Chapter 4

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I'd been chatting to Niall for about ten minutes, when Zayn and Harry walked in. Perfect.

"Hey guys", Zayn says walking towards us.

"Hi." We respond simultaneously, and I smile towards Zayn. I dare myself to look at Harry and see if he is as mysterious today as he was last night. As I look at him, my heart starts to race, his hair is pushed back out of his face today and I have a much better view of his dark green eyes and his sharp jawbone that meets child-like dimples at the top of his cheeks, as I look at his lips I see that he's smiling towards Zayn. His smile is like nothing I've ever seen, it makes him appear much younger and more innocent than he is, and gives him a cheeky appearance. As my eyes catch his, his demeanour changes from carefree to much more reserved, just as I knew he was last night. I knew it wasn't the alcohol, there really is something about him.

I can feel any confidence that I have drowning inside me as he and Zayn casually approach us. Harry sits opposite me.

Zayn and Niall soon become lost in a conversation about what they are going to do for Louis' birthday, and I find myself looking at Harry again. I need to stop doing that before he thinks I'm a psycho or something. It's not normal to stare at someone all of the time. But I suppose someone as good looking as Harry is used to having people stare at him all the time. He's looking down at his hands, his curly hair flopping all over the place.

I find myself desperate to start a conversation with him, but that's not like me. I would never speak to someone first. What could I even say to him, I'm sure he wouldn't want to talk to me. He probably just wanted to come out with his friends, and is pissed off that i'm here too.

No, I won't say anything, I decide.

"Thank you for lending me your hoodie." I blurt out before my mind can stop me. Oh god, why did I do that?

As soon as the words leave my mouth, his head snaps up, and his eyes meet mine. He looks at me for a few seconds before responding and i'm internally petrified that he's just going to ignore me.

"It's not a problem." he replies bluntly, before looking away.

"I can run up to my flat and get it for you now, if you want?" I offer. What am I doing? Kate, stop speaking now!

His head turns back to mine, and there he goes again with that mischievous grin.

"Ok, if you're sure?" he says, somewhat politely.

"Yeah, sure."

"I could come with you if you want?" he suggests. Harry, in my flat? No no no, I can't agree to this, I barely know this man, I can't have him in my home. No.


So five minutes later, after saying goodbye to Zayn and Niall, who barely even noticed us leaving, I am walking down the road, towards my flat, with Harry. Oh my god, I hope it's not a mess. What if there's dishes out in the kitchen or I've dropped some laundry on the floor? Oh god.

" How far do you live?" Harry enquires.

"Oh it's not far, just about another two minutes down this road." I say quietly and he nods.

I feel so on edge walking next to him. I feel like I'm going to trip up, or walk into him by mistake. How embarrassing would that be? I'm aware of the silence between us as I concentrate on keeping my balance.

And then I ask, " How long have you and Zayn been friends?" I hope I don't seem nosey but I am genuinely interested by Harry and I want to know more about him.

He quickly responds, " Since Primary School.".

"Oh, that's a long time" I reply as we walk through the doors into my building, Harry goes first and holds the door open for me.

"Yeah, I guess" he responds quietly. I decide to give up on making conversation with him, he clearly doesn't want to talk to me.

As we step into the lift, Aaron gets out, and waves towards me. I wave back with a smile and Harry looks away. I'm actually starting to find him quite rude, and I'm relieved when we arrive at my floor and our encounter can soon be over.

I can feel him waiting impatiently behind me as I fumble with my keys, trying to open the door. I decide to not even invite him in, his lack of conversation is making me uncomfortable and I feel like I must've offended him in some way, although I don't see how.

Once I'm in I grab his jacket off the hook and hand it to him. He snatches it quickly, with a quiet "Thanks" and before I can blink, he's disappearing down the hall.

What the hell? What's his problem?

I decide to call my friend Emma and see if she feels like shopping. Shopping can take my mind off almost anything, and I could do with some new clothes and a bit of girl talk. Emma's great at that. She could talk for Britain. We've been friends since the start of high school, and she's studying in London too. Although we're different in many ways, we get along brilliantly and I don't think I could be without her.

We're different in both appearance and personality. She's a blonde, and I'm a brunette, her hair is pin straight and mine is naturally quite wavy, she is about 5'7 and has the body of a glamour model, whereas I'm 5'2 and more slim than curvy. Also she has the most amazing blue eyes and mine are boring hazel, although sometimes they can change back and forth between green and brown which is cool, but having blue eyes would be amazing.

Personality wise, she's really confident and super smart, she's also a lot more carefree than I am, and she doesn't care what people think of her. I wish I could be like that. I'm not really very smart, I mean I did ok in my GCSE's and A-Levels but I've always thought I'm more creative than academic. I love reading, writing, drawing and music, and I just can't seem to get myself interested in subjects like maths and science.

2 hours later..

"You should definitely try this on" Emma says, thrusting a white lace body con dress at me.

Wow, it is a beautiful dress. It must be about knee length and it has a low cut front.

"It's lovely Em" I say, "but I don't really need another dress right now." I sigh.

"Are you ok?" she asks, "you don't seem yourself."

To be honest I'm just really tired after going out last night, "Yeah I'm fine thanks, I'm just tired."

We wander around a few more shops, and Emma asks me about my night out.

"Any hot boys then?" She asks with a cheeky grin. Typical of her to want to know all about the boys.

"Well, all of Liam's friends are quite good looking actually." I tell her truthfully and her eyes widen a little.

"Anyone particularly good looking?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

I'm skeptical of telling her about Harry because I'm pretty sure that he doesn't like me at all, and I still don't really know him, but knowing her she'll get it out of me at some point anyway.

"There was a boy called Harry, I'd definitely say he's the best looking of the group," I say honestly, "but there's something off about him, he's definitely not interested in me, and he even comes across a bit rude." I admit.

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