Chapter 20

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Walking in to the club I see that it's very busy, It's also very dark so I can only really see the outline of people. The club looks amazing, it's very big and there's a huge dance floor with tables and booths surrounding it. The bar is against the back wall, facing us. Niall and Aaron are a few paces ahead of me, they're talking about computers or something like that, they're like a pair of old women, they're getting on really well, it's a shame Liam's moving because I see the potential for a very strong bromance there! As we get closer to the bar I recognise Niall's blonde quiff, I also notice the absolutely stunning girl stood next to him! This must be Jess! She is gorgeous, she's quite tall, about 5'9 and she's curvy with dark hair and eyes. I instantly feel like a man in comparison to her, it's not even fair how someone can look like that!
'Hi guys' Niall sees us and waves us over. Aaron slows down and walks beside me as we get closer to the couple.
'Niall mate, how are you?' Liam asks hugging Niall as we reach the bar.
'I'm brilliant thanks mate' replies Niall hugging Liam back before hugging me and shaking hands with Aaron who politely introduced himself.
Liam then hugged Jess asking her how she was before Niall introduced her to me.
'So Kate, this is my amazing girlfriend Jess' he said grabbing her hand while she laughed and rolled her eyes, 'Jess, this is Kate' he said smiling.
'It's so lovely to meet