Chapter 21-Adventure Is Out There

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It was around lunchtime by the time we made it to King's Bay. Traveling up the highway was a lot quicker it seemed when you weren't on the run from hunters and having to take back roads and long cuts to get there.

"So, this is where Calum has been hanging out?" Michael questioned, his nose pressed against the glass as we were greeted by a welcome sign with a cartoon like king on the road leading in. I remembered whilst I'd been living here a few of the kids had defaced it, by graffitiing it with extra features like glasses and buck teeth. There'd been a huge town uproar about it. Today, there was no sign of it.

As we'd made it into the actual town, around us were the tall buildings that I remembered from the few months that I'd lived here. It was odd. It felt so strange to be back here. I saw the milkshake shop I'd visited regularly and the street I'd lived on for those few months. This place didn't hold a lot of memories, but it held enough.

I'd only had a few friends here, as my brother had just moved out and the only person near my age around was a girl named Holly who was living in the same apartment at the time. I wondered if we went back there, whether she still lived there? She was the kind of friend that you talked to initially because your parents wanted you to pass the time with them. Unlike me, she'd gone to the local school, but she didn't exactly talk much of it. My parents had home-schooled me for the month or two on either side of the summer, so I hadn't had a chance to go there or make many friends for that matter.

Part of my stomach sunk as I thought about the destruction my parents must have left behind here as well. I closed my eyes as my thoughts tried to lead onto my latest discovery. Michael noticing my reaction, shot me a half-hearted smile. He was the only other person who could possibly understand my feelings right now and all the confusion and fear that came with it.

After driving around for a while, Michael eventually tells Ashton to find us a parking spot and he does, right near the large park in the centre of town.

The three of us leave the car, and I glance around us. From memory this place was massive, but surely there would be a way to find him.

"Mikey can you sense anything here?" I ask him.

Michael frowns, "No I can't, but I could really use something to eat."

I stare at Michael, he had to be kidding me. Beside me, Ashton laughs, "And you pick on us when we get hungry like this."

Michael bites his lip looking guilty for a moment, but it clearly fades forming into a grin as his eyes fall on me, "Alright, Luke. You lived here, where will we find a good place to eat?"

I frowned as I tried to think of some of the good places that I used to go to during my time here. I hated being the travel guide but lead the way anyway. The sooner we had lunch the more time we had to find Calum before night fell. I just hoped we weren't already too late.


"Alright, so now we've eaten. Can you sense anything?" Ashton asked, once we were finished eating.

Michael took a deep breath, "I can sense something, but I'm not too sure if it's Calum or not. I guess we'll just keep walking around and hopefully I might find him."

Ashton and I exchanged glances but decided to follow along with Michael anyway. The only way either of us could find him now was scent and for that we would have to find somewhere he'd been, so Michael was still our best bet.

We worked our way through rows of shops, none of them carrying any scent or sign of him. Michael frowned, his brow furrowed in concentration at every stop.

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