Chapter 7

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The taxi ride to the bar was great! Aaron is so funny and kind! He's 22 and he's working in a banking office 20 minutes away from his flat. I felt very comfortable around him and we talked about lots of things like our childhood and our families. He's an only child and was born in Newcastle. When the taxi pulled up outside the bar, Aaron took my hand and helped me out. As we entered the bar I was very conscious of the fact that Aaron was still holding my hand, it was absolutely buzzing inside, there were loads of people and I started to feel nervous. 'Wow it's great in here' Aaron yelled to me. 'Yeah it's great' I said. We went to get a drink, Aaron insisted on buying mine, I had a vodka and lemonade, he had a beer. We started chatting again when someone ordering a drink bumped into me. I tuned around to see Harry standing next to me. Fuck. When he registered that it was me he had bumped into, his beautiful green eyes widened, but they turned very dark, very quickly when they moved to Aaron. He glared at him before walking off. I couldn't believe how rude he was! 'What was that about? Do you know him?' Aaron asked. 'Erm not really, I think he knows my Brother' I responded. 'Well he needs to chill, can I get you another drink?'.

'Yeah, same again would be great' I said. I drank quickly trying to get the image of Harry's face out of my mind.

About an hour and a half later, both of us were very tipsy. And thankfully I hadn't seen Harry since his earlier appearance. Somehow Aaron had managed to be sitting a lot closer to me, and his hand was resting on my thigh. ' I really like you, Kate' he whispered to me. ' I really like you too!' I whispered back, meaning it. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine, they moved against mine in the most amazing way, he slid his tongue across my lower lip, asking for entrance, which I gave him. Kissing him felt amazing and I could feel my guard falling down. I gripped the back of his hair and his hand travelled further up my thigh, and grazed over my crotch. I let out an involuntary moan as he whispered, 'my place or yours?'.

'Yours' I said breathlessly. I wasn't exactly sure of how far I would let this go tonight, but I had an idea. I mean I've had sex before but only with 1 boy, he was my boyfriend from when I was 17 until 18, and we had sex quite a few times, so what the hell I can take a risk tonight! We hurried to the exit, with Aaron stopping me to kiss me by the door, again, this kiss was very passionate, and just as we left, I saw Harry's dark, angry eyes on me before he quickly downed a drink of some sort. Then he stood up and walked out shoving past me as he went. God, what is his problem? Anyway, I followed Aaron out, holding his hand tightly as there were lots of people around. We jumped into the nearest taxi, and gave them the address. As soon as the taxi moved off, our lips collided again, he had his hands on my lower back and mine were in his hair. I struggled not to climb on top of him right there in the taxi, and I think he was feeling the same because we both pulled away and laughed. 'This taxi is too slow for my liking' he growled in my ear.

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