Chapter 24-Howl

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I couldn't believe it, I let out a small gasp as I blinked a few times unsure if my eyes were deceiving me. This had to be a trick; a vision concocted by the Shadow Wolf's lethal poison. Calum wasn't really, here was he?

I studied him for a moment, his hair was a little bit longer and curlier, but it was him. It had to be. His hands were clenched as he studied the creature.

It was then that Calum's form seemed to crumple for a moment as he gave a small cough. Fear struck my chest, as I realised that the Shadow Wolf's poison was affecting him too. He shook his head and leapt forward and shifted into a wolf. His form was powerful as he slid right underneath the Shadow Wolf's underbelly. He raised his paw digging his claws into the wolf's tail as he passed. The Shadow Wolf let out a roar, flailing its arms around in confusion. Ashton and I both jumped in unison narrowly avoiding one of them.

A moment later, Calum came flying past us, without a single glance in Ashton or I's direction. He stood in front of the large wolf and howled again as if in warning. The larger wolf let out a loud snarl in return as it raised its paw at him.

Calum didn't blink though, he charged at it again this time digging his claws into the wolf's paws, it let out a yelp. Calum spun backwards landing on his paws. The moment his paws hit the ground, he was off again. He began to circle him, I caught sight of him on the other side moving in a blur of motion. The Shadow Wolf continued to yelp and howl as it tried to stop him, Calum seemed slightly faster as the larger wolf's paws narrowly missed him.

I sucked in a deep breath, as I felt the air return to my lungs. I weakly found my feet, the world spinning as I did so. I looked around us for a path of escape. There were gaps between the parked cars, but there wasn't really a lot of options. I was quickly reminded of another problem. We were much too close to other people to not cause much danger to them if we entered a more populated area.

Calum came to a stop a few meters from me, he seemed to look between Ashton and me. Then back up at the Shadow Wolf. He bounded off again, as the Shadow Wolf continued to howl and yelp.

'Can you guys do something for me?' I hear Calum's voice a moment later, 'When I say so, we all need to howl.'

I blinked for a moment, the dizziness in my head mixing with Calum's words. I was slightly stunned at hearing his voice in my head again, it had been so long now. I wasn't sure what the howling would do, but Calum was our best bet of making it out of this alive right now. I let out a quick yelp in response, I heard it echoed through the street.

'Alright, now.' Calum commanded.

I tilted my head towards the sky, letting out the largest and longest howl I could manage and I felt my lungs burn in my chest. I heard my howl echoed by Ashton, and what I assumed and hoped was Michael.

With each howl the Shadow Wolf let out a short sharp howl of its own. If I didn't know any better, I would even say that they were cries of pain. Calum came past, and as he reached me I watched as he dug his paw into the wolfs shadowy flesh once more. He came to a stop a few meters from me. He tilted his head adding to our howls. In a last burst I let out another as my vision began to waver again and my legs were wobbling underneath my weight.

It was only then that I noticed that the Shadow Wolf seemed to shrink, it slowly sized down to a regular sized black werewolf losing its shadow like constancy, it let out a howl before scampering away. Somehow, we had made it shift down to its normal wolf form, I just wished we'd been able to see them in human form, so we might have had a chance at seeing who it was. It did at least prove that the Shadow Wolf had multiple forms.

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