-Chapter 1-

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"Takumi I have something to-"

"I'm sorry Misaki but we can't be together anymore, I realise that I can't associate myself with people like you, it will only drag down my plans for the future being with someone like you."


"Goodbye Ayuzawa, Let's not see each other anymore."

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

A hand reached across from their bed and turned off the alarm that went off. Once the alarm was off, a young blonde male, who laid alone on his couch ran his left hand through his messy hair. Why on earth was he thinking about something like that now. He had made up his mind that he would forget about everything that happened in the past.

He got up off the couch and reached for the remote laying on the coffee table before him. He turn on the television to hear yet another boring broadcast about him.

"Business tycoon Takumi Walker has definitely been in the eyes of many young ladies who are trying their best to catch the attention of the young bachelor," Person # 1 said looking towards the camera's.

Person # 2 nodded their head in agreement before they began to speak. "Yes, as some may know, it had seemed that even Miss Umi of Umi cosmetics, had tried her luck with him but was immediately rejected. I was not expecting that hahaha".

Person # 1 laughed along with their co- worker. "I agree, but to me it seems that all hopes may not be lost since at some point in time he will have to settle down with someone to produce an heir to take over the business. The only question is, who will this lucky young lady be?"

"Yes, she will be the envy of every girl but in other news," Person # 2 continued looking down at a sheet in front of them. "It has been known that the new company Gold partners Inc., has been rapidly making it's way up to the top in the business world, very close behind Walker Inc. . No one knows who the Ceo of this company is because they have yet to show their face but rumor has it that there will be a huge gathering where they will finally show themselves. Whatever happens Star News entertainment will keep you posted.

The said blonde male sitting on his couch, also known as Takumi walker, turned off the television. It was true that he hasn't been dating anyone, probably just had a few flings but they were nothing serious. To him, he could've settled down by now if it wasn't for his grandfather. But that wasn't the biggest problem right now, this new company Gold partners was. It had been catching up to Walker Inc. sales and even stealing some of their deals with other companies. His grandfather had set up a meeting between both companies today to see if they could collab in some way.

This was all of course because his grandfather found this company as a threat to him and the Walker company. Takumi remember him saying, 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer', so typical of his grandfather.

Takumi got off the couch to get ready for his meeting with this company Gold partners along with his grandfather and 'brother' Gerald. He walked back moments later with a dark blue suit on with a white shirt on the inside. One could really tell why he was such a hot topic among many ladies. He was a very handsome fit man, with broad shoulders and of course it wasn't hard to tell that he had the perfect abs. He had his blonde hair gelled back, so it showed off his english- japanese looks and rare emerald eyes.

Takumi grabbed his car keys and headed out of his penthouse apartment to go meet his grandfather and Gerald first. As he went down the elevator, he decided to go straight to the parking lot himself, rather than getting valet service because he knew that reporters would be in the lobby waiting for him. Once he had arrived in the parking lot, he signalled for his white Lamborghini gallardo and walked over to it, opening the door and then settled himself on the inside.

The engine roared as it came to life. Takumi stepped lightly on the gas pedal and drove the car from it's parking spot and out of the the parking lot. It takes approximately thirty minutes to get from his penthouse to Walker Inc. but not wanting to meet with his grandfather so early he got there forty-five minutes later.

He parked his car in his usual spot and walked around to the front of the building. As in walked inside, he was greeted by the staff and other businessmen there. If only they knew how much he didn't wanted to be there. Takumi headed straight to his office where he knew they would be waiting for him.

He got into an elevator, thinking about another day inside the Walker company. The elevator stopped at his floor and he walked out then headed right for his office. As soon as he opened his office door he saw his grandfather and Gerald sitting on one of his couches.

"You're late." His grandfather said gritting his teeth.

"There was a lot of traffi-"

"Ridiculous, I don't even have time to argue with you since we would be late for our meeting. I have a limo awaiting us, let's go." His grandfather ordered, standing and walking out the office not saying another word.

"Why do you keep making him mad." His brother Gerald asked.

"Why should you care." Takumi answered then walked away not wanting to hear anything else from his older brother. Why should he care for him now after all these years.

Gerald sighed and followed after his brother and grandfather.

In the limo....

"I'm guessing you saw the news this morning, I expect you to find someone who can become your wife and produce the next heir soon." His grandfather stated glaring at Takumi.

Takumi didn't answer him which upset his grandfather but he didn't continue the conversation any longer since he knew he would get Takumi to comply with his wishes.

"We're here." The driver announced.

Takumi lowered down his window and looked out at the company before him. Even though he hated his grandfather, he still carried out his job as the CEO to the fullest since he respects the staff at Walker Inc.. Hopefully they would be able to collab with Gold partners so the company wouldn't be in chaos trying to compete with another company.

He got out the limo followed by his brother and grandfather. They were guided by a staff member of Gold partners, who led them to a waiting room until the Ceo was ready.

"I wonder who this person is?" Gerald question looking around the room.

"I don't care who they are but I want them to know that if they think they can steal our sales and we'll sit tight and let that happen then they've got another thing coming." Their grandfather said and Takumi remained emotionless.

Two minutes later, the staff member came back and apologised for the delay. She lead them to the meeting room and opened the door for them. As all three of them entered, they saw someone backing them at the end of the table. The staff member announced them and left.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Ceo of Gold partners." Their grandfather Richard said with a fake smile on his face.

The chair slowly turned around and all three of the people standing in the room looked surprised.

"It's nice to meet all of you again too."

Takumi was completely shocked to see someone he never thought he see in his life again. ' Misaki, why are you......' He thought staring at her.

"Have a seat gentlemen." Misaki said smiling.

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