Part 1 0

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“It was so awful,” Tori shuddered beside me, both of us sitting at the dinner table, hunched together. “I hate the simulations.”

“Me too,” I mumbled, rubbing the side of my neck. I looked like I’d just crawled out of a fighting pit, although thankfully no one had said anything to me. My hair, which I had left down this morning to cover either side of my neck, was hiding most of the guilt.
Eric had avoided me all day, going so far as to trade duties with Four so he wouldn’t have to see me.
Way to be an adult.
I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling the headache brewing there. I’d slept soundly, but I was still restless, unable to hold still. I was doing my best to keep busy and not think, but that was easier said then done. And somehow my thoughts always went back to my brother.
It had taken me years to stop having nightmares, and now they were back.
I grimaced, my eyes flicking reflexively to the upper level at the other Dauntless, scanning. It had become a habit for me now.
“He isn’t up there, he’s with Max and that Erudite woman.”
“Who is?” I looked at Tori, a little startled. Her face was sour as she looked at me.
“I know who you’re looking for. You two are spending a lot of time together.”
“We hardly spend any time together,” I scoffed, blowing it off. “And even then it’s not because we want too.”
“Say what you will, but I’m not the only one who’s noticed.” She shrugged, raising her cup to her lips.
I frowned. “There’s nothing to notice, Tori.”
“Whatever you want to believe. Just remember he’s the one who let you be dragged to simulations, he doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He’s an evil asshole.”
“All men are.”
she rolled her eyes at me, her cup dropping heavier then necessary on her plate as she shook her head at me, her dreads narrowly avoiding my face as she abruptly rose.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s bad, Camille. And you need to get as far away from it as you can,” she snapped, stepping away from the table and leaving me sitting by myself. I sighed, propping my chin on my hand as I watched her stride away.
Tori was paranoid, but for a good reason; she had better instincts then I did.
Or maybe I’d gotten too trusting of the higher powers.
Either way, I was already too involved in the bullshit going on, I couldn’t step out now.
Fuck me, man.
This sucked.
I looked down at my plate broodingly. I wasn’t even hungry, I’d only come with Tori so we could talk. Everyone was buzzing about the forced simulations, the initiates the only ones getting out of it because they weren’t ready for it in their training. 
They would be in for a treat.
Fuck I was going to change my name.
I looked up at the second level, seeing Max standing above. He motioned at me, and begrudgingly I rose, leaving my untouched plate and making my way through the slowly filling cafeteria to above where he and several others waited.
And of course Eric.
He was always shoved so far up Maxs ass he might as well be —.
“Come with me,” Max interrupted my thoughts, his stern expression never changing. “We’ve much to discuss and not much time to do it in.”
“Yes sir.”
My eyes flicked almost questioningly to Eric, but he merely shrugged. I don’t know why I’d even momentarily thought he’d tell me anything, he never did, the jackass.
I sighed internally as I fell in step with the small group, my eyes flicking over everyone. I was the only female, but we were all in leadership. The two other Dauntless men were Maxs right and left hands, however, and were always at the “secret” meetings in the middle of the night. I wonder if Max knew Eric would probably cut his throat on his sleep if he knew a way to become the leader of Dauntless himself. I couldn’t understand why anyone thought he would be trustworthy. 
“I’m glad you’re not holding a grudge over the simulations, Camille,” Max said when we’d all entered the meeting room, he stepping to the front where we could all see him. I merely crossed my arms, deciding silence was a lot better then what I really wanted to say to him.
Max raised a brow at me but turned away, motioning at Eric.
Eric glanced at the four of us. “We’ve come to the conclusion that Abnegation is harboring the Divergents. Erudite has confirmed they are coming from there and spreading. We need to put a stop to it. The leader of Erudite has come up with a solution for the problem.”
What the fuck?
“How did Erudite confirm the Divergents are from Abnegation?” the left hand of max asked, looking dubious; he was the same jackass who’d attempted to take me to Max before, and I could see with immense satisfaction his face still sported a few bruises.. 
“They have a way of testing now,” Eric shrugged. “It’s pretty foolproof. We all know Abnegation has become corrupt, they’re not following their own rules. Now they’re harboring threats to our entire society —.”
“Why are the Divergents such a threat?” I interrupted, tired of being out of the loop. “What even are they?”
“They’re a group of people who are set on destroying our society,” Max answered me, his dark gaze lighting on my face. “They don’t conform to the rules, they threaten our entire way of existing. If we don’t stop them while it’s still possible, they’ll destroy us from the inside out.”
