Chapter 2

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We've just arrived at the club. It's buzzing and I love it. It must be about six weeks since I've had a night out, and I'm definitely ready for one now. I'm disturbed from my thoughts by Liam grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the bar. He leads me towards a crowd of boys and I instantly feel a bit nervous. I'v never met these friends of Liam's before and the thought of having to introduce myself to new people tonight makes my stomach flip. The nerves get worse as we approach the them and I realise how attractive all of the boys are. There's no worse combination than me and someone I'm attracted to. I either talk too much an scare them off with my ridiculous rambling, or literally don't speak at all and everyone thinks that there's something wrong with me. I thank God as Liam introduces me so that all I have to do is give a nervous wave and say "hi".

Liam is great like that, he knows how nervous I get, and he always helps me out. The boys are all very friendly and introduce themselves one by one. Firs is Niall, Liam's roommate and best friend, it's surprising that I've never met him before. He is such a cutie, he has an Irish accent, blonde hair and baby blue eyes. I just want to stare at him, but this is the first time we've met and I don't want to come off as crazy so I quickly avert my eyes. Next is Louis, he shares most of Liam's classes, and he is gorgous. He's very tall with mop-like light brown hair and huge eyes. The next man to introduce himself is Zayn, he doesn't go to university but he's an old friend of Louis', he is H-O-T like words couldn't describe, really tall and well built with amazing dark features and hi hair styled in a perfect quiff above his head. I wonder if he uses the same hair products as Liam, I wonder if they share hair care tips with each other. A husky voice saying "Hi, I'm Harry" pulls me from my thoughts, and I lock eyes with the man sitting next to Zayn. They're best friends apparently. Harry has deep green eyes and dark brown hair, curly hair that flops over his face a little. There's something different about him, his eyes are still locked on mine as I pathetically respond with, "Hi I..I'm Kate". I mentally curse myself for being so nervous. he already knows my name, Liam just told them. How stupid am I? Harry smirks and looks away. He is without doubt the best looking of the group but he seems distant and mysterious. The way he smirked at me sent shivers down my spine.

The boys chat between themselves for a while and it's not on before they get up to go and dance, leaving me a little relieved that the awkwardness of meeting new people is over. I fancy a drink so I head to the bar. The bartender approaches and takes my order, a large gin and tonic, my favourite.

As I take a sip of my drink, I allow my eyes to wander in the direction the boys went, and sure enough, there they are dancing away with a group of girls. Except....wait, Harry's not there? I look again and notice him this time. He's standing against a wall at the side of the room, and his piercing green eyes are staring straight at me.

I quickly turn my head away, mortified by the fact that he caught me looking at him, and I take another few sips of my drink. I suddenly remember that I forgot to eat dinner tonight, that'd probably the reason why I'm already feeling light headed even though I haven't even finished my first drink. Great.

I notice that Niall is coming back over to the bar, and I start to panic knowing that I'll probably have to make conversation with him and end up embarrassing myself.

He pulls up a stool next to me and orders a beer. My palms are sweating.

"Can I get you another drink Kate?" He asks me.

Surely another drink can't be a bad thing, after all it will probably help me to relax. "Another G&T would be great thanks Niall." I respond quietly, praying that his name actually is Niall.

"No problem" he responds with a smile. Phew.

"So, how are you finding London?" he starts the conversation "Liam said you only moved six months ago?"

"Yeah I only came in erm September," I reply, "I'm enjoying it, but it's different to home." I add, and then thank him as he slides my fresh drink across the bar towards me.

"I think London just takes a bit of getting used to," he tells me, "and now that you're friends with me, I'll make sure you have a great time here." He says with a smile.

I can tell that he's only being so friendly to try and make me more comfortable, Liam must have mentioned something to him. I don't mind though, Niall seems really nice and it would be great to have him as a friend.

After talking to him for a while and finishing off another three drinks, I suddenly feel very comfortable in Niall's company and I am really relaxed. We've talked about all sorts of things, and I've learned that he is from Dublin, he has two sisters and a brother, and he also has a girlfriend called Jess who is currently studying in Leeds.

I want to take advantage of my relaxed and carefree state so I ask Niall to come and dance with me. He complies of course, being the friendly person he is, and we both stumble towards the dance floor.

As we reach the others Liam shoots me a look as if to ask if I'm ok, so I nod my head and smile at him. At this point I'm stood between Zayn and Niall and as I'm about to turn and see where Harry is, 'Mr Brightside' by The Killers comes on and everyone goes wild.

The boys all seem to be equally as drunk as Niall and I, and Louis grabs my hand and pulls me towards him, encouraging me to dance by swaying towards me and shouting out the song lyrics, "it started out with a kiss how did it end up like this' very loudly. I laugh to myself and dance and sing along with him, I'm having a great time.

After what must have been about an hour of dancing, I'm very tired and with the alcohol starting to wear off, I can barely keep myself awake. Liam, Niall and Harry have already given up and are sitting at a small table near the door. Louis is with another girl, and Zayn is standing next to me looking equally as tired as I feel.

"Should we call it a night?" he asks me, and I'm grateful that he does. I'm definitely ready to go home now but I wouldn't want to be the one to suggest it in case I come across as boring or a lightweight.

"Yes please." I say with a small laugh, Zayn laughs too and we head towards the others.

Before we head out to try and find taxis, I swap numbers with Niall and we agree to meet up again soon. I think being friends with someone as friendly and outgoing as Niall could be really good for me.

As we all get outside the cold air hits me and I take a sharp breath and cross my bare arms in an attempt to keep warm. The road in front of the club is packed with cars and luckily there are quite a few taxis.

"Here" a harsh voice says as a hoodie is thrust into my hands.

I look up to see Harry towering above me, god he's tall, and he's no longer wearing a jacket, which means I have full view of his toned arms. They aren't overly muscly but it's obvious that he works out.

Does he want me to wear his jacket?

"You look cold," he states, "you can give it back to me some other time." he says as he turns to walk away.

"Thanks" I whisper, as I watch him go.

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