Hunk x Male!Reader

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Requested by Oliver-Tucker

"Hunk finds out reader is ticklish while they are cuddling. Thus tickle attack happen"

I know this was supposed to be male!reader but it seems quite gender neutral because i haven't used any pronouns or specific descriptions on readers body so yea.

Hope you enjoy!


Life was good for you.

You had amazing friends that from time, you could call family. You live a once in a lifetime opportunity of traveling space with said family and saving peoples asses. To top it off, you had the most amazing boyfriend ever.

You never really thought you would end up being so hopelessly in love with Hunk, but soon after meeting him, you felt yourself slowly fall. It was how he smiled at you when you were being silly or sarcastic. It was how he would initiate food eating competitions against everyone, his only real competition being the highly determined to win Coran. It was how when you felt sad, hunk was the one to cheer you up and stand by you until you were smiling and laughing.

Currently, you've been falling that little bit more in love as you have discovered his cuddles felt like a thousand teddy bears hugging you all at once. They were soft and gentle but had the right amount of strength in them to be comfortable.

However, right now, the cuddles were your least favourite thing. Mostly because Hunks hands are clasped around the most ticklish part of your stomach and every time you breathe, fuck, you hated breathing right now, a giggle nearly explodes from your mouth but somehow you manage to stop them.

Except this one.

A giggle escaped your mouth as hunk move his hands slightly, you hand shooting up to your mouth as if you could push the sound back in.

 "What?" Hunk said, obviously confused as to why you giggled.

"Uhhh nothing." You said quickly, both of you going quiet. Hunk resettled himself behind you and moved his hands slightly again. This time, a loud laugh escaped your throat and Hunk jumped in surprise.

"What's so funny?" He asked, concern evident in his tone.

"If i tell you, you cant use it against me!" You said between giggles, the ghost of tickles getting the better of you.

"Okay i wont." Hunk said, raising an eyebrow at you like you had gone mad.

"I'm really ticklish and you kept moving your hands and it tickled me." You took in a deep breath to calm yourself, stopping any laughter that wanted to escape.

There was a long moment of silence before Hunk betrayed your trust in him. He quickly moved his hands to your stomach and start tickling you, you yelped and burst out with laughter, screaming at him to stop.

"H-hunk--- hahaha- no s-stop" you kicked your legs at him and he dodged them swiftly, continuing his assault on your stomach.

It felt like years before Hunk finally stopped torturing you with tickles, you were left breathless and exhausted.

As your laughter died down, Hunk was hovering above you, smiling down at you. You glared at him, crossing your arms over your chest.

"You betrayed me Hunk. How could you?" You whined at him and he only smirked at you.

"It was too good of an opportunity to pass it up." He defended, leaning down and kissing your cheek.

"You're lucky i love you." You said softly, staring into his brown eyes with adoration.

He leaned down and kissed your lips quickly, moving to lay beside you. You followed him, laying your head on the junction of his neck and shoulder, your hands resting on his chest.

"I love you too." Was the last thing you heard before falling into a blissful sleep.


finally got this done!!!!

So like im thinking of writing a chapter story about Shiro x Reader but the reader is going to be a transgender male. Who would read this? I wanna write because of pride month and well im a trans male who wants more trans male stories with space dad.

Let me know!

Alby xx

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