Chapter One

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It's Friday night and all you've done is stay home and eat? Seems right I thought to myself. But let's be real here, there really isn't anything better to do but youtube, Netflix and tumblr.

I continued to lie in bed and carry on scrolling through out the internet while *insert Netflix show* plays in the background. I jumped a little when my phone vibrated, meaning a text message.

*Eva 👑 sent a message to Group chat [8:26PM]*
Late Night Pokemon Hunting?

I picked up my phone to observe the girls typing their replies while grabbing the Doritos from my nightstand. I came back to another text.

*Leo 🍑 sent a message to Group chat [8:27PM]*
Leicester square in 30? 😅

*Fleur 🙆🏾 sent a message to Group chat [8:29PM]*
Aight, see you guys!!

*Y/N to Group chat [8:30PM]*
My place after? I'll tell Sav 😏😂

*Eva 👑 sent a message to Group chat [8:30PM]*
Okie! Now get your ass ready and down here!

I pulled the covers up and shifted out of bed, closing my laptop and putting away the bag of Doritos. I went into my roomates room to tell her we were leaving.

I walked back to my closet, changing into ripped jeans, a cropped vest top and a bomber jacket. I went into the bathroom to grab my makeup bag to do in my room.

After a few minutes, I grabbed my phone and portable battery putting it in my backpack while heading out the door. 

"SAV LETS GO!" I shouted knocking on her bedroom door whilst walking into the living room. I grabbed my black nikes, slipping them on. Waiting for my slow ass roommate, I rummaged around the fridge and ended up eating a sandwich I bought from Costa earlier today. 

"Okayyy lets goo Y/N!" Sav exclaimed as she closed her door. 

We decided to walk to leicester square, as our apartment was a few minute away. The streets were filled with groups of dressed up women and businessmen smoking, the usual. Sav and I talked about random shit while starting a bit early on our pokemon hunting session. 

Once we got to Leicester Square, Sav decided she was hungry. Soon enough we were waiting inside Burger King for the rest of the girls. After a couple of minutes, I turned my head towards the door when I heard it open and the sound of a few familiar giggles and laughs were being made. Coming through the door were the rest of the girls, Leo, Eva and Fleur. Leo and I went to go order for everyone, when I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. 

*Dad 😅 sent you a message [9:04PM]*
Hey Y/N, Can you contact your older sister? She hasn't been returning our calls. Love you!

Rolling my eyes at this message I sent him a thumbs up and headed towards the girls. "Hey I just gotta call my sister I'll catch up with you guys later." I told them. I started heading for the door and dialling her number.

It took a few calls and a 3 minute walk until

"Hellooo?" My sister answered

" Heyy Loser, dad wants me to see if you're alright." I chuckled. 

She carried on talking about her uni up north while I carried on walking around the square. After about five minutes she hung up. Once the call ended my screen lit up to the Pokemon app. As that was happening, I kept the app on as  I was walking back to the square. My phone vibrated and I looked down to "HOLY SHIT A GYRADOS?!!!??!" I screamed in shock, startling all the people around me. I kept walking and attempting to catch this creature that would not take in my ballsss. In the corner of my eye, I could see there were a couple of guys playing too, although I wasnt so keen on that. Eventually I caught it, quietly celebrating as I may say myself.  

I turned around to go back to the square when suddenly I crashed into something and fell.

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