Sam and Dean have always been lovers, but can Sam deal with the loss of a second love? Can a relationship that has survived more strenuous things be held together when love is surely tested? Sam will go through many life changing experiences before...
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It's been over a year since Dylan died at the hands of Dean in the bunker and they haven't even thought about telling Corinne. Dean was just waking up as Sam made breakfast in bed for him, "good morning you sexy thing." Sam said, then leaned in kissing Dean's lips. "Good morning to you as well hottie." Dean then pulled Sam towards on top of him. Corinne interrupts Sam and Dean's private time by asking where Dylan's at. Sam looked at Dean with the "be honest" look, but Dean tells Corinne that he's back in Ohio safe and sound. Corinne then attempted to call him when she was inside the bunker. She hears the phone ringing right next door. She fearfully walks into the next room, and there she finds Dylan's rotten corpse. Dean and Sam hear her scream. "Damn it, she found his body." Dean said while running up the stairs. Corinne then pulls out her pistol to find Sam and Dean and shoot them herself. But Dean knocks her out cold. "Dean, Dean, Dean you got some explaining to do." Meg said. "The body count is rising, Mary, Dylan, and soon maybe Corinne, you better not kill her because then everyone will be on the lookout for her, not only that but Clarence will definitely kill you." Dean remarked, "nobody will find her if we burn her and put the bones in acid."
It's been four months since Corinne has been trapped, tortured, and beaten down by Dean. Meg then finds out where Corinne has been trapped and goes on a mission to free her. Corinne hears footsteps coming, paranoia is bad, she looks both ways to see but nothing there. Meg then finds Corinne, in blood and sweat. "Took you long enough, huh?" Corinne said in a smart-ass tone. "We've got to hurry, they'll be back any minute now," Meg said quickly and quietly. So after walking in tunnels for hours, they got out, Meg then calls 911 saying she found Corinne and told them where they were so she can get help. Meg then calls Cas and tells him the news.
Up at the hospital Cas, Meg, Ellen, jo, Bobby, and Charlie is all there watching over Corinne. The only problem about the case though, Corinne is locked into a coma and she isn't responding to medicine nor treatments, Cas is crying uncontrollably and Ellen is bawling because Corinne was her second daughter. Corinne is awake in her mind and sees Dylan at the golden arch of heaven, and he welcomes her in open arms. Corinne began to blame herself for his death and Dylan says, "it never was your fault." Corinne accepted the fact she was dead. She embraced Dylan and went on. The doctors asked Cas if he wants to pull the plug, he said no but if it doesn't improve in the next hour, pull it. The minutes seemed like hours, each time Cas closed his eyes saw his baby girl only being kept alive from a ventilator. It's was five more minutes till the next hour, and jo then began to scream at Corinne, "wake up sis, wake up please!" Charlie sat there motionless crying for she was about to lose her best friend and sister. The hour came, and Cas is looking at Corinne with tears filling his eyes. The doctor comes in and has him fill out the sheet to pull it. Bobby is holding Ellen while she shakes uncontrollably from crying, jo was held by Charlie, and Meg held Cas while he said his last words to her "I'll never forget your beautiful face, your laugh, your smile, everything baby. I'll see you soon baby girl..." The plug was pulled and the ventilator stopped, and Corinne flatlined.
Corinne's funeral followed the next day. Already Cas was drowning himself in alcohol to numb the pain, but no matter what he did it never helped. Ellen and Jo arrived in black, Ellen holding on to her daughter for support while Jo seemed to cry and sob under a black funeral Vail. Charlie and Bobby followed, where Bobby was holding Charlie while her red hair was a mess and she fainted every so often. Cas then comes in, looking like a wreck. He goes up to the casket to see his baby girl one more time. Her face came as the hospital face. "She never looked so peaceful ya know?" he said to Ellen. "She looks so restful, I miss her like crazy Ellen!" he yelled. " I'm never going to find another one like Corinne." he thought. Jo visited the casket looking down on her baby sister's face, she handed Corrine's faint, cold hands a locket that has a picture of Jo and her after she was born. "I'll never forget you, baby sis." she then lost control and cried really hard. Ellen came up next and said, " raise hell in the afterlife daughter."
