Chapter 3

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I wake up with a pounding in my head, oh god.

I wasn't out too late last night, I'm sure I was home by midnight but I haven't had a drink for a few weeks so last nights G&Ts are having more of an impact on my head than they usually would. It was a good night though, I'm glad I went out. Plus I met some new people and I'm still alive so that's good.

I reach over to my bedside table and grab my phone to check the time, 9:55 am, not too bad, it is a Saturday morning after all and I don't really have any plans for today anyway.

I get up with a groan and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and find some paracetamol.

As I'm swallowing the tablets my mind wanders to the night before, and the oh so mysterious Harry. Every time I made eye contact with him, my heart started beating faster and my stomach flipped, the way he acts so reserved makes him seem like he's hiding something. Or maybe it was just the alcohol making me over dramatise everything, maybe he is just as normal as the rest of them.

After brushing my teeth I head to my living room, intending to watch some tv before properly starting the day. Friends is my favourite show, it always makes me laugh no matter how hungover I might be.

As I pass my coat rack something dark catches my eye, and I take a sharp breath as I remember Harry giving me his hoodie last night. It was such a polite gesture, and I really was freezing.

A small wave of excitement runs through my body as I realise that in order to return it to him, I'll have to see him again.

I need to stop my thoughts before I end up with a crush on my brother's friend, wouldn't that be awkward and embarrassing. Anyway I don't even know Harry we've barely spoken two words to each other and I'm pretty sure the alcohol was tainting my vision last night.

Just as I'm settling in to my first episode, I hear my phone buzz in my bedroom and heave myself up to go and retrieve it. As I head to my room I take another quick glance towards where Harry's jacket is hanging, and then mentally curse myself for it.

When I pick up my phone I have two new messages. One is from Liam checking that I'm ok, and the other is from Niall.

"Hi Kate, if you're as hungover as I am this morning then you'll be needing a Starbucks too, meet me at the one down your street at 11:30?"

I laugh to myself and reply to them both, I tell Liam I'm fine and agree to meet Niall. I'm definitely craving a Starbucks, and it will be good to see Niall again.

After getting a quick shower and changing into dark blue jeans and a grey hoodie, I put on a little makeup to hide the bags under my eyes from last night, and head out to meet Niall. I contemplate taking Harry's hoodie with me but I doubt he will be there and I don't want to burden Niall with having to carry it round all day. I don't even know if Niall and Harry are very close friends. It seems unlikely because they are so different, but I can't see Niall not being friends with anyone so maybe they are.

As I leave my building, I see there's a moving van outside. Maybe someone's moving in, there are a few empty flats on my floor, maybe I'll get a new neighbour. As I'm thinking this, a man emerges from the side of the van, carrying some boxes. He smiles at me, and walks in my direction. He's fairly tall, and has dark brown hair, he's really good looking.

"Hi, I'm Aaron," he introduces himself politely, "do you live in this building?" He asks signalling towards the building I've just left.

"Yeah, I do, my name's Kate." I respond.

"Oh great, I'm just moving in, as you can probably tell." He says and I laugh.

I'm about to offer to help him with the boxes but then I remember my plans with Niall.

"I'd offer to help but I'm just going to meet somebody" I say.

"Oh don't worry about it, maybe I'll see you around, I'm on the 11th floor." The 11th floor, that's the same as me, maybe we will be neighbours then.

"Oh wow, I'm on the 11th floor too! Let me know if you ever need to borrow some sugar." I joke and he laughs, although as I walk away I'm really not sure why he laughed because that has to have been the worst joke anyone could have made in the situation.

He probably laughed because it's obvious how pathetic and socially inept I am.

I try to forget the awkward encounter as I enter Starbucks and see Niall is already waiting inside for me.

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