Part 1 : It is only the begining

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Mom, Jazmin yelled Can I go to the movies with Naomi on saturday please ? No Mom said '' your're to young .What Im 16 not 12 like april you can't keep treating me like this its not fair . Naomi can you take me to school today    No Naomi said  . Then  I'll walk ,  you and Mom are like twin bit***s . As I got my bag Mom said you're ass better be here befour 5:00  I said yes mother I opened the door and went outside I walked with my 2 besties Tess and Ashlee as we got to school I was walking and someone  ran into me and made my books out of my hand feel I looked up and said watch were you're .... and i lokked at his face it was Justin Beiber standing right there in front of me omg I said my bad he said no sorry it was my fault and I said thanks for picking up my books and I said Im Jazmin , Jamizn White well i got to go see you ..... and befour i could my sentence kim pushed me out the way and I said hey you little slut watch were your going she said who you callin sl**  bit***s I said don't let me go all ghetto on your a**and tess said Jazmin lets gowe have to get to class and then kim said yea go get to class thats were you belong nerd and justin was checking me out and kim said why you lookin at her that way as the class was over I got to lunch and sat down at a table and Justin comes next to me and said hey I said you really shouldn't be over here your girlfriend would get mad at me and you oh great she comes know so I stood up she said jazmin and i said kim and she said babe lets leave this loser table and he said no I rather stay with a lame girl then stay with you're miserable lonely a** she said are you breaking up with me and I said yea I think so and she said ok leave me for that wanna be hoe ok you'll reget it I promise you that watch mark my word you and your slut and i said go suck a *ick and Justin said hey wanna go to my party I said No thanks not  intrested in a party I have other things to do tonight  like what , you don't have to know your not my mom . I got up and went to my math class after that I went to my civics class and when the bell rang I went to my locker and put my books in the locker I closed the locker and justin was standing right behide the locker I said omg ehat do you want know ( acting as if I didn't like him when I really do ) he said if you change you mine to come to my party here's my invite ( he handed me has invite  he said wear a mask and I said ok. School was over so I walked home when I opened the door my mom 's  boyfriend  Bruce he said a honey welcome home when I went in the kitchen he was right behided me he put his hand's on my butt and I said get off and he said ok but later I be waiting I said in your dreams so I got dress for the party and went to party when I arrived at the party justin was there and he asked me to dance and I said sure so a fast song came on and he spinned me and then he lifted me you and I spinned out of his arms and kim dropped some drink on the floor and I slipped and every one started laughing and I looked at justin and he helped me up he said are u ok and I ran outside and he said wait Jazmin wait he followed me outside and said where are you going I took off my mask and said away from you and I said go way if my mom's boyfriend saw us together he would kill both of us he said at least we would die together and I stopped walking and I said you think your really funny is this a prank because I don't belive that Justin Bieber really like me a stupid Ugly girl from Snowville GA   He said no I really like you 

I said please just leave and my mom 's boyfriend said Jazmin why are you with that boy get away from him and then he went to me and slapped me in the face dragged me by my arms inside he threw me on the couch and started hurting me he got on top of me and he said say I love you and I said fu*k you now get off of me you a**wipe and I saw justin out the window watching me and I scream help and he was unbucking his pants and was taking off my shirt I knee him in his di*k and ran into my room I locked the door and he said Jazmin you can ran but you can't hide from me and I got my school bag dumped every thing out of it and took the money I had been hiding for 2 months and took my dairy and packed a change of clothes and I kicked my window open and jumped out of it and Justin caught me and he said omg gosh are you ok you could of killed yourself and I jumped out of his arms and said why can't you mine your own damn bussiness and he said I can't you are my bussiness and I said ok since im your bussiness why didn't you try to help me when he tried to save me and he said I couldn't and I said why not he said I don't know and I said excatly and I said suh because I heard footsteps it was bruce with a gun and I said run run run now we ran to a tunnel and i sat down and started crying and he said what's wrong and I said my life is gone I have nobody to love and he said no body and I yes no body and he said well I love you and he sat next to me and kissed me on the lips and he said I love you and I said I love you too. 

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