Chapter 5

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I grabbed the wall in front of me, collapsing forwards and pressing most of my weight onto it. I breathed heavily, my brain suddenly filling with snippets of different thoughts, clouding my thinking abilities. I closed my eyes, sinking to the floor with my back still pressed to the wall. Bringing my knee's to my face I wrapped my arms around my cold legs, suddenly shivering slightly. Why were they here? This was the worst time they could have appeared. I only had to look at him again, at his perfect complexion and hear his deep voice thick with his Liverpool accent, at his piercing gaze that was unsettlingly lingering on me throughout the entire thing. He was beautiful. And I hated him with all my entirety.

"Caitlin?" I heard a voice mumble from the left of me. The voice that made me shiver. His, of course.

I snapped my vision to him instantly, pulling my arms from my legs and letting them sink level to the floor.

"Are you a'right?" He slowly breathed.

"Yes." I growled, not even wanting to look him in the eyes. "I just thought I'd have a little fricking lounge on the floor."

He breathed out sharply, pressing his large hand on the door frame he was standing by before letting his eyes wander over my body. What the actual hell was he doing? Eyeing me up? How the hell does he even think that is perfectly acceptable right now? "So Caitlin, it's been a while."

It's been a while? It's been a while? Wow, gold star to you, George Harrison. How clever are you! Want me to bake you a flipping cake? You know what, I am so done. What even.

I choked a laugh out of my exasperated lungs, staring at him with a look that could kill. I carried on laughing for a few seconds before slowly standing up. "Yeah, it has been a while hasn't it, Harrison? You know what, I didn't even realise you were gone! Thanks for reminding me! In fact, you know, how long has it been? A few days? No wait, it's been four years hasn't it. It's been a while. Where have them years gone, hm George? They just flew past didn't they? I'll have to write that in my diary to remind me that it's BEEN A WHILE!"

I watched has his face changed slightly, however I couldn't decipher what he was thinking. He just, kind of, sunk a little.

"You know what George, you are the one human I wish I had never met. The one human I wish would just get out of my life. The one human I absolutely hate." I spat, stepping forwards to him even though he was considerably taller than me. "I wish I didn't even have to see you're stupid face ever again."

He frowned at me, edging closer. "Really, Caitlin? Really? I actually can't believe that."

I stepped even closer than that. "Yes, really. Unlike some people, I don't lie."

"Well that's funny because I thought you said you loved me. I thought that, all those years ago that 'flew by so quickly', that you said you loved me more than anybody."

"Well obviously I said that! But there is no chance that I will ever even think about loving a piece of scum like you again."

Suddenly, he reached forward and grabbed my wrist tight with his large calloused hand, and pushed his face ever-so-close to mine. I shivered, a blush reaching my cheeks which he could see clearly, as I bit my lip - trying not to stare into his large eyes. He knew that I felt weak around him. He knew that just a breath from his full lips would cause me to swoon. He could read me like a book.

Slightly scared of what he would do next as my hand begun to turn white from his painful grip, I attempted to hide my heavy breathing that was becoming impertinent. He smirked, allowing me to catch a glimpse of his sharp fangs and the dimple that sometimes showed in his left cheek where a slight bit of stubble lay untouched. And then, ever so slowly, he pressed his soft lips onto my cheek, leaving a burning sensation that I had longed for for years. Then he snaked around to my ear and whispered so quiet I could barely hear him; "You know you still want me."

And before I knew it he had dropped my hand in an instant and exited through the door he had come through in the first place, leaving me alone and feeling violated even though he had barely touched me.

(I know this is tiny so I might write more next chapter I just wanted to update quickly and I couldn't think of what else to cram into this chapter. x3)

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