And it all fell out of place.

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Every evening, Dean met with Rowena to get more of the potion that kept Dylan falling for them. "Remember, once a day and hopefully the potion will take full effect and he'll be ready for marriage!"
Dean nodded and walked out. After reaching home he cuddled up with Sam watching Where The Wild Things Are. "Isn't this great baby boy? Everything is falling into place and we'll be so much happier!"
Sam looked up and nodded and pressed his lips against his and began a make-out session. Dylan had woken up and walked in on them making out, but tiptoed to get his water. He drank it and sat down on the stool thinking about how happy he was. Sam got up to go grab his cigarettes and a jacket when he saw him, "wanna join me?" Dylan nodded and followed him to the back. "So I think Bora Bora sounds perfect, but I also like Hawaii. I just don't know, I've never been married!" he said with a slight chuckle. As Sam lit his cigarette, he just looked at Dylan as he went off to take some nature pictures. "I'm so damn proud of him." It was Dean, who walked out to see what they were up to. "He's so happy, but I know the second that the spell wears off he'll hate us even more."
Dean looked over to Sam and kissed him while squeezing his ass, "that's why we'll keep slipping it to him until eventually, it becomes a need for him to marry us! And then we all live happily ever after."
Dylan heard the news and looked over slightly and saw them smiling and knew after how close Rowena and Dean got, it was her.

Dylan was done so he walked over and hugged Dean, and brought Sam in for a group hug. After this, he walked in and got different water that wasn't laced with it. He felt funny and thought it tasted different but he shrugged and went to sleep. As Sam and Dean walked in about an hour later after walking he saw Dylan making a mess of everything. "Damn it, he grabbed the wrong water!"
he mumbled. "Why am I here? You, two oh good God, get me out of here!" Sam quickly tackled Dylan apologized for what he was about to do. He got a needle full of the spell and stabbed his neck with it. Dylan fell asleep and didn't wake up for a whole day.

The next day when he woke up, he found Sam and Dean awake making breakfast. "Morning sunshine!"
Sam walked over and left Dean to cook and kissed Dylan gently on the lips. Dean then threw the apron to Sam and bent Dylan down and kissed him harder and had their tongues meet. "Who's better baby?" he asked with a smirk. Dylan smiled and shook his head and sat down for breakfast. Sam flipped pancakes on his plate and watched Dylan dig in. They all planned to go on a walk later to go see Meg and Cas, then after that visit Ellen and Jo. Dylan wasn't going to go far without Sam and Dean, the potion put a profound impact on him, which meant he wouldn't go out without one of them, eat without one of them, and sleep without one of them. This made them both too happy. As Dylan was working on some new pictures, he got a call from Meg.
"Hey Meg, how's it going?"
"It's going just fine, actually. I was just checking up on you and seeing if you were still coming over?"
"Yeah, of course, why wouldn't we?"
Meg hangs up. Dylan didn't know why, but suddenly he didn't want to go.
So he got in bed and decided he wasn't going to go visit them which sparked outrage with Dean. "I'm sorry Dean, I can't leave. I decided I won't go. I'd rather sleep. I don't feel so good." Sam looked to Dean and they nodded to each other. They walked out and left him to be.

Dylan snuck out that night and went and visited Cas. "I missed you." Cas leaned in and kissed him. It's been nearly 9 years since Corinne's death and only 3 years of the years they've been lovers. "You know, I think Corinne is gonna kill me even after I'm dead."
Dylan laughed and returned to kissing Cas. They would always meet up on Saturdays and have the day together before Dylan had to return to an unhappy place. "Runaway with me Dylan, we can make a future. Just us." Dylan gave him a concerned look and nodded. They embraced and began to kiss again. "Shit, I got to go before Dean's hunting me." Cas nodded and kissed him one last time. "I'll swing by tonight and get you. I love Dylan, and I want the best for you." Dylan then walked out. As Dylan walked out there was the impala. "Are you ready to go?"
It was Sam. Dylan nearly had a heart attack but got relief when Sam didn't even bring up the fact about the affair. After they got home Dylan went to bed. He didn't want to face either of them, but before he went to bed he got his bags packed and got ready to leave forever with Cas.

