran out of the room and never stopped even though he heard Taehyung calling his name.

“Jungkook! Jung-” Taehyung tried getting out of his bed but stooped when the pain in his head worsened.

“Tae are you o-” Jimin asked but was cut off when Taehyung said something

“Why did you say that?” he mumbled

“What was that TaeTae?” Seokjin questioned the boy that held his head with both hands

“Jin hyung! Why did you lie like that? Since when was I classified as yours? Now Kookie thinks we're dating!” Taehyungs head pounded uncontrollably

“You said you'll give me a chance didn't you? ” The elder reminded Taehyung

“Yes I did say that. I know I did, but that doesn't make us official. We aren't together yet, and I don't think we can.”

Seokjin was unsure as to what to do in this sort of situation, so he just said what was on his mind.

“if that's how it is then be it. I'm done trying to get you to notice me” with those words he exited the room and walked to wherever he could find an unoccupied room.

Taehyung lied back down and buried his entire figure under the sheets of blankets that toped him. The other members assured Taehyung that it'll be okay and left him in search of Jungkook because it'll be easier to confront him than Seokjin. They were really suspicious and wanted to know what was going on.

Tae was confused and hated himself for not realising that Jungkook actually felt the same he did.

“So, you really did like me...”

Hey guys

I know I'm a horrible person for updating so late and with a short chapter
I'm really sorry
But blame it in school and exams

I'm on holiday so YaaAaaasSs

I hope you enjoy it


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