Shrio x Female Reader

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Request by the lovely SelinaBeckendorf

Summary: You wake up at 3am to do some training but find out Shiro is there as well. You train with him until you have a trip and fall onto him, becoming embarrassed as you just fell on your long time crush. The next few days are blushing and awkward between you two. The rest notice this and devise a plan to get you two together.

Hope you enjoy!

You woke with a start, your alarm clock hitting 3:00am and blaring into the room, jolting you out of your dream and into the real world. You scrunched your eyes as the lights in your room automatically turned on, your mouth turning into a grimace. Yawning into your hand you swung your legs out of your bed, dragging your sleep heavy body over to the wardrobe, pulling out your training gear.

"Should i shower now or after the training..." You mumbled to yourself, staring at the wall in thought. Your hands made a scales motion, both of them moving up and down as if weighing the air. "... after the training it is." You decided, pulling off your sleepwear and replacing it with your skin tight workout pants and singlet. You slipped on your zip up hoodie, only bothering to zip it up halfway and searched around the room for your training shoes.

"Where in gods name did i put them? Wait... Do Alteans have a god?" Thoughts ran through your mind as you spun around four times in search for them only to realise they were right in front of you this entire them. "Bloody hell." You huffed, taking a moment to steady yourself from your now spinning vision. You quickly slipped on your shoes, tying them up tightly and grabbing your bayard as you ran out the door.

You softly jogged towards the training rooms, passing Coran on the way and saying a quick hello to him. You reached the training room in no time, hand on the power panel to open the doors before seeing that Shiro was also in the training room. You quietly entered the room so as to not alarm the man, leaning against the wall to watch the Voltron leader train. And you must say, you became quite entranced with the view.

Shiro had his prosthetic Galra arm in weapon mode, dodging his target and throwing powerful attacks at it. You watched in fondness as your long time crush trained, scanning his body with eager eyes. It was no lie that Shiro was unnaturally gorgeous, his body was built to perfection. His muscles toned and big, his jaw line sharper than Keith's bayard, his tall frame making anyone look short, his shoulders were broad, collar bones easily seen when his shirt was off. He looked like a god, and a god he was.

You hadn't realised how your facial expression looked as now Shiro was staring at you, a smirk on his face. You noticed that you had been staring at him for the past five minutes, not that you regret it, you always valued your time admiring Shiro. However you always did it in secret, making sure you were always out of sight so you could spend a long time drooling over him.

"You okay there Y/N?" Shiro called out to you, his arms crossing over his chest as he stared right at you. You could feel a blush begin to rise on your face but then forced yourself to keep it down.

"Just peachy Shiro! Was actually gonna do some training." You replied, walking over to him in smooth strides. You always made sure to act more elegant around him, you didn't really know why, it just seemed like a good idea.

"Oh, well why don't you join me? Cause a bit of help taking down this dummy." He said with his signature small smile, a tiny blush forming on his cheeks.

"How can i say no when a team member is in desperate need to fend off one of their major enemies?" You joked, grabbing your bayard, the weapon turning into its bow form. It was quite fascinating how Altean weapons worked, you didn't even have to carry around arrows, when you pulled back the string, an arrow of the altean electricity would form and when shot, would cause as much damage as Lance's blaster.

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