Chapter 1

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{hello again, this is Beth from the future here to remind you I wrote this when I was younger so I am no longer accountable for the cringe! Have fun reading anyways, and remember to read 'Go away, George' before this one!}

"Caitlin will you hurry up with those damn bags!" Natalie shouted, her voice ringing throughout the now empty house.
"Will you shut up!" I yelled back and grabbed the last two bags, both of which were overly large, and stumbled down the stairs.
I stood in the open doorway, peering out at the scene. It was mid morning, around eleven, and the sun was beating down on the front garden. The grass was lush and teeming with several kinds of flowers, and you could tell that the pavement would be boiling if you dared to walk it bare foot. I gazed at the pastel purple vehicle parked in the driveway, our beloved voltswagon campervan that was a bit rusty around the edges but the love of my life.

"Well come on then you dip stick!" Natalie called, her small head peeping out from behind the van and frowning at me. I rolled my eyes and stepped forwards into the heat, heading towards the boot of the vehicle and slinging the bags in.
"Y'know I'm gonna miss this place." I spoke to nobody in particular, shutting the boot of the van and staring up at the large house. The window sills were at one time filled with our various things; scented candles, picture frames, colourful ornaments. There used to be long floral curtains hanging in what was now empty space. Each room was filled with strange furniture, but now it looked plain and boring. Seeing the place you called home being stripped bare was slightly nerving.

It had been four years since The Beatles had left me alone in this house. Four years since George Harrison lied to me. He said they'd be gone for a year. It seems like all he ever did was lie.
Before they left they told me about how they were going on a world tour. Well that never happened. In fact, they moved to America like they said, but that was the only grain of truth in all of it. When they were there they were out of the spot light for at least six months, nobody heard anything from them. And then they brought another album out and everything was sunshine and rainbows. Enough room for another number one platinum album from the worlds most lovable band. But sadly not enough room for me.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds, as if trying to remove the memories of me and the boys. We had a lot of fun in this house, but I don't view it as theirs anymore. When they left, me and Natalie stayed here for the four years, slowly growing older and more mature. We had a completely different outlook on life. Natalie always wanted to live a little, to explore the world, to taste it to the full. I on the other hand had experienced total heartbreak, and decided to just let go. The world was moving on at a busy pace, churning out new cultures and movements. The streets were teeming with Mods, skin heads, punks. Everybody was trying to be different. And me and Natalie; well, we joined the hippie movement.

A month ago we had received a letter in the post. It looked very formal, and we hardly ever had mail. Well, when I opened it I actually couldn't believe what I was reading. We were being evicted from the house because apparently EMI management owned it and "did not realise until now that we had been living here". I felt like shoving it up the managers arse but I decided to refrain. I'd like to think if George found out about this that he'd have let us stay here but clearly he didn't. We had no choice but clear out, and we only had a month to do so. Pathetic really, isn't it? Living in a house for four years and then all of a sudden you get kicked out because some idiots thought it would be funny. I mean what were they going to do with a house in the middle of England anyway?

Turns out a friend of ours knew a place that we could live in, and, partnered with the fact Natalie has a large bank account, we managed to scrape together enough money to buy it. I had never heard of the place but when we went to visit it seemed nice, and it had the same amount of room as the one we were in now. Not much to argue with really.

we flung ourselves into the van, Natalie in the passenger seat and me strapped into the drivers side. I glanced once more at the house before starting up the ignition and grabbing the sat nav from the glove compartment. Slamming it onto the ledge above the radio I hastily typed in 5, Abbey Road, NW8 9AY before driving off down the street, the bags in the back sliding around and making a dreadful noise. Oh the joys of moving house.

{authors note; ooh funky. Just before you groan and say how predictable I would like to say they will not bump into the beatles at abbey road it is something a lot more... unpredictable than that. so wheeeey. I've also decided to add a lot of info to the side of the screen (if you're using a computer) so if you peer to the right I will hopefully add pictures and songs to go with the chapters. Hippies and lovely rita because that song is so hippie and cyoot hehe c: thankyou!}

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