-chapter 11-

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Misaki rested her head on her pillow as she laid down unto her bed. Kou had taken her out the office after her little break down. He had took her home and promised to stay downstairs until she had fallen asleep. This type of thing wasn't irregular for them. It always happened every year for the past three years on this day. The day she lost her baby.

The memory of what happened that day still lingered in her mind taunting her. It made her blame herself for not being able to protect him or her. She always wondered what type of mother she would have been. What would they have looked like? These were things that couldn't be answered. She would never get the chance to hold them or see them take their first step.

All she wanted back then was that baby. She gave up Takumi but at least if she had that one reminder, she would have been okay. Why couldn't she have saved them? Why wasn't she strong enough? These things pained her heart to think about.

Around the time she lost the baby her sister Suzuna was already out of the country to continue her studies on scholarship and Minako was in the hospital. She didn't want to be a burden to the maid latte crew so she never once went to them. She suffered that pain alone until she met Kou and Ichigo. She didn't know how she would handle it without them.

And lastly, Takumi. What would he say?

"So, what about Misa chan, will you love our children forever and ever?"

"Of course you baka! I don't even know why we're talking about this. I'll make sure to protect them and love them. What about you?"

"I'll stick by your side forever and protect our lovely family. Say, shall we work on it now?"


Misaki closes her eyes wanted to get rid of the memories from the past. There were two promises that were never kept. Takumi didn't stay by her side and she never protected their child. She pulls her hand to her face to wipe away the tears that had began to fall. The day would soon be over and maybe, just maybe the pain in her chest would subdue.


The next day, Misaki woke up to the sight of her still in her clothes from the day before. She stretches her aching body and sits up on the side of the bed. Misaki begins to rub away the sleep from her eyes and could hear pans and pots being used downstairs.


She removes herself from the bed ready to go downstairs but stops in her tracks when she remembered she still needed to freshen up. She decides to head to the shower first and then go down.

Misaki grabs her toothbrush, towel and her hair brush and heads into her private bathroom. Taking a shower was the best thing to help her recover from everything that happened the day before.

She turns off the shower, brushes her hair and teeth, changes her clothes and then heads down to find the source of the noise. When she came down to the kitchen she found Ichigo trying to make breakfast. He was really trying very hard to make a lot of different things at once.

"Woah, woah, woah! Came down Ichigo," Misaki chuckles walking up to him. She notices that he had no idea she was there but the way he jump surprised.

"OH! Misaki, you're awake," Ichigo beamed like a lost puppy that found his master again. "I made you eggs, pancakes, hotdogs, I sliced up fruit, made-"

"There better be food left in my fridge," Misaki says in a deadly voice that scared Ichigo for a moment or two. " I'm kidding birthday boy," She teased poking him playfully.

"Geez! Why don't you get a man and joke around with him. Get rid of that cobweb," Ichigo joked. It was now his turn to have some fun. "You haven't gotten any in years-"

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