Fuck you (Part 1)

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••••• Secrets •••••

The next day we woke up early and started wiping our prints off of everything, we walked out of the house and he drove me home. I pecked his lips.

"I'll see you later", I say before getting out of the car.

He pulled off as I walked inside of the house, I walked all the way in and saw my mother and father sitting in the living room quietly.

I sighed, because I knew what was coming next, I headed for the stairs but as soon my foot touched the first step my mother called me.

"Diana", She says irritatedly.

I backed up and walked into the living room.

I sighed, "yes?"

"Sit down", My father says pointing to the couch.

I sat. "what is it this time?", I asked annoyed.

"Diana", My mother started.

She continued, "you are selfish, rude, mean, and irresponsible; I'm sick of that shitty attitude and so is everyone else."

I scratched my head and said. "Okay?", Confused my why she thought I would care.

"And..", My father started.

"We have decided that this was the icing on the cake; if you sneak out, stay out all night, steal, talk back, fight, yell or anything and when I say anything down to you rolling your eyes we are gonna take you to Juvenile Detention", He finished.

My mom continued, "We're done with your bullshit and... So that you can know that we are no longer playing your game... If you do any of those things you are out."

I sat shocked, before I could respond my father got up and walked outside before leaving to work and my mother left a few seconds later. They think they can just fuck with me like that?? We'll see about that.

Anger Management Class•

"Then them muthafuckas gone say they gone take me to juvenile detention", I whispered to Eric.

"Bae just try to chill, I know they doing too much."

"I know and it makes me so mad", I say as my leg shooke rapidly.

He held my chin, "baby just calm down; I'll help you take care of it but look I got a question."


"You wanna come with me to my cousin Trish's funeral", He asked.

I was kinda surprised that he felt so comfortable asking me such a thing and I still haven't told him that I killed her... I don't think I will...

"Sure", I answered.

"Okay everyone quiet down", Mrs. B said as she entered the room. She had all black on and it was dark underneath her eyes.

"What's wrong with you Mrs. B", I asked.

She ignored me.

I frowned. "Calm down", Eric says sensing my ander.

I folded my arms, "she could have answered me."

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