Chapter 12-Mistake

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"Wow, so you finally asked her, and you're going on a date tonight? Amazing!" Ashton asked with a shocked expression as we met up with him in the hallway on the way to class on the Thursday. The hallway was buzzing with people as they moved from class to class. We hadn't exactly mentioned to Ashton all week, so this was the first he'd heard about it.

Calum nodded nervously, "Well she asked me first, but yeah we are."

Michael grinned as he wrapped his arm around me, "We should really give some credit to Luke over here. Without him the whole thing would've been a mess. Cal totally froze up when she asked him."

"Nice one, Luke." Ashton grinned.

Calum shot Michael a glare. All of us knew there was a lot more to why Calum had frozen up. It wasn't as if he hadn't wanted to go out with Georgia. More that he feared what could go wrong if he did.

I nodded quietly, slightly startled by all the praise. All I had really done was listen to Calum. I guess I was good at that then?

"So, just where are you two lovebirds off to anyway?" Michael asked with a sly grin in Calum's direction.

Calum didn't respond for a moment, he fiddled with his bag strap instead not making eye contact. The three of us frowned. They did know where they were going right?

"You're still working that out, huh? How about the movies or taking her out for a super fancy meal?" Michael suggested.

Calum shook his head, "Well we were thinking of getting Pizza, and I happened to mention something about the lake in the forest. So, if the weathers alright tonight we're thinking of ordering some and taking it there."

The three of us exchanged nervous glances. An awful feeling rose in my stomach. He couldn't be serious, he didn't want to go out in the forest for a date, did he? Out of everyone I wouldn't have thought he would be so careless. The four of us had so many discussions about being careful out there until we were certain that the Shadow Wolf was long gone. I would've thought going out on a date would've come under that but obviously it didn't.

"Is that a good idea with the Shadow Wolf around?" Ashton speaks, before Michael or I could ask him about that.

Calum shrugs, "I know, but we'll be fine. After what happened at the dance I'm pretty sure it's afraid of me. Besides, it's you three I'm more worried about."

I frowned, thinking of what had happened to me only on Monday afternoon. I couldn't understand how Calum could be so flippant about the whole thing. I'd nearly died, yet he didn't seem concerned by it at all.

Sure, that night at the dance Calum had stared it down it had fled like a lost puppy. However, I remembered what Alex had said about the crystal she'd used to help me escape. If the Shadow Wolf was expecting it, it wouldn't react. Besides should the Shadow Wolf appear it wasn't like he could shift anyway. It would just be like history repeating itself, I could only think of the scene I'd been shown of how Sophie had found out.

Ashton nudged at Michael and mouthed, 'Do something.'

Michael sighed, though he shot Calum an uncertain look, "Well I guess you might have a point then. If you think it's not going to come, then it probably won't."

Ashton stared at Michael. I was shocked as well, why wasn't Michael doing anything about this. I opened my mouth ready to say something when Michael shook his head at me.

'Let him go.' He said.

From there we walked in silence until we pulled up to a stop as we reached the football oval. I could see our PE class gathering in their uniforms on the edge of the football pitch. My stomach sunk, as I knew I would have to miss out on it yet again. I was starting to miss the class as it had always been one of my better subjects at school. I sighed and instantly looked over at Michael.

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