Chapter 15-Tell Me How

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'Didn't we already go this way?' I questioned, as I slowed to a stop. My eyes had just fallen on a boulder I'm sure we'd passed at least three times today. I sniffed the scent, it smelt like we'd just been here too.

'Yeah, besides can we go get some lunch already. I'm starving?' Ashton asks, as he slows to a stop beside me. A few moments later I hear the distinct sound of a tummy grumble. Ashton lowers his head slightly.

The wolf in front of us slows and tilts his head back at us, as he gives us a look that seems to be the wolf equivalent of 'you've got to be kidding me.'

'Guys, focus.' Michael snaps a few seconds later.

'Come on. We've been out here for at least four hours Mikey.' I groan, 'I feel like we're no closer to finding him than we were last night. We haven't even made it out of the town.'

Ashton nods, 'I know you're running on a trickle of a bond, but just admit it Mikey we're not getting anywhere.'

'Okay. Okay.' Michael groans, 'I'm trying. Neither of you realise how hard this is. Every time I think I've got a hold of his general direction it slides away from me like quicksand. It's like he knows we're trying to find him.'

I instantly feel a trickle of guilt wash over me. Right now, Michael was the only chance of working out where Calum had run off to. It was frustrating enough not being able to sense him at all, I couldn't imagine what it must be like to sense him and then not.

'We know, Mikey. We want to find him too.' Ashton nods. His stomach rumbles again. 'But right now, some of us really need to eat...'

I'd been so focused on keeping up with them that I hadn't thought about how hungry I was. My stomach grumbles slightly at the thought. I nod in agreement.

Michael lets out a frustrated sigh but nods, 'Fine, let's go get hamburgers or something. Then it's straight back out here. Okay?'


We turn around in the other direction and head back towards town. As we run back, my thoughts quickly turn to food. I had no idea how hungry I was. I guess we left Ashton's place so early this morning that I hadn't eaten much.

Once we get closer, the three of us shift back and walk the rest of the way to the nearest Hamburger shop on the edge of town. It was retro themed with checkerboard flooring and an old jukebox on one side of the room. It had modern music thankfully. It was usually rather crowded and sometimes on weekends a hard place to get a spot.

It was quiet today. I guess because most people who came here were at work or school. Where we usually were.

I looked along the walls of numerous photos of people with large stacked hamburgers, and beside them a picture of the same person or people with an empty plate. They have one of those competitions to see who can eat their largest hamburger, the walls are lined with dozens of people who have conquered it. Michael usually jokes that one of us should have a go one day, Calum will usually laugh and remind him that we'll do it one day.

Will that day ever come now?

I take a deep breath, I was missing him already. Last night had made everything worse. Being in that situation at Ashton's house had terrified me. There hadn't been any sign of a werewolf or shadow wolf coming back since, but that didn't mean that they eventually wouldn't. Just to be sure, the three of us had walked Lauren and Harry to school and would be going to pick them up when they finished in the afternoon. Lauren had rolled her eyes at the idea, but Harry had nodded and stayed close to us right to the gate. It had been obvious that whatever he'd seen in his window had spooked him.

Michael orders, and we take our usual spot in a booth with a view of the kitchen door. As we sit, I can't help but notice the empty space. If it bothers Michael or Ashton they don't say anything. I guess it had been the three of them before I came along so they might not even notice.

Something catches my eye over at one of the other table, and I freeze. Michael gives me a puzzled expression and I quickly duck my head pretending to read the menu although we've already ordered.

It takes me a moment to calm my thoughts, before I dare look over there again. Hopefully she won't see us.

"Maybe we should pick somewhere else to eat." I frowned.

"Why? We already ordered" Michael questioned, then his gaze followed mine, "Oh, right...."

Georgia is sitting at a table on the other side of the room. I can barely look over, knowing that she knows about us now. I guess she wasn't in school either, as she's dressed in a black dress with a pink flowered hem not her uniform. In front of her is a large chocolate milkshake and a barely eaten burger as she flips through a book.

"We can just stay here. If she wants to talk to us she will." Ashton nods, realising who we're talking about.

Michael and I exchanged glances.

"What's the worst she can say?" Ashton shrugged, "I mean clearly she hasn't told anyone. The worst she could've told is Kaylee and considering she already knows that's not a problem."

"True." Michael and I frown.

I suddenly hear a clamour of plates, and turn to look up. I notice them that Georgia is staring right over at us, a fearful look in her eyes. One of the staff quickly races over making sure she's alright. She nods, quickly waving the woman away as she collects her plate of fries from the floor. She was lucky they'd landed right way up, so only a few were lost to the floor.

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