Chapter 18

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Finally it's Friday again. I'm walking back to my building from a small cafe in the city centre where I work the odd shift occasionally. I'd never needed to get a job because my parents are extremely wealthy and have always insisted on providing everything I want or needed for me. But I liked to work for myself and not always rely on them, so the cafe is ideal, although I doubt my parents would agree so I haven't told them about it. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, and hastily pull it out to see Liam's name lighting up the screen. I press accept before pressing the device to my ear. 'Hi' I greet cheerily.

'Hi Kate, everything ok?' He questions.

'Yeah, I'm all good, how about you?' I respond.

'Good here too, listen, I'm going out with Niall later, to a few bars and stuff, are you coming?'

Urggh, going out is the last thing I feel like doing right now, but staying in all night moping around wont help either so I may as well get out. Plus it's just Liam and Niall, no one else, so I have no need to worry.

'Ok, sounds good,,what time?'

'Meet us at the bottom of your building at 9:00, okay?' He asks sweetly.

'See you then' I swipe my finger across my phone, ending the call. I look down as I put my phone back in my pocket and walk straight into someone. Great one Kate, nice move.

I look up and sigh a breath of relief when i see that the tall figure is Aaron. 'Oh sorry Aaron' I mumble regaining my balance as we both step in to the side of the pavement.

'Kate, hi!' He exclaims, ' I was just going to call you!' His eyes beam down on me as he speaks and i can't help but notice how once again how attractive his smile is.

'Really? How weird!' What's up?' I respond laughing lightly.

' I was just going to ask if you wanted to do something later on?' He asks.

I'm just about to agree when I remember the plans I have just made with Liam.

'Aah Aaron I'd really love to' I say sheepishly, 'but I just made plans with my brother'.

His eyes visibly droop at my words and my heart clenches at the sight. 'Why don't you come out with us?!' I blurt out before my mind has chance to catch up.

'Really?' He asks, his mouth already breaking into a grin from my proposition.

'Yeah why not,' I answer with a small laugh, 'meet me outside our building at 9, okay?' I tell him.

'Yeah Ok, I'll seee you then" He replies nodding. 

We say goodbye before I carry on back home. The walk is not long at all, another few corners and I'm back. As I pass the Starbucks by my building I am quickly reminded of Harry and the way he held me as I cried on that pavement, the way he comforted me and then the way he all too quickly wanted to leave. I shake my head as if to rid it of thoughts of him, and carry on inside my building, I jog up the stairs knowing that like usual I probably won't be ready in time and need to hurry up. I  think tonight will be good, and Aaron could become good friends with Niall and Liam! Checking the time on my phone and seeing that it's already 7:25, I hurriedly undress and step inside the shower.

Sorry for the short chapter and the long wait but I've got a ridiculous amount of school work at the moment :(  xx

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