Chapter 7

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I had to sing practice songs - in front of The Beatles. I mean that's pretty embarrassing in any situation, but then there's the whole conflict between me and any beatles member making it even worse. Their wandering eyes lingering on me as I sung was highly uncomfortable.

"And Marie's the name, of his latest flame." I sang while my feet tapped quickly to the beat and, as the last beat of the drum entered the stuffy air, I bit my lip and let the microphone swing loosely in my sweaty palm. I breathed out and looked up - all four of them were just staring at me, staring at me blankly.

"Caitlin yer actually dead good." Ringo chimed in.

I smiled. You can't really hate Ringo, can you?

"Yeah, I mean I've heard better but you're decent." George finally responded, dragging his eyes from me down to his hands as he picked at his nails.

Well that's nice of you. Basically I'm average. Nothing special.

"What the actual hell George? She's amazing!" Paul exclaimed, giving George a hard nudge before standing up and giving me a cute smile. "I think you're amazing, love. I'm looking forward to touring with yer."

I blinked. "Thanks Paul, I'd like to say the same but I don't think I'm looking forward to putting up with that little strop for months."

George looked up from his hands and sneered. "Whatever. Just because I don't think yer that good."

"I don't care what you think, but it's pretty obvious you're in a little mood. You're like a five year old kid." I retorted, pushing the microphone back into the stand and grabbing the water bottle from off the stage.

"And you're acting like your something special. I've seen plenty of people with talent Caitlin and just 'cause you've got a voice doesn't mean you can act like you're the next big thing."

You know what, he was pathetic.

I let a dry laugh escape my mouth. "You what mate? Pretty rich coming from you, eh Harrison? You were too busy being big headed that you didn't think I was important in your talented life any more, you just left for four years to carry on being brilliantly amazing at everything. You know what, what's the point in me even being here? I'll tour with you, sure. But I don't want to spend unnecessary time with somebody who clearly doesn't even want me to be here."

I crouched down and hopped off the stage, my hair tangling behind me as I headed out of the staging room.

"Look what you've done now, you idiot. You think you're so clever don't you? Why don't you shut up for once." I heard Paul shout at George just before I left the room and shut the door behind me. The others seemed alright with me. It was just George who had some chip on his shoulder, even though I was the one deserted by him. Ugh.

On my way down the corridor I bumped into Jason. I had decided that Jason was a cold man who I shouldn't really trust, but he wasn't completely awful and after all he was my manager so I did have to do what he said.

"So how did it go?" He asked, stopping in front of me with a small smile on his plastic face.

"Fine, I guess." I muttered, not wanting to go into detail. I mean it did go fine, apart from the fact George was a bit of a pain in the arse.

"Well that's great. I know it seems like I'm working you hard but it's going to get a lot more difficult than this and we need to get you out there as soon as possible. I was just going to come and collect you all so we can get to work on some things in the recording studio." He explained, checking his watch.

Just as I thought I could sink into my (grubby) sofa at home and have a cup of tea or maybe just zonk out in our tiny bed, I was being dragged from one room to another. "Well, okay then."

Jason fetched the boys and I checked the time. It was around seven in the afternoon and it was apparent I was not going home for many more hours. As we were all herded into the studio, I watched as the other boys kept their distance from me. It was sad that the friendship we had four years ago had near enough disintegrated, but that was how it was. I knew I was being cold towards them, but deep inside I wanted them back - as friends at least. I just didn't want to get hurt again. So I was stuck in a continuous circle of wanting to reach out and hug them, but not wanting to be let down as much as I was before. I had recovered and everything was fine, but catching a glimpse of the four toothy smiles and the soft dark hair resting on each head thrust me back into panic mode. Memories continued to attack me, and I stood there nearly forgetting how to breathe. I hadn't a clue what to do - but I had to admit it was rather exciting.

{A/N; very sorry for not updating, I have science mock exams next week but I will try and write more and update quicker. -beth}

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