Chapter 2

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"Caitlin, tea's ready!" Natalie called from downstairs. I smiled, hanging another few shirts and dresses onto coat hangers before heading across the landing and down the staircase. In the hallway there were clusters of cardboard boxes and small heaps of clothes. I dodged around them and trotted into the kitchen, glancing at the bland walls and plain wooden counter tops. Natalie carelessly slid two plates onto the dingy table and flipped some eggs, beans and waffles onto them before throwing the pan into the sink. I grabbed some cutlery from a silverware box and sat down on one of the rickety chairs, beginning to nibble at my egg.

"You got much done then?" Natalie asked me before bringing a fork full of beans to her lips.

"Sorted through this and that." I muttered, grabbing a paper cup of lemonade she had poured out from the side. "I've got through most of the clothes and I've set up the wardrobe. Think that's about it."

"Ugh, it's going to take so long." Natalie groaned, eating some of the crispy yellow waffle. "I really can not be bothered."

"Oh come on, if we get it done in the next week then we'll be settled in no time. Just a lick of paint and a few things here and there and this place will look great." I encouraged.

We sat in silence for another ten minutes while we ate our kiddy-like food and sipped our sweet lemonade. I felt slightly tired as I tipped some of the remaining beans into the bin and then slid my empty plate into the sink. Suddenly, there was a chatter of the letter box and we heard something fall to the floor.

"Post? Already?" Natalie questioned, her voice breaking the silence. I hated it, it felt so boring and there was just nothing to speak about.

Nodding, I walked towards the hall. "I'll get it."

In front of the front door there were two small envelopes. I scooped them up and ripped the first one open, peering inside to find some details about how much we have in the bank account or something of the sort. I opened the other to find some advertisement for house insurance. Turning around to throw them into the bin, a small leaflet slid out of my hand and fell to the floor. Frowning, I bent down and picked it up and scanned over it. Hm, auditions for a new singer taking place at some studio down the road. Haha, fat chance of that happening. The last time I sung to anybody was years ago, in a petty highschool play. Walking back upstairs to finish clearing out the rest of the things that belonged in the bedroom, I pushed the leaflet into my bag that was laying on the bed.


"I can't believe we're sitting in a crappy little house watching I'm a celebrity." Natalie huffed.

"Sh! Joey's got to fit five cockroaches in his mouth!" I exclaimed, elbowing her in the ribs and watching the (barely) celebrities doing disgusting things to get food for their camp.

Natalie rolled her eyes and stood up, declaring that she was going to finish off the painting in the kitchen. We had decided on a lilac and we were ordering the tiles off the internet soon to update the room that was, at the moment, a dull brown with stains covering the course, scratched surfaces and cupboard doors. Lifting the heavy pot of pastel purple paint Natalie stumbled into the other room to start the sloppy job. We weren't the best decorators in the world but hopefully it would look better than it did at the moment. I mean, anything would look better than how it did at the moment.

After completely wasting an hour watching the dragged out TV show, I stood up off the sofa we had moved into the room earlier and went into the kitchen to join Nat. I watched her for a few minutes, the paint brush licking the wall with thick gloopy paint, before heading towards the fridge. Thankfully the landlord had hooked up the fridge before us moving in, along with the freezer, central heating and other basic necessities that we needed. There was literally nothing in the fridge apart from one bottle of half-drunk flavoured water. I sighed and slammed it shut again.

"Natalie, we have no food in." I grumbled.

"Well get some then and shut your gabber." She replied bluntly.

Ripping a small parka that was hanging loosely on one of the cupboard doors, I slipped it on and fastened my floral converse on my feet. I rummaged through a box on the floor for a twenty pound note and slipped out of the front door.

Our new street wasn't actually that naff. It was cold today but the gardens of each house were filled with colourful flowers and neat hedges and the pavements were clean with no old gum trodden into the soles of many people passing by. I trundled down the cobbled drive way and headed down the street - I didn't know where I was going to be truthfully honest but tough luck, I needed to find my way around some time or another and the fresh air helped me clear my mind. I pushed my earphones into my ears and stuck my phone on shuffle before tucking it into my pocket. Soul Kitchen by The Doors flooded into my ears and I trundled down the street, tapping my legs to the beat of the music. Does this place even have a flipping shop nearby? I peered on down the road to see some girls huddled in a group, laughing and singing and being generally noisy. I rolled my eyes, but wondered what that was about. I could hear people chattering from where I was, they were that loud. Is this the youths of today? Is this what they do in their spare time? Rowdy lot they were, they even started singing full on ballads.

I decided to carry on down the road, to see what all the kerfuffle (side note; I love the word kerfuffle.) was about. Speed walking until I got close, I saw a massive line of youths, mostly girls, trailing down the road and into some building. I blinked once, and then again, but it was quite evident I wasn't daydreaming. Laughing and rolling my eyes I spun around and headed back down the way I had come from. That was definitely not where the shops were.


"Hola amigo!" I called as I skipped into the kitchen, kicking the shoes off my feet and flinging my coat onto the side. "I bought food."

Natalie looked up from reading some old book and raised her eyebrows at the measly single bag I was carrying in my hand.

"There's enough here!" I defended, throwing assorted cans into cupboards and a few necessities into the fridge. "Do you know what's going on down the road?"

Natalie shook her head. "No, why?"

"There's a massive line of people standing outside some big building. The only other time I've seen so many noisy girls was when The Beatles were doing a gig!"

(A/N: oh the irony caitlin oh the irony. lel. anyway here's another chapter for you guys love you

*soul kitchen by the doors is at the side and also a lavly piccie of George)

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