Chapter 7-Dance Alone to the Beat Of Your Heart

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I frowned as I took in the scene before us. The first thing I noticed was the young boy dressed in all black. I think it was a tux, but it was hard to tell. He looked like he was only about thirteen, I quickly assumed that he must've been Kaylee's brother. We were in the right place.

However, his eyes were directed upwards as his body trembled slightly. I followed them to see the massive black shadowy hulk of a creature standing over him. It had piercing yellow eyes that were glaring down at him, the sharp glint of white teeth was evident beneath the shadows. It looked to me like a giant wolf. Another werewolf? No way it was far too large, and it didn't seem to have substance making it look almost ghost like in form.

The boy was suddenly kneeling grabbing at their throat as he seemingly gasped for air. There was a glimmer of red in the wolf like creature's eyes as it raised what I assumed to be its paws high in the air.

It was as though I'd frozen solid, my only visible reaction the small gasp that escaped my throat. We were too late. Time was up.

"Alright so this was not what I was expecting." Michael frowned, the alarm evident in his tone. "And worst of all its attacking a human too."

"What the heck do we do?" I asked.

The boy continued to struggle as the wolf's paws hovered above him menacingly. I wanted to help, but I had no idea how. How did you stop something like this? Sure, I could shift into a wolf, but I wasn't sure that would help.

Ashton just shook his head, he didn't seem to have words for it. Michael frowned as he watched. "Umm, maybe we could shift?" He wondered aloud, "Like no one's watching us, besides we're a lot faster that way."

Ashton nodded. I wasn't so sure but agreed anyway. I trusted that both Michael and Ashton knew what they were doing. They'd both been at this longer than I had.

"Alright." I frowned, already noticing that both Michael and Ashton's irises were shimmering with golden.

I knew what I had to do now. I took a deep breath focusing my thoughts on shifting into a wolf. I felt my skin prickle with electricity as I arched forward. When I felt my paws the ground, I turned back to both Ashton and Michael who had shifted as well. Michael's eyes narrowed as he looked over the scene once more.

'Here's the plan. I think the three of us can start by distracting it to start off with. If we just dash past it in different directions, that should hopefully buy us enough of an opportunity that we can get the boy out of here?' Michael suggested, 'What do you both think?'

Ashton and I both nod. It sounded like the best idea to me, we didn't quite know what we were up against. I had a feeling after Sam that the risks of failure were quite high. Best to start simple. Besides, I knew I could run.

'Follow my lead okay, then we split off.' Michael suggested.

Ashton and I had barely agreed when Michael took off. I gave a quick nod at Ashton and the two of us raced behind him. Straight away I could feel the anticipation in my bones at the chance to run. We hadn't been out as much lately, so I'd silently been missing it. I just wish my chance had been in a less dangerous place.

At Michael's signal the three of us split off. I headed right, while Ashton headed left. I turned back expecting to see Michael split off with one of us, but he was headed directly for it. I frowned, keeping him in my peripheral vision expecting him to turn but noticing that he continued to race towards it.

'Mikey, don't!' I yelled as he raised his paw slicing it into the creature's shadowy skin on its right leg as he passed it. I was too late though, the wolf let out a loud howl as it began to thrash its paws wildly in the air. I narrowly slipped under one of them as it moved about, it was so much bigger than us. One paw was probably about the size of my whole form as a wolf.

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