Chapter 15

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I was going to kill him. Honestly, I know peace and love and all that, but if I happened to stumble upon a knife, it would be rammed up that rat's anal cavity. 
John DUMBASS Lennon had just posted on Twitter my phone number.
On purpose.
And now, every minute, I get a call off either a hyperactive teenage girl wanting to jump on the Lennon train or some kid who wants to know if I'm free tonight because if I am we can watch a movie and eat dorritos. This is beyond funny.

"Oh come on, I'm just tryin' find yer a date." He told me in a casual voice but a sarcastic smirk playing on his thin lips. "Hey, ya should've said yes to that movie and dorritos. Sounds fun."
"John you better delete that tweet or I am-"
"Oh but then you'll miss out on a ton of lucky lads and that would be a shame, wouldn't it?"
He laughed. "Yelling aint gonna get you anywhere chick."
"Will this?" I shouted and grabbed a half glass of water off the side-table, flinging it in John's face.
"CAITLIN!" He yelled and shoved me hard with one hand, wiping his dripping wet complexion with the other.
I smirked. "Yelling aint gonna get you anywhere chick."
"I absolutely hate you." He muttered, but I could see him barely smiling as he hurried out of his chair to get something to dry his face.

My body was steaming hot from the water hitting me with precision from the shower - at least this hotel had decent hot water. However inside I felt as cold as an icecube. The lack of sleep, the lack of nutrition, the hours of performing. It had exhausted me to the bone. I wasn't complaining though. I didn't mind touring, in fact fifty percent of the time if was a laugh. I mean, it felt great - being recognised for your talents, talents you didn't even think you had. Driving from one place to the next, singing for one crowd after another - the only thing staying the same was the music. The songs that were mine. Thinking about that was incredible and breathtaking.
Me and George hadn't talked at all since that measly kiss the night before. Was it even a kiss? Had I dreamt it? I couldn't be too sure. It was so late, and so dark. It could've been anybody. But even the slight contact from his lips to mine shot the same electricity through my body that had always done when he had kissed me, when he had touched me. Even with the chaotic schedule of sleep, eat, sing I still managed to think of him all the time. That sounds pathetic, doesn't it? I thought that I had gotten over him, put the past behind me. But George Harrison was a beautiful creature and even if I had known him for just a couple of days I probably would be infatuated by him for a long time after. I wish that I could rewind back four years to when I had met him and we were giggly kids, kissing and partying and sharing a bed. And now i'm sitting in a tour van with him, so close to eachother yet not even breaking the eye contact barrier, having to imagine just how having his large rough hands carressing my face felt like.
Dylan. Dylan also flashed through my mind like a rocker on a bike. What even happened with us? I thought that I liked him. I thought that I had started to like somebody else other than George. But like I do with everything, I messed it up. In fact, I hadn't even thought about Dylan too much until I got into the shower. Had I abandoned him? Were we still together? What does he think of me?

I carefully turned the dial in the shower so that hot water ceased to run. I dragged my hands through my long, wet hair, making sure to drain away as much water as I could before wrapping a hair-towel around my head. I hummed blackbird by the beatles softly to myself while I dried my damp body with the large cream towel, inhaling and exhaling deeply as my heart rate began to decrease from the change in temperature. Isn't that funny? The fact that I could've been mindlessly humming beatles songs while I was at college, blind to the fact that one day I would meet them? One day I would tour with them? One day I would get my heart shredded by one of them?
I chuckled. Sometimes, I overthink things way too much.
I flung the damp towel over the side of the bath, reaching forward and turning the tap on in the sink and splashing my face with cold water. I slipped on my black lace bra with some completely uncoordinated spongebob briefs. I then took the hair towel off my head and began combing through my wet hair, tying it into a high ponytail. Suddenly to my suprise the door creaked open.
"Caitlin is there any gel in th-" Paul started to speak but as soon as he saw my half naked body (sexy spongebob pants and all) he stopped in his tracks.
"Paul! You could knock!" I managed to speak, shocked at the intrusion. I laughed and expected him to laugh back, or leave quickly.
To my suprise, he did neither.
He traced his eyes over every inch of my body before walking into the bathroom slowly and shutting the door behind him. He then smirked and made his way towards me, his eyes still fixed on me.
"Um Paul-" I was about to ask him what he was doing in bewilderment until I felt his hand cup the crook of my back which made me pause instantly.
"You look hot." He said in a barely audible tone before sliding his hand down to my butt. MY BUTT. "I didn't know you had such an ass."
I blinked, totally gobsmacked at this side of Paul. Paul had never, and let me emphasise the word NEVER, been attracted to me. NEVER! I had already barked up this tree when we first met and I learned the hard way that he wasn't into me.
"Paul what the hell man? I thought you didn't...."
"Shut up." He muttered as he placed a finger to my lips. The fact that his hand was still placed on my butt was unsettling and even dare I say it kind of hot.
And then... He moved his finger and let his mouth fall down onto mine, sucking my lips into a delicious kiss that shouldn't ever have happened. I couldn't even let go. I couldn't even stop, I let him taste my lips and my mouth and my tongue for some unknown reason that I couldn't think of. Was it because I was originally attracted to him? Was it because I was confused?
Then sense hit me.
I jammed my elbow into his stomach to cause him to spring away from my lips. "PAUL WHAT THE HELL?"
He looked away for a second and then looked back up to me with a frown on his face.
"Why would you DO that? Why would you kiss me? You don't like me like that!"
He paused for a second and then sighed deeply. "I don't even know. That wasn't me. Oh god. Forget that. I've been drinking."
I couldn't even speak for a second and then I laughed. I laughed and laughed. Paul looked at me like I was demented but that made me laugh even more. "This is funny though, you have to admit."
"How is it funn-"
"CAITLIN! SOMEONE'S HERE TO SEE YOU!" I heard Jason shout from below me. I frowned and slipped on my leggings and plaid shirt before giving Paul a pitiful glance and shooting downstairs.

In the porch, standing behind the open door, was Dylan.

And Pattie Boyd.

{A/N: SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING OH MY GOODNESS I AM A WITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE ME STILL THO PLS

pps. sorry for any mistakes i wrote dis super quick lols}

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