Chapter 15

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Today is Tuesday.

It's also 10 minutes until I'm going out with Aaron. It's also been 3 days since the party, 3 days since I last saw Harry, but less than 3 hours since I last thought of him. I can't stop thinking about him, the way he looked at me and the way he went upstairs with her. Watching the two of them together made me feel physically sick, the thought of what they did together made me want to scream. Thinking about him so much was making me so much more nervous to go out with Aaron, even if I wanted it to, I couldn't let anything happen between Aaron and I. It would be unfair on him when I have all these frustrating feelings towards Harry. Maybe he would just want to be friends anyway. Fingers crossed.

2 hours later

The movie had just finished, it was quite good actually, it was a thriller action type movie so no awkward romantic moments to deal with.

'That was great, wasn't it?' Aaron asked me.

'Yeah it was really cool!' I replied.

We walked back towards the block of apartments chatting about random topics, the great thing about living in London is that you're never too far from anywhere. As I listened to Aaron talk about his uni course, my mind wandered to someone else, I tried to keep him out of my thoughts just for tonight but he keeps clawing his way back in.

'Kate, hello?!' Aaron laughed waving his hand in front of my face.

'Oh shit, sorry, I was just daydreaming!' I explained.

'Haha that's ok, anyway were back now so I suppose we should head Inside'

'Yeah, of course lets go in' I said opening the doors.

Once we were inside, I walked towards my door, with Aaron close behind.

'Thanks for coming out tonight, I think we're gonna be really good friends' he said.

'Friends?' I questioned. Oh shit I shouldn't have said that.

' well I figured you didn't want to be more than that, which is fine with me' he smiled.

' yeah, I mean, ok great! Friends sounds great' I say opening the door. Wow this is working out well.

'See you later then, night' he said walking away.

Phew, that went so well I can't believe it. I stripped out of my uncomfortable dress as soon as I shut the door, I ran to my room to get my pjs and whilst changing I hear a knock at the door.

'Just a sec' I shout pulling my top over my head, and jogging to the door.

I swing the door open to find the hallway empty, yet I hear loud footsteps running down the stairs. I'm about to go and see who it was but remember I'm only in my pjs and instead run to the window in my room. At first I don't see anything, and then a figure runs round the corner and past the bottom of the building, I can't see very well but I can make out one thing, the messy mop of curls on the mans head.

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