Lucky Clover

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Nate never did believe in lucky clovers, especially because he's had enough experiences with clovers in the past. His mother loved to trick him with promises of luck if he found a four leaf clover, but that day never came and his life carried on without interruption. So watching the theorist roll around on a grassy hill teeming with clovers wasn't exactly the most interesting thing in the world, but he did find joy in seeing him smile. Nate wondered if Matt ever worried about anything when he was allowed freedom from his theories, was there ever anything as important? The musician guessed no and chuckled at the childish male now standing before him, grass stains on his clothes and his hair a bit ruffled, his puppy dog brown eyes showing so much happiness as he gasped for breath. Nate had never seen Matt so happy to be dirty, but he knew that it'd only take a few hours for him to realize it and immediately take a shower.

"Nate, come join me! It's fun!" Matt panted, laughing in between breaths.

"That's okay, you go ahead." Nate smiled, adjusting his glasses.

"Aw, but it's no fun doing it by myself!" Matt whined playfully, going to sit next to Nate to catch his breath.

"Really?" Nate chuckled, giving him a knowing look. "Because it looked like you were doing quite well by yourself!"

Matt's face blossomed into a light pink that traveled up to the tips of his ears, clearly he didn't expect Nate to be watching him do something so childish. Then again, it wasn't every day that Nate decided to pay a visit and accompany Matt to a nearby park. The park, oddly, was almost always empty and it gave room to whomever decided to pay a visit and let loose the child inside them. A slight breeze cooled Matt's face and he regained most of his breath, glancing at Nate as he stared into the horizon, drinking in the peace and quiet. The silence was calming and both men found themselves smiling at all the beauty, watching the grass wave around as the light breeze swept against it, how to white clouds glided across the blue sky.

"Hey Nate," Matt said, glancing at Nate, who wasn't looking.

"Yeah?" Nate was still smiling.

"Think fast!" Matt yelled.

In that one instant, Matt forced his entire weight onto Nate and rolled with him down the hill. First they were yelling, then they were giggling, the small giggles then turned into full on laughter as the world spun in a blurry tango and their hearts increased in speed. Once the blurriness had subsided and the spinning had stopped, they were a mess on the grass with green stains on their shirts, messy hair, and pink faces as they let out breathy laughs. The sun was now slowly sinking into the horizon as Matt lay on top of Nate, unknowingly gripping onto his shirt as the other laughed with him. Once both of them caught their breath they became aware of their close proximity, flushing even more with wide smiles on their faces. Nate caressed Matt's cheek and chuckled at the sweet smile he received in return, the sunset casting an orange glow and making Matt look even more stunning and childish. He wondered how someone could look so beautiful in a single moment, but his thoughts evaporated in an instant when a soft pair of lips pressed against his own. The feeling left him dizzy and gave him a strange wanting, which led to Nate flipping them over so Matt was underneath him.

"You owe me, you nerd!" Nate giggled, watching Matt's eyes widen in shock and embarrassment.

"That was uncalled for, Nate!" Matt ended up chuckling, sitting himself up so he rested in Nate's lap.

"Me flipping you over or you pushing me down a hill?" Nate smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Because I'm pretty sure one of those was your fault!"

"All's fair in love and war... and hip hop." Matt laughed as Nate buried his head into the crook of his neck.

"You're such a geek, but you're my geek." Nate mumbled, placing gentle kisses on Matt's neck.

Matt sighed and allowed the ebony's lips to explore his neck, having time to actually look at their surroundings. Maybe they'd rolled farther down the hill than he'd originally thought, because now they were in a clearing just filled with... four-leafed clovers? They must've gotten unbelievably lucky because it wasn't every day you find yourself in a pool of luck, but Matt didn't believe in that stuff. There was a slight nip to his collarbone that made him twitch, trying to suppress a giggle and properly scold Nate for such an act, he only received a cheeky smirk in return which made him internally squeal. Wordlessly, they decided to make their way back home and it wasn't until they were on the sidewalk that Matt noticed something green in Nate's black hair.

"Um, there's a bunch of clovers in your hair." Matt pointed out.

"More luck for me, then." Nate smiled, grabbing onto Matt's hand as they walked.

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