I needed more information then that if he intended on me murdering these people.
“Are they an organized group? Are they born different or something? What can they do that’s so threatening —?”
“Their minds work differently then ours, they’re able to go through the simulations and manipulate them for their own liking. They dont fit in to one faction. They’re dangerous. If enough of them survive and multiply, the faction system will collapse. We need to eradicate them before they destroy everything this city has survived on.” Eric finally explained.
Well that made a little more sense.
To kill someone because they were born a different way? It wasn’t their fault.
I must have looked uncertain, as Max frowned deeply, his dark lips thinning as he attempted an even more displeased expression then his normal one.
“Camille, are you Dauntless?”
“Are you a soldier and loyal to your faction?”
“Yes —.”
“Then you do not question orders, you follow them. That should be enough for you.” he snapped, echoing words I’d yelled at the initiates hundreds of times.
I stiffened, narrowing my gaze at him but choosing not to respond. I’d learned a long time ago that back talking your superior generally didn’t end well.
I huffed, seeing Eric roll his eyes at me.
It was all that fuckers fault I was even in this stupid mess! I would have been completely content with my duties and not knowing about any of this!
“You are such a fucking child!”
“How am I a child?”
“You just — are!” I was so frustrated with him and his petulant attitude! It was so impossible to work with him!
Eric rolled his eyes at me, glancing at the recruits as they attempted to shoot the targets. This was their last week with weapons, and most of them were doing pretty well. The Stiff was suddenly an exceptional shot, so she must have finally found her groove.
“You’re the one who pitches bitch fits constantly,” he muttered at me, both of us standing back from the recruits and watching their progress. “All you do is pitch tantrums when you don’t get your way!”
“I do not!” 
“You do.”
“I fucking do not!
He didn’t say anything, but the words hung between us in the air; you do.
I should push him off the roof, save everyone the nightmare of being in his presence. I glared at him, and he must have known what I was thinking since he quickly moved away from me.
“You’re barely hitting the targets!” he bellowed as he moved down the line of initiates. “Keep your muzzles up!”
I made a face at him when his back was to me, quickly turning my eyes away and back to the recruits. I sighed when I saw the Candor girl still fumbling, a permanent grimace on her face; I’d heard her whining about how the gunshots hurt her delicate little ears.
I glanced at Eric, then ghosted to where she knelt, her eyes nervously flicking to me.
“You’re too scared of the recoil,” I said, almost shouting in her ear as I leaned down beside her. “You tense too much! Relax your shoulders, put the but of the gun here, and remember to line the sights up — it’s not that hard. Take a deep breath, and exhale when you pull the trigger, got it?”
She nodded her head.
I took a few steps back, my hands on my hips as I watched her take my advice. Eric just scared the recruits, and while I did enjoy making them quiver, I found that sometimes giving them some encouragement didn’t hurt either.
I was just terrible with their names; I couldn’t remember if the Candor was Kristin or Christina. Wait, did we even have a Kristin this year? Maybe it was Kristian….
Eh, whatever.
She was at least doing a little better now.
“You baby them too much.”
“You scare them too much.”
“It makes them listen.”
“It makes them nervous, and that’s when they make mistakes. The Candors doing much better now.”
“She’s not Candor anymore, Camille.”
“Well I don’t know her name, how else should I refer to her? There’s like ten other girls with black hair,” I grouched.
Eric looked at me like I was putting him in pain. “It’s been over a month and you still don’t know their names?”
“I’ve never tried to learn them, I don’t see a point. Half of them aren’t even going to make the cut.” I shrugged. “Why put forth unnecessary effort?”
Eric frowned at me, but didn’t comment.
“Alright, that’s enough! Everyone put the guns down!” he called, and eventually the firing came to a halt, everyone looking relieved that it was over and they could get out of the hot sun.
Me included.
“Pack it up and get downstairs. Take a break, relax, because tomorrow you’re going to need it,” Eric called to all of them with a smirk that wiped the relief right off their faces. “If you’re still here tomorrow, you start the final step of your initiations.”
Ah, yes. 
The simulations.
Now they could experience the horror the rest of us did.
I watched as all the initiates hastily left the roof behind, grumbling among themselves. They had no idea what was in store for them tomorrow.
I glanced out over the mess of the shooting range, and took a step back, towards the door that lead down to the spiral staircase. I wasn’t much of an outdoorsy person, despite I liked being active.
