-Chapter 8-

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She smiled and was about to open up the food box when the door of the hospital room slid open to reveal Kou.

"Walker Inc destroyed all of Gold partners products when they were being shipped to consumers!" He exclaimed frantic.

"What?" Misaki replied.

"I just got a call from the shippers, someone just came in and destroyed everything and my inside information tells me it was Walker Inc," He explained trying not to leave out any details.

"Was anyone from the shipping company hurt," She asked motioning for him to follow her out the room so they won't interrupt her mother's sleep.

"No but that's not the point-"

"Our main focus is to make sure our employees are okay, don't forget they help make Gold partners the company that it is," She reminded him of her motto. She believed that no one in this business life wouldn't be successful without their employees.

"Sorry, I forgot."

"It's fine, now I want you to arrange a meeting with the shipping company workers for me to give them my sincere apology, next prepare a car to take me to Walker Inc," She said giving him a list of duties. "By the way, do you have evidence that Walker Inc did it?"


"Good, let's go."


Misaki and Kou sat in the car which was heading towards Walker Inc. Kou was amazed by how calm Misaki was with all of this. Was she angry or was there something else? Wasn't she suppose to be out with Takumi today? Maybe he was a distraction to destroy our products when she was busy. If that's so, he's going to pay.

The car pulled up to the front gate door of Walker Inc and the employee's were already alarming Gerald, Richard and Takumi, who had shown up to discuss Minako's condition.

They all rushed down to the lobby where Misaki was stopped by a security guard.

"Why can't I come in your building Richard, I'm also another business owner," Misaki asked when she saw them arrived. She looked around the crowd and saw Takumi standing there. They completely used him didn't they?

"You have no more business here, so why should they let you in," Richard yelled stomping his cane on the ground. Any employee who was in the lobby, scattered off so they wouldn't be fired.

"I know you destroyed my products."

"What?" Gerald scoffed.

"Don't play dumb with me, it's pretty clear you did it," She answered as a matter of fact.

"So what if it could be us, what would you do?" Richard asks making her know he saw her as no threat.

"Well the thing is....I was actually expecting you to do that hahah..." Misaki began to chuckle all of a sudden.

"WHAT?" Gerald exclaimed. She was expecting them to do that. What were they. A pawn in her game.

"Is what the only word you can say Gerald, this isn't fun at all Richard. If I knew it would be this easy to break Walker Inc apart, I would've done it a long time ago," Misaki smirks enjoying their face expressions. "But don't worry we can come to an agreement to solve this issue or...."

"Or?" Gerald continued.

"Gold partners will be sueing Walker Inc and of course don't doubt my evidence."

"Leave my property....LEAVE HERE NOW," Richard yelled furious.

"Fine but we'll be seeing each other soon, if we can't come about an agreement I'll be seeing you in court," She warns leaving them to take in every word she said.

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