- Chapter 19-

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-Takumi's apartment-

Takumi is in his apartment looking over some files for work when his cellphone rings. He puts down the files and looks at the caller ID. Its his investigator. Takumi picks it up and answers his phone.

"Hello?" He says wanting to hear what information has been found.

"Sir," His investigator greets him.

"What have you found?" Takumi asks. He can wait no longer.

"I couldn't get much but I found some people who had some info. I had to pay them to spill it."

"What is it?"

"Apparently she had a baby five years ago," The investigator tells him.

"What?" Takumi yells in shock. A baby? "I haven't seen her with a child."

"That's the thing. She lost it but I don't know how."

"What....What did you just say?"

It's obvious to him that child would be his baby too. Did his family know? What the hell is going on? Why didn't she tell him? Why didn't he know five years ago?

"She lost our baby?"

Takumi's world just came crashing down.

Why didn't he ever know about their baby? Takumi somehow makes his way to a chair and sits down. His head is overflowing with many questions but no answers. This is all too sudden.

How did she lose their baby? Why didn't she tell him when she saw him again? Did she know about it when they were dating? How could she keep something like that from him? Did his family know about this? Is this what they keep talking about? Is this why they broke them up?

He holds his head because of a headache. Takumi won't get any answers just sitting here. He takes back up his phone and calls Misaki. After the third ring she picks up.

"Hello?" She answers then waits for his reply. Takumi doesn't answer at the sound of her voice. "Takumi? Are you there?"

"Y-Yes," He says but his voice cracks up a little.

"What did you call for?" Misaki questions on the other end.

"Can we meet tomorrow?" Takumi asks. He really wants to ask her right now but this conversation should be done face to face.

"Sure," She agrees.

"I'll text you the details."

"Ok Goodbye."

"Goodbye," He hangs up his cellphone to send her a text about where to meet him but he also sends someone the same text.

Tomorrow he will know everything. Takumi won't be able to sleep until he knows.

-The next day-

Misaki enters the restaurant Takumi invited her to. A waiter takes her up to a private room and opens the door for her. Misaki sees Takumi in the room alone but he isn't looking at her as she takes her seat. The waiter leaves them alone.

"So uhmm.." Misaki trails off not knowing what to say. "How are you?"

"Good. Listen-"

The sound of the door opening again stops him. Misaki watches as Patricia walks in. What is she doing her? Patricia stops when she sees Misaki. What is going on?

Patricia takes a seat beside Takumi.

"I thought the two of us were just having lunch," Patricia asks him. It's all too sudden.

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