Chapter 11

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"Caitlin! Wake up you rat!" Natalie screamed at me while her bony hands prodded into my stomach.

Wake up you rat. Wow, pleasant.

"Hi to you too..." I mumbled, rubbing my hand over my mouth where any drool could have escaped.

"Shut up. You were gone for like, an entire night! No wait, nearly two entire nights and you didn't tell me where you were! I had to phsyically prance up to your stupid recording studio and drag you out of there!"

I rolled my eyes. "You knew I was recording I'm sure you weren't that worried-"

"I wasn't worried you dingbat. I was annoyed at you for leaving me in this stupid ass house that leaks on you and the toilet breaks when you desperately need a wee!" She moaned, giving me another prod. "Well aren't ya gonna get up?"

"Yeah, if you stop harping on!" I exclaimed, slowly rising to my feet.

"Oh, and why do you smell like sick?" She questioned with a disgusted look on her face.

What? ...Oh yeah. I freaked out and threw up my dinner when George practically sung to my face that he didn't like me anymore. Wow. I'm cool.

"L-o-n-g story Nat." I muttered, with a heavy sigh and a yawn.

She raised her eyebrows. "Well it's a good job I have a l-o-n-g time to listen, int it?"

I blinked. She never gives up, does she? "Okay so basically. When I first accepted the record contract George was all I'm-so-seductive-you-wanna-get-in-my-pants kinda attitude and kissed me - no I didn't kiss him he kissed me - and was all "yeah mate you still love me lols". Then I met this guy called Dylan and he's really cute and nice, but I hardly know him and I definitely do not fancy him or anything. And basically he was all lovely and speaking to me then Jason.... No he is not hot Jason is my manager and he looks like a sesame street character! Well Jason said I need to choose the songs I'm going to be singing and all the ones he showed me were crap, so the beatles suggested I should write my own. So I tried.... and well cut it short I basically wrote a good song - but it was clearly so obviously about George and it kinda was about how I still loved him. Yeah I know I'm stupid. And then George was teasing/flirting with me but I snapped at him. Then I kinda stomped out and started crying and Dylan saw me crying and was all comforting and then I kissed him - YEAH I KISSED HIM BIG DEAL NATALIE. NO I AM NOT A SLAG! George saw me kissing him and then the next day George was completely off with me, his attitude had changed and he just gave off the vibe that he didn't want to be around me at all... that I was repulsive. And then when we were doing a performance practice, he sung this new song he had written and it was about me and how he didn't love me anymore and what does that even mean? What am I even meant to do?"

"Wait, let's rewind a few secs here... This Dylan guy, is he ho- OW!" Natalie grumbled as I flicked her in the forehead.

"Shut up! Are you going to be helpful or are you going to act like a little kid?"

She raised her eyebrows. "Ooh, getting saucy aren't we? How the hell am I meant to help anyway? Your love life seems to be full to the max and you're sitting here complaining!"

"Hardly, Natalie. I snogged some cute guy and now the other cute guy doesn't even like me anymore - hardly a "full to the max" love life!" I exclaimed.

"Oh whatever. Little George is completely infatuated by you."

"Erm, how did you figure that one out honey? He wrote a song about him hating me!"

She sighed deeply. "And how'd you know it's about you?"

"Well considering the fact that he finished it this morning, straight after last night when I was all nasty with him and kissy with Dylan, and then when he was singing it he practically stared into my soul."

"You should just go back to tonguing that Dylan guy." She suggested with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Not. Helping."

With a click of the tongue and a casual eye roll, she glanced around the room. "Why don't you just ask him out for dinner?"

"Who, George?" I asked, confused.

"Who do you think, Nigel?" She replied sarcastically.

I gritted my teeth. "I am not going to ask George out! I don't have the confidence to ask a guy out for dinner who just dismissed me to my face."

"Well then just..." She muttered, as if in deep thought, "Oh I know! We can throw a party!"

"You what?"

"We can throw a party. Invite all the beatles, and then some other people, then it won't look to obvious." She rambled on, as if totally liking her own idea.

I blinked. "Um, one problem, our house is a dump."

"They don't have to come upstairs, silly. We don't have to buy any furniture or anything just throw a few psychedelic fabrics over the sofa and light some incense and candles. And voila, you got a party! Ooh this is going to be great, and Ringo will be coming too..."

I thought about it. It didn't seem like too bad of an idea, actually. If the living room looked decent and we could all pretend to be happy little friendlings, it might be bearable.

"Well okay then. There are some old sofa throws in the bottom of the wardrobe from our old house, we could go get them. When's this all going to happen?"

"Tonight!" Natalie called happily as she skipped up the stairs.

(sorry for huge delay and sorry for short chapter. I was going to write more but I wanted to update very quick today, I will probably be writing the next chapter today or soon so that will be up like hopefully soon. Please keep commenting/liking etc :)


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