I made it to the door before Erics hand clamped on my shoulder, whirling me around and pushing with enough force my back ended up against the brick of the wall, nearly knocking the breath out of me.
“What the hell?” I hissed, feeling his hand curve around the side of my neck, fingers tugging on my loose hair. I frowned up at him as he stepped close to me, blocking out the sun. I wasn’t in the mood to be fucked with, and I didn’t appreciate the man handling either.
“We need to talk.”
“About what?” I grunted, shirking out of his grip in irritation. 
“The other night. The simulations.”
“I never pegged you as the sensitive type,” I sneered at him, pressing my palms against his chest before he got too close to me. 
He glared at me; I always knew how to get under his skin.
“it was just a fuck, no strings attached,” I muttered at him, feeling him press even closer to me uneasily. “Nothing to talk about.”
“I think we have plenty to talk about,” he murmured, and my eyes rose to his at the husky tone. “We should fuck again, soon. I know you enjoyed it.”
Of course I did.
But now I was surprised.
“You want too again?”
“Isn’t that what I just said? You’re a good lay, and when your lips aren’t spewing words you can use them pretty well.” I could feel the red creep up my face. “And I don’t have to worry about you thinking I give a shit about you other then fucking you.”
So we were on the same page then?
I blinked at him, his fingers trailing down my sides suggestively. That actually didn’t sound like a bad deal, in my opinion. He was really good in bed, even if I thought his personality and existence otherwise was absolute shit.
“I’ll think about it,” I decided, refusing to let him think I was eager or anything. He quirk ed a brow at me, calling me on my bullshit.
“Why don’t I give you something to think about then?” he said softly, his lips brushing my jaw. I shifted, not quite sure, and his grip on me tightened until I couldn’t move. His teeth nibbled on my neck as his hand tugged on the waistband on my jeans, popping the button open.
Wasn’t he eager?
My fingers curled around the nape of his neck, his lips sucking on my skin as his fingers slipped inside my jeans. I bit my lip as they found my clit, immediately rubbing, his teeth making me gasp as they suddenly broke flesh. My nails dug into his shoulders, and it was almost embarrassing how wet I suddenly was.
He grinned when his fingers dipped lower, finding my folds soaking for him, his fingers forcing their way inside instantly.
“Your cunt is always so fucking tight,” he breathed in my ear, digging his fingers deep, his other hand wrenching my jeans and panties down to my thighs, leaving me exposed; it didn’t matter it was broad daylight, that anyone could walk up those steps or ride the train and see what he was doing to me.
In fact, it made the moment so much hotter.
I moaned, his fingers roughly thrusting into me, my body taking them all the way to the knuckles. I dug my nails into him, letting him finger fuck me shamelessly against the brick wall. He forced another finger inside of me, making me stretch as he curled them to him, my muscles abruptly clenching as pleasure suddenly burned it’s way up my stomach.
His thumb found my clit, rubbing it hard. 
Fuck it felt good!
There wasn’t anything to even think about now!
I clung to him now, feeling the waves of pleasure wash over me, my legs starting to shake as it became too much. I pulled on Eric, forcing his face from my neck so I could kiss him desperately, moaning into him.
And then it hit, everything suddenly going hot and dark as I came. My legs buckled, and if it wasn’t for Eric holding me against the wall I would have dropped to the floor.
I was panting, overly hot and warm, and I pressed my face against his shoulder.
Fuck, man.
“Think it over?” Eric murmured, and I snorted, my fingers loose against his shirt. 
“Not much time for thinking,” I mumbled, absently nuzzling closer. He chuckled, and after a moment his hands slipped down, drawing my clothing back into place, tugging my jeans a little harder when they hung on my hips; what can I say, I liked jeans that showed off my butt.
“I’ll see you tonight,” he whispered in my ear, his hands roaming my hips, sweeping to my ass and giving it a welcome squeeze. “Same time as before.”
Oh good, we didn’t have to go to my apartment, that was a relief; he didn’t need to know how I lived in there. I distinctly remember his place being very neat.
“You make me sound like a booty call.” I grumbled.
“Because that’s exactly what you are.”
“It works both ways, you know,” I retorted, drawing back from him with a frown. He smirked, his fingers curling around my chin. His thumb brushed my lips thoughtfully.
“I suppose. But you do need to work on being a little more quiet —.”
I smacked his shoulder indignantly. “Says Mr. Grunts-a-lot!”
“I don’t —.”
“Oh, you do. It’s like being humped by a —-.”

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