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Kate's POV

I am so bored. I moved to London 6 months ago to start University. I was really enjoying it at first going out all the time and having fun, but now it's halfway through the 'school' year and there's nothing going on because everyone's really busy with work. I need to get out, go to a party or a club and let my hair down, just relax a little. Maybe I should ring my brother Liam and see what he's up to, he can always cheer me up. Liam's at University too, not far from me, but he's  staying on the campus, and I'm in a flat, It's great having the independence that comes with living alone but I do often find myself feeling very lonely. Liam's 21 he's 2 years older than me, he is finishing his last term of university already! I can't believe it, it seems like 2 minutes since he left our home in Cheshire. I always loved living in Cheshire, it has the benefits of rural and urban life, where we lived was in the countryside, a fairly large house surrounded by land, however there were easy transport links to Liverpool and Chester close by. As much as I enjoyed my childhood, I couldn't wait to move out, I longed for the independence, which now that I have, I'm not so sure about anymore. 

I'm very privileged to have such a lovely flat so close to central London, it really is beautiful. On entering through the door the first thing you see is the large wooden fireplace painted white, opposite is a cosy grey sofa with a pile of tartan blankets resting on the arm, to the left of the fireplace is the kitchen. It's small but perfect for me, the cupboards are all white and glossy and the surfaces are black granite. Next to the kitchen is my bedroom, I have a double bed with a large white wooden wardrobe on either side and a small dressing table just by the door. The colour theme in my room is white and champagne, all of the basics, e.g. my bed, wardrobes, dressing table, are white but I've added plenty of champagne/gold coloured accessories to give it some character. 

I decide call Liam, sitting on the cosy grey sofa I start to pick at my nails as I hear the dealing tone in my ear, I've picked my nails since before I can remember. It's a terrible habit but one I've never been able to shake off.  After the fourth ring he finally picks up.

"Hi Kate, everything ok?" Liam asks,

"Yes, everything's good thanks, I was just wondering what you're up to?" I enquire, hoping that he has something exciting planned for the evening that I can join in with.

"Nothing right now," Oh. "But I am going out later, I'm going to a club with a few friends." This sounds more like it. "You're more than welcome to join." He adds.

"I'd love to, if you're sure?" I respond. As much as I enjoy spending time with my brother, I'd hate for him to think of me as a party crasher or something, but it has been a while since we've been out together.

"Of course I'm sure, I'll be outside you're building at 8." He informs me.

"See you then."

A sudden wave of excitement comes over me and I check my watch, it's only 5:45, so I still have a bit of time to kill. I wonder what I should wear, should I wash my hair again, I only did it this morning. I'm such an over thinker, I think it's one of my worst qualities. I've always been quite a shy and nervous person, never the one to start a conversation or speak publicly.  I wouldn't  say I'm crippled with anxiety but it's definitely a problem for me. I think that's one of the reasons that I'm not enjoying London as much as I expected, I suppose I thought it would make me a more confident person but if anything, I think it's pushed me further back into my shell, I can't explain the nervous feeling i get in my stomach when I'm in the tube station or even just walking down a busy road. I feel like everyone's looking at me and judging me. I try to rationalise it in my head, and I know I'm being silly but I just can't help it. 

Luckily, I don't tend to get those feelings in nightclubs, but that's probably because the alcohol helps me to relax. I mean, I get those feelings on the way in, as I do walking in to any busy environment, but once I'm in and I've had a drink..or two, I tend to be ok.

I decide to just go ahead and wash my hair again anyway because I know if I don't then I'll probably regret it later. Plus it will hopefully help the time pass a little quicker. I grab my phone, and head to the shower in my en suite. After shuffling through my music a few times, I leave it on 'Eddie's Gun' by The Kooks, and step into the shower.

The warm water feels great and really helps me to relax, as I sing along, I get lost in the music and any worries that I have start to fade. 

When I eventually drag myself out of the bliss that is my shower, I pat myself dry and moisturise my skin before checking the time on my phone. 

Oh god! It must be wrong! It's 7pm already? How have I been in there for over an hour? And I've only got one hour until Liam will be here. I haven't even decided what I'm wearing yet! Shit! Panic rises within me as I rush to wrap a towel around myself and hurry over to my wardrobe, praying that when I open the door, the perfect outfit magically appears. But when I do....nothing. I mean, not nothing, obviously, but nothing that I want to wear. I start to pull out each  item of clothing one by one assessing their suitability for this evening, but I just can't find anything! 

And then suddenly, a glimmer from the back of my wardrobe catches my eye. I reach down into the bottom corner and pull out a lovely bronze shimmery dress, embroidered with gold flowers, and a cut-out back. Yes! I'd forgotten about this dress, I love it! I lay the dress out neatly on my bed, grateful that its not too creased from being stuffed into the corner of my wardrobe, and head to my dressing table to try and solve the hair problem. The hair problem being that if I leave it to dry naturally it will be a lot curlier than  I like, and if I dry it with a hair dryer but don't straighten it, then it will frizz up to the size of a planet! 

I decide to just dry it anyway, If I don't have time to straighten it I can just put it in a bun.

25 minutes later and my hair is dry. After styling it into a messy bun, I move onto my makeup. I absolutely love makeup, I don't wear tons and tons but I do enjoy applying it and trying new things. I also think it's great that it can give people that little bit of extra confidence. I usually spend about 40 minutes doing my makeup each day, but because I'm in a rush, I manage to reduce my time to 30 minutes, giving me five minutes to shove my dress on, find my black strappy heels, squirt on a bit of perfume, and grab my small black clutch where I've put my phone, keys and some money.

When the lift doors open at the ground floor of my building, I'm greeted by Liam's warm smile, and a quick glance to the lobby clock tells me I'm only about 2 and a half minutes late. My brother is looking as handsome as ever, he always seems to look effortlessly good, it's not fair. He's wearing dark skinny jeans and a navy button down shirt, and a load of hair product too. I always tease him about how long he spends doing his hair, but I have to admit, it does always look nice.

"Ready?" He asks me.

 "Yeah, lets go" I respond, excitedly. 

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