Then gently placed a bottle of whiskey next to her. Ellen lost control too, and she leaned down and kissed her daughter, letting a tear fall which made it look like it came from Corinne. At the eulogy stand, Cas stood up and read his first love letter to Corinne. " My dear Corinne, nothing can overcome the beauty that's beheld in front of me, nothing can change how I feel about my future. You're all I ever wanted and needed, no girl can replace you. I swear the day we can proclaim our love with rings and all I'll never need another thing in my life, I'll never need another girl in my life."I have Corinne's voice saved on my phone, I'll never forget the voice of a true angel." Ellen then stood up to say, "my daughter was one hell of a fighter, she was a Harvelle, and we don't give up, she didn't give up, she just gave in but I know she didn't die in vain, she died fighting, she died fighting so hard and she," Ellen choked on her tears, "she was everything to Cass and Jo and me."
The burial was following after the funeral and Sam was there prepping it all. The hole, flowers, everything. Bobby, Cas, Benny, Kevin, and Sam all carried her casket out to the grounds and laid her to rest. Ellen, Jo, Pamela, Meg, and Charlie all threw roses on top of her casket. Cas then said, "farewell my wife." He never would date again. Sam personally laid a wreath on her casket, made from roses, carnations, tulips, and Japanese cherry blossoms. Corinne then was put to rest Corinne Harvelle-Novak December 12th, 1993 June 23, 2016
Cas never was himself again. He had a picture of Corinne and him kissing on their wedding day carried everywhere. Ellen checked up on him every day. Her world was turned upside a week after the funeral. She came to check up on him and found him, an empty bottle of pills, and a suicide note with the wedding picture glued to it. She called 911 and he was rushed to the hospital, where they pumped his stomach. He was gonna be okay but they retained him to the mental institution to keep observation. Cas would be released months later.
Dean later found a way to erase proof he ever did anything. Even Meg forgot. So Dean and Sam continued to live normal lives in the bunker. From the lock of hair Left in the bunker, Corinne came back as a vengeful spirit. But not for long since Dean remembered he hit her on the staircase. He later found the hair and burned it. He watched Corinne burn, but she said, "you'll pay for this!" and she caught flames. Dean was so happy that she was gone. The very of him murdering people ate at him. Especially Corinne's murder because she was the wife of Sam's best friend.
Dean and Sam went on the traditional date to steak and shake with Cass, but he always carried something of Corinne's to remember her constantly. " So how have you been?" asked Dean with little care behind which earned him a kick from Sam. "I've been terrible, I haven't been in the outside world since two months ago, I refuse to date or anything because I feel lost without Corinne," he said. That's when Meg popped up. "Hiya boys!" she said. Dean was hoping she still forgot about what had happened to Corinne. But that memory was coming back slowly. WolfieWinchester. Meg then collapsed in the booth and inside her head, it was rushing around finding what happened to Corinne that night. She remembers finding her but doesn't remember much more than that. Dean knew it was coming apart. The spell was breaking. Dean excused himself from the table to find Rowena outside. "I thought you said the spell would last longer than just 2 months??"
Dean yelled. "I thought too, someone is breaking that spell," she said. "Whoever is breaking it is much too powerful." she continued. Sam, Meg, and Cas leave and everyone heads home.
After getting to her little apartment, Meg collapses and remembers it all. From Corinne being knocked out to her explaining it all, the torture, the beating, just all of it. All the way up to death. Now it was all adding up to her. "
Rowena outside the store, she's a witch, hex or a spell to make me forget about Corinne's fate." she thought.
"Dean!" she aloud, she knew it was him who did it!