Chapter 13

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I lay still, my body feeling as though it was weighed down by some invisible force. There was a surging pain in my temple and shooting through my left arm, and my legs felt numb. It was the worst I had ever felt waking up, actually. I felt like there was a constant chance of me throwing up any second and the thought of that made me feel even worse.

I moved my fingers slightly and let them brush over the soft surface they were lying on. Wait... I expected to feel cold hard flooring, not a warm, soft material. Where exactly did I crash out last night?

Peeling back my eyelids and blinking several times to adjust to the harsh light I found myself staring at a blue-painted room with blank walls and one small wooden door directly in front of me. There was a tiny window to my left that was propped open, letting a cool breeze enter the stuffy room. The bed I was laying on was small and the blue sheets were very thin and abnormally clean. Where the hell was I?

The door creaked open and a small man walked in with a suit on. "Oh, you've woken up then."

"Where am I?" I demanded straight away in a loud voice. My head surged with pain.

He chuckled. "You're in hospital love."

"What? Don't be stupid."

"No, you really are." He said. "From being involved in the accident last night."

"What accident?"

"The car crash... You don't remember?"

I frowned. "You what? I haven't been in any car crash!"

"Yes, you really have! You got into some guys car, you were both drunk... He swerved and hit someone's car and you were knocked unconscious. Luckily though, you aren't... too damaged."

I took in a deep breath and gazed down at my arm. It was heavily bruised and my fingers were bandaged up. I could feel my leg in such pain under the bed sheet that I guessed it looked the same.

He smiled and cautiously walked towards the bed. "You've got a few broken fingers and a deep cut up your leg. Your head is a bit banged up as well, but no serious problems. Um... I came in to tell you that, well, driving under the influence of drink is a crime. So we need you to answer some questions."

I started to panic, my voice getting jumpy. "But it wasn't me driving!"

"Yes but, do you know who was?"

"I... I can't remember..."

He sighed. "Well, the guy who was found in the driving seat when you crashed last night won't tell us his name. He has blonde-ish hair, a bit of stubble..."


The man smiled again. "His name's Dylan, eh?"

I blinked heavily. I wasn't supposed to tell him that, was I? Now I've dropped him right in it.

"And his second name?"

"I-I really don't know. I can't remember. It's knackering my head just to think."

"That's okay love. Take your time. There were others involved in the accident too - it's quite funny actually... The Beatles..."

I rolled my eyes. "Get a grip of yourself, they're just four idiots. Nothing special. They were there too?"

The man looked taken aback from my comment. I didn't really mean it. It was highly evident that they were my favourite band and I considered them definitely more than special. "Yes. Well, two of them. They were crammed up in the back of the car at the time, but luckily they only resulted in a few cuts and bruis-"

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