Chapter 35-Faded

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My heart thumped in my chest as my eyes locked with that of the blue eyed curly blonde-haired girl standing at the top of the staircase. She lifted her hood and smiled at us. This afternoon suddenly made sense, why a hunter had been hanging around a space like this. Mikayla was involved. Though where had all the hunters come from surely, we would've sensed them earlier?

"Was this what you meant? Just living here, huh?" Calum questioned, with a smirk, "I didn't realise that this was what this camp was for?"

"So, I lied, what does it matter?" Mikayla shrugged as she crossed the room towards us, "Besides you boys lied too. So much for just passing through?" Her eyes fell on Michael at that last part.

"So, you think imprisoning our families and friends is fun? My little brother?" Ashton growled, his eyes glowing golden, "They have nothing to do with any of this? Why stoop so low as that?"

The Hunter closest to him moved closer, drawing their arrow tighter. I held my breath worried they were going to shoot. Not here, not with his little brother watching. Ashton seemed to realise this his irises quickly losing their glow.

She grinned, seeming amused by Ashton's words and actions. "Well we can resolve all this peacefully."

I raised a suspicious eyebrow; Mikayla's words were bothering me. She kept dodging.

"Peacefully?" Michael laughed, "Maybe tell that to your friends over here." His eyes fell on the knife wielding hunter behind him.

The hunters' eyebrows narrowed at this, as he pulled back on the knife and swung it down towards Michael's chest. My throat caught, as I tried to yell out.

"Wait, we still need him!" Mikayla yelled her voice cracking through the air, the panic evident on her face.

The hunter froze, immediately lowering his weapon. Michael smirked, and the two seemed to consider one another for a moment. Then there was a blur of motion as Michael raised his arm tackling the knife out of the hunters' hands. The hunter seemed genuinely startled by the action.

Michael seemed to notice this, kneeing the hunter in the groin as they tried to grab the knife back from him. The hunter yelped, falling to their knees as they winced in pain. He pointed the knife at his chest. The other hunters let out gasps turning their weapons to him.

Ashton pulled his brother close, turning him away from them. I couldn't help but stare, what was Michael thinking? We needed a better plan, there was far too many of them for us to fight our way out of here.

"You guys don't want me dead right?" Michael said with a smug expression, "So there's no reason to hold back. Who's next, huh?"

A few of the hunters exchanged nervous glances but many remained stoic faced. I couldn't help but wonder what their play was here? Why had Mikayla said that?

"You sure about that kid? Doesn't mean we can't hurt one of your friends." A hunter standing just in front, grinned back at him as he held a sword much like Michael's towards him. He was about our age perhaps a bit older, I wondered whether Michael even knew him. Though there was no familiarity in either's eyes.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the hunter behind me pull his bow tighter. I gulped, one slip and I was a goner. They weren't bluffing.

Michael paled at those words, as he narrowed his eyebrows. "You wouldn't dare." He growled.

"Oh, I would, mutt." The hunter challenged him with a grin, as he stepped closer pressing the sword closer towards Michael's chest. Michael pointed the hunters knife he'd stole back towards him.

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