Chapter 29-Forget What You Saw

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As the car flew along the stretch of highway, I couldn't help but keep looking over at Michael. The coppery scent of blood was growing stronger the further we drove. The smell so strong that I was surprised that neither Ashton or Calum had said anything.

Each time I looked over Michael would shoot me a glare and I'd return to looking out the window. Which wasn't much better, thick dark storm clouds were building over to one of side of the road. Slowly surrounding us. Soon thick splatters of rain began to tumble down the car windows. I hear the cars wipers switch to full speed just as Ashton turns off the highway.

We wind along a roadway for some time and we become surrounded by thick foliage and bushy green trees. The road becomes more treacherous, as we bump and thump our way along through the pot holes and uneven gravel. I find myself grabbing for the grab bar on the ceiling, pushing down the sickening feeling in my throat.

"You sure this is the way, Mikey?" Calum turns back to us with a concerned expression.

Michael nods, "Yeah, forgot to warn you. Sorry."

I guess we were going the right way after all. Though Michael couldn't have been out for years, it was amazing that no one had re-tarred this road in such a long amount of time. I wasn't sure whether it had more to do with the weather or the road itself, but it was a mess.

I settled back down into my seat, one hand still tightly gripping onto the grab bar with pale white knuckles. I tried to embrace the jolt of the car, but honestly, I just hoped that we'd make it there soon. I focused my eyes back outside the window instead.

That was when I saw a dark shape, obviously out of place from the shrubbery around it. It seemed to move quickly towards the car and the road. I let out a gasp, my breath catching as I tried to yell out.

"Ash look out!" Calum yelled, his eyes were wide as his hands hovered towards the steering wheel as if he was about to grab it from him.

Ashton let out a sharp gasp, his hands moving wildly as the car began to bounce and slide vigorously across the road. The green trees whirred around us as the car spun in a full rotation. The four of us let out screams and yells as the car jerked to one side before coming to a stop.

There was a collective silence from the four of us.

I stared at the seat in front of me, stunned. What had that been?

Surely it was just an animal. Yet, why would it run directly in front of us like that? I looked around the car, pressing my hand up to the rain splattered window and look out into the misty fog. Everything was as it had been, the forest was empty and silent. Whatever had jumped in front of the car was long gone.

"What the heck was that?" Michael yelled.

No one replied to him for a moment, Ashton was still trembling and pale, his hands shaking on the steering wheel with his eyes directly in front of him. Calum looked genuinely stunned as he seemed to shake his head in disbelief.

After a few more moment of silence, the four of us stumbled out of the car into the pouring rain. Michael winced quietly as he landed beside me. I exchanged a glance with him once more, but he shrugged me off looking in the other direction.

We looked around the car's surface and I noted that there were no visible signs of damage to the car itself. My eyes led to the forest next, as I'd observed earlier it seemed whatever had jumped in front of the car was long gone.

Calum sniffed the air, as he walked across the roadway. He scowled as he stopped on the other side of the road.

He frowned, "The scent starts and ends here, I can't identify what it was either."

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