Corinne who was listening and seeing everything decided it was time to take action as a single tear slipped from her eye. Corinne felt like this knife had been plunged into her heart. She poofed herself inside the bunker. She double-checked to make sure Dylan wasn't there to interfere with her mission. Dean immediately grabbed his angel blade, "wait! I got news for you two pinheads. Dylan is cheating on you two with my former husband."
Dean didn't want to believe it, but deep down he knows it is. Sam immediately took defense for his love, "Dylan would never do that! He loves us." Corinne rolled her eyes, "if he loved you too why did you two idjits put him under a love spell!? Why do you think it is not kissing and snuggles anymore? Or how he simply can leave without you two by his side? Or even how he is drinking the wrong water? He knows how to be smart and he's been doing this for quite some time now and you two were way too dumb to realize he's letting Cas screw him!" they both sat in awkward silence. "Exactly!"
she screamed until she became breathless. Sam stormed out and started the impala to hunt Dylan down himself again and get the truth out once and for all. As Sam's pulling up he sees the window steaming and suddenly saw Dylan's body pressed against it, once Dylan's back turned he saw Cas making out with him. Sam lets a couple of tears fall to his cheek then lets it turn into a sob. He looked down at the gun through his tears and knew what he had to do. He walked up and pressed the door open. He turned on music to drown out Dylan's breathless moans and groans as Cas was going deeper and harder. Sam pressed the bedroom door open, "well what do we have here?" Cas turns around and is completely embarrassed and felt his face flush. Dylan held his breath trying not to scream. "Please Sam, it's not at all what you think!" Sam chuckles, "really well I know what this is." As he says this he pulls out a 45. And pulls the trigger, blood splattered all over the headboard, sheets, Dylan, and Sam. Cas's lifeless body lies right next to Dylan, he didn't know what to do and all he did was cry. Sam smiled and walked slowly over to Dylan. "Please! I'm sorry Sam, don't kill me!!" Dylan's eyes flooded as he looked at him. Sam bent down and kissed him, "it's okay Dylan, it wasn't your fault."

Sam takes Dylan out to the impala. Dylan stopped in his tracks and looked back at the house. He knew his chances of escaping hell now was low, but as long as he continued to put on a show it would keep them fooled. "Before we leave, please let me buy him. I loved him, more than anything and I know that sounds bad but he was so nice to me. I didn't like what you did, in fact, I hate you! You killed the only guy who genuinely loved me, not for my body but for who I was as a whole!" Sam was stunned by what just came out of his mouth, "Dylan please let me ease the pain, we can go back to the bunker and make out or something?" Dylan began to cry and just got in the car, prepping himself for Dean's dramatic outburst that is bound to happen. While driving Dylan dreamt of Cas and him lying in bed together and having fun, then leaving the house and getting ready for a busy day. Sam looked over to Dylan as he watched him squirm around in his sleep. He woke him up and ruined the entire dream. Dylan knew sooner or later he'd have to just run and never return. 

Even if it meant having to kill himself. Once they pulled up, the lights flashed on Dean, who was outside smoking and having a beer. Dylan got out first and walked slowly over to the door, but it was locked. "Just tell me, yes or no?" Dylan nodded slightly, afraid Dean was gonna beat him. Dean walked over, Dylan listened to each leaf make a snap noise as he walked closer. Dean pulled Dylan close and whispered, "who started it?" Dylan didn't want to answer, but after a long silence in the crisp autumn air, he told him it was Cas. Dean kissed Dylan, reassuring him it was okay. Dean did what he thought was best and stuck him with a needle full of the love potion. "I'm sorry babe. This is temporary, or until you love us unconditionally and without help." Dylan looked at him in his emerald eyes and said, "my heart belonged to Cas, not you." Sam was physically hurt by those words. Dean leaned in close as Dylan faded and told Sam, "Rowena stopped supplying us the original stuff, so Corinne gave us an indefinite one. No more sneaking it in his water nor food. She said take care of him while she has separate plans for Cas in heaven." Sam nodded and kissed Dean. They were ready for new beginnings.

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