This chapter is from Dylan's P.O.V
I woke up to see a bright sun. I looked down and felt the warm sand under my feet.
I kept looking around on the beach, trying to find other signs of life.
I started walking towards the grass that was gracefully blowing in the soft wind. I looked all around me, there was black sand, it felt soft like I was on a cloud again.
"I am surprised to see you in the veil Dylan. Of all the people I thought you would be more cautious." I turned around to see a veiled angel, her voice sounded so calm and it was so powerful. I took baby steps, closing in on her.
She turned around and it was her.
Corinne was wearing a long black outfit, blending in with the sand and the many cliffs of the island. Her long blonde hair now reaching her hips was decorated in black rose petals and a Smokey eye that made her soft blue eyes pop.
"Dylan, you're not supposed to be here. What happened?"
I fell crying. So much pain began to rush in, she got on her knees and held me.
"Corinne, I was diagnosed with cancer almost a year ago. I think the rumors are back and I think thanks why I'm seeing you."
Her smile was there, but not all the way. It was small enough to still see the pain that she was trying to keep concealed.
"Dyl, please tell me you're joking." I looked up at her, my golden eyes showing emotion. She looked at me like there was nothing around before standing up and wiping her eyes slightly. She walked towards the shoreline and opened her arms up, the wind picked up and a beam of light shone through the broken clouds above, giving way to see Corinne glowing.
Corinne was harnessing the power of the sun, taking it in. She turned to me and held a small ball of the sun's energy, before blasting me with it.I flew back, crashing into the sand. Corinne laughed, "the good thing about having healing powers is the fun that comes with it."
I got up and brushed the sand out of my hair. "I'm serious, why hit me with freaking sun energy?" She smiled walking over to him, "that was enough radiation to rid your body from tumors, and cancer cells, you'll wake from this coma and not remember me and no longer have cancer."
I looked at her wishing she were joking. "Corinne, please don't go. Come back to me."She started walking up a hill, she turned around and smiled slightly. "Dylan I'm happy here. I'm at peace and understand that heaven or earth is fine without my presence. This island is the most secluded I've been in so long. I know it's hard for you to understand, but please Dylan."
I was wiping away tears now. She walked closer to me, putting her hand in my cheek, "I love you so much Dylan," she had to take a breath, "I love you so much I need you to go. I need you to live more."
I nodded, trying to grasp the words she was uttering. She nodded and then walked off.I started running towards the shoreline again, I heard the wind and felt rain. The sky started to rumble and I knew I was trying to wake up. I kept screaming, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I fell in the water, I felt the waves crash against me. I felt like I was drowning, it hurt so much, but it felt so relaxing like I was sleeping. I saw a figure breaking in the waves of the crash, it looked like Corinne but it wasn't.
It was Jo. Even though she was no longer dead, her voice and her spirit were helping him.She pulled me up and started to cry.
"If you're here Dylan, it means you're close to death."
I felt her pain, I physically felt her heart breaking. She pulled me in for a hug and held me. "Where you are Dylan, you need to fight and wake up."
I stared at her, like the words she was saying we're coming out, but my mind wasn't putting two and two together. "Jo! I don't know where I'm at!"She grabbed a hold of my hand and the next thing I saw was me.
I was hooked up to these wires, a breathing tube, and a brain monitor.
"What's going on?" I turned to Jo, who was staring at Ellen.
She was in the room with Dean, both alone, watching my still body.
I felt a sense of panic wash over, I saw this still version of me. I tugged on Jo's shirt trying to get her to answer. She kept staring at her mom, I felt her pain.
"You're lucky Dylan. You didn't suffer. You passed out and went under. I was stabbed, wide awake and nothing to numb the pain."I felt my stomach, sudden pain. I looked at my still body and saw the rags soaking with blood. I ran into my body before feeling a jolt.
I woke up, fighting the tube and the restraining holds. My eyes wide open, Ellen and Dean were screaming for the nurse. I felt sick, probably from the blood loss.
I was fighting this, tooth and nail. The nurses ran in and took the tube out and then unlocked my bed and were pushing me to the OR. I grabbed Dean and took a deep breath. "I saw Corinne and I saw Jo. They helped me back." Dean tried to hold on to my hand but was forced to let go when they went past the door.The nurses and doctors were rushing to get me under for surgery. The clot that was in my brain didn't let up, and it was going to kill me.
For the first time in a long time, I thought for sure, that this was the end of my life and everything I knew. I grew so fond of everyone I've met, but this would be the biggest challenge I've ever faced.Once under, I began to see my old friends again only in memory though. Little blimps of stand stills and clips came through, but the biggest memory that popped up was when I saw Corinne dead, her body burned into the back of my eyelids, every blink I see her.
I felt stuck in this loop for what seemed like forever before hearing the faint voice of Dean arguing with Meg. My eyes took forever to open, they felt so damn heavy, and good lord someone gets me a fucking drink of water. I felt the ventilator taped down on my mouth, I started to shake my foot a little, Meg looked over and ran for the nurses. Dean came up to me, close enough for me to count the freckles, and whispered;
"You're safe."The doctors began to unhook the ventilator and other machines and talked to me about the last month and a half of my comatose state.
"Mr. Gross, you have been a tough soldier, I'm impressed you're still with us. There were tumors all over your lungs and arteries in the chest, including the spinal cord and bones. But our oncologists here did a brave surgery and removed all the tumors. You're cancer-free, but you're gonna be on stronger chemotherapy medicine and radiation. I gotta tell you, Dylan, you had angels watching over you."I sat up slowly, everything felt like it was standing still, but yet I saw bodies moving and mouths talking. Dean sat down next to me and grabbed my hand and pulled it close to him.
"Gave us a scare there Dylan." I tried to talk but my mouth was dry and cracked, it hurt. I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote 'water', Meg handed me hers, and god did that cold water feels good. I finally could talk but weakly, "where's Ellen?"
Dean smiled and looked at Meg. She stepped forward and showed Ellen asleep in a chair unaware that I'm awake now.
Meg pushed on Ellen's leg, slightly waking her up. She looked at me and about fell apart, she walked over and hugged me tight, holding me close like it was a dream she would wake from. She pulled me back and looked at me, and pulled me back in for a tighter hug.
I felt so much pressure in my chest, I thought I was gonna fall apart in front of them.
There was a lot to take in, and yet Sam wasn't there. Dean knew who I was looking for, so he sat down next to me and held me.
"We called him Dylan, he texted and tried to find him. He wasn't coming." I sunk into the hospital bed, there was a sense of hopelessness come over me.
Sam was my everything, and now I was going to have to learn to live a life without him. It was painful at first, but I didn't let it show.Later that night I kept in bed, wondering about how to keep busy after a busy day. I was reading a book when my nurse came in to change my IV. I was so tired from being in the hospital for almost 2 months, it's just frustrating to be so sick. The nurse was wrapping up when he sat down reading my chart.
He started talking about the new medicine I'll be starting.
"Here soon you're gonna start Warfarin to help with your clots and then you'll be on omeprazole to treat your stomach acid."
I looked at him nodding my head and did a double-take.
It was Sam.

the undying love
FanfictionSam and Dean have always been lovers, but can Sam deal with the loss of a second love? Can a relationship that has survived more strenuous things be held together when love is surely tested? Sam will go through many life changing experiences before...