Chapter 10

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Once I got over my initial nerves on entering the party, I was loving the atmosphere. Everyone was having such a good time and it was what I really needed. The music was so loud and there was alcohol everywhere, it was amazing. I was standing with a crowd of people and I felt confident, that may have had something to do with the two cherry ciders I drank within half an hour, but anyway I was having fun. I wasn't saying much but from what I could make out over the music, some drinking games were about to start. I cheered along with everyone else as shot after shot after shot was downed. Then it was my turn. I was told I had to take the shot glass out of one guys mouth, and pass it to someone else, using only my mouth. Well I was up for a challenge, and by this time I was very drunk and couldn't stop giggling. I walked over to the first guy and leaned my mouth in towards his, I flicked my tongue over the top of the glass and gripped the rim. I started to walk back towards the other boy, his eyes were running up and down my body as I walked towards him, I almost started giggling again but remembered I had a glass in my mouth. I got nearer to him and he grinned at me, once I had transferred the glass into his mouth, he passed it back to me and I downed it without thinking about the other mouths that had been around it. Then I felt hands on my waist pulling me forwards and before I knew it, I was making out with the complete stranger in front of me. I laughed into the kiss but kept it going. After only seconds, his lips removed from mine and my brain took its time to register the scene in front of me because of my drunken state. Harry had this guy pinned up against the wall and was shouting at him, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. Suddenly my body took over my mind and walked over to them. ' Harry, what are you doing, we were in the middle of something then!' I questioned him before bursting into a fit of laughter.

Harry's eyes flashed from the guy, to me, then he grabbed my arm and dragged me out into the back garden. It was huge and there were people out here too. I was still laughing. 'What the hell were you doing in there' he asked me.

' well obviously I was making out with erm, what's his name, you know, that guy!' I blurted.

'Well you shouldn't go around kissing people you don't know, and I'm pretty sure he's trouble anyway' he lectured me. 'Jeez, calm down dad!' I laughed at him, 'you need a drink!' I told him before heading off to find him one. He was right behind me as I walked inside, I stopped to take off my shoes because I could barely hold myself up as it was. And then I walked over and grabbed a bottle of vodka before pouring him half a glass. 'Here drink this Harry' I said to him and passed him the cup. He took it from me and drank it quickly.

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