Chapter 16

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"What are you doing here?" I questioned instintaneously. I completely blanked Pattie and focused entirely on Dylan - I strongly disliked her and it seemed that she was after my men like some sleezy side hoe, first George and now trailing behind Dylan. 
"Well I just wanted to see you. And talk, y'know. I haven't seen you for a bit, Caitlin." He said in his almost husky voice. I smiled weakly and opened the door wide, allowing him to step inside. I nearly slammed the door shut on krabby Pattie but Paul descended down the stairs after me and gave her a wave which obviously caused her to quickly hurry in after Dylan.
"Do you want me to make you a drink?" I asked awkwardly after they had sat down in the living room.
Dylan smiled. "I could use a bottle of vodka."
"I was thinking more along the lines of tea or coffee." I chuckled.
"I'm joking. Tea sounds great."
I smiled and made my way into the small kitchen, filling the kettle with water and setting it to boil. I flopped my head against the wall and closed my eyes. What were they doing here? My boyfriend and George's slut! We were just getting closer and all of a sudden reality hits. It just seemed as though me and George were never intended to be together.
I heard a creak behind me. It was Paul, coming in to grab himself a glass of water.
"Paul!" I whispered, grabbing his shoulder. "Why are they here? Why does life hate me?"
He frowned. "Why don't you want them here?"
"Because... Because Dylan's my boyfriend and she's George's girlfriend!" I whispered again, as if it was obvious what I meant.
"And? Isn't it a good thing to see your boyfriend?"
I gripped my forehead. "Me and George... Pattie's coming to claim him and I'm stuck with Dylan..."
"Wait..." Paul muttered. "You mean you like George?"
"No!" I exclaimed, denying what I knew was completely true.
"Oh my gosh. You and George are still at it aint you? You little sneaky-"
I clasped my hand over his mouth. "Paul shut up! We are not! How do I get rid of them?"
"Well I could make something up that has to cause them to leave if you really want..." He pondered, taking a sip from the glass of water in his hand.
"No. They must be here to say something to me, right? Maybe he needs to tell me something. Or else he would have called me first."
The kettle made a click noise and steam poured out before it came to a bubbling stop. I sighed and grabbed two mugs, making tea for the both of us. I didn't know how many sugars he wanted so I just gave him one.

Trundling back into the living room with the drinks I placed a fake smile back on my lips before sitting opposite Dylan, setting the drinks on a wooden table in front of us. 
"Thanks." he muttered before taking a swig of the hot liquid.
"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked, curling my legs up underneath me and grabbing my warm mug.
"Well... is George here?" Pattie questioned in her dumb high voice. 
"No he's out." I responded bluntly with a sarcastic smirk.
Dylan grated his teeth together. "It's okay, we can just tell you." 
"Tell me what?" I was generally confused, what would Dylan AND club slut's biggest member want to inform me?
"Well see thing is... Caitlin..." He stumbled over his words, shifting his eyes to the floor. "Well, we've only been together for a little bit and I mean I don't think I'm really the greatest guy for you. You definitely deserve better than me. You're beautiful and I'm sure you can find some other dude who you deserve more than me."
I frowned. "What the hell does that mean?"
"Well, um, I- I dont think we should see eachother anymore. I love you Caitlin, I do but we're going to be so far apart for a long time and I'm really not the guy you deserve. Besides, me and Pattie-"
"You and pattie WHAT?"
Pattie coughed. "Me and Dylan have been seeing eachother."
"YOU WHAT?" I yelled, thrusting my cup of tea back onto the table. I stared at Pattie long and hard. "YOU LITTLE WHORE! CAN'T YOU KEEP YOURSELF IN ONE GUY'S PANTS FOR TWO SECONDS?"
I stood up in complete shock, staring at the two of them. Of course. Why else would they be here together?
"Woah calm down Caitlin and stop being completely hypocritical. We all know you still love your dumb little George Harrison, even when you said you loved me!" Dylan responded rudely, also standing up.
"How dare you!" I screeched, although he was possibly correct. "How DARE you! GET OUT, NOW, BOTH OF YOU!"
I watched as Dylan opened his mouth to say something else. "OUT NOW!"
They both trundled to the door and I followed in hot pursuit, using all of my will power not to slap them or use violence in any way.
Dylan turned to me at the very last second. "Caitlin. Think about it. You didn't ever like me anyway."
I slammed the door shut and backed away in small steps, until I hit Paul's hard chest. I spun round immediately. "Paul he - he broke up with me."
"I know, I heard everything. I can't help but think though, isn't this what you wanted?"
I frowned. "How is this what I wanted?"
"Because - wether you deny it or not you still like George - and now Pattie and Dylan are out of the picture. It's only you and George left."
I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply. Was he right? Of course he was. Of course he was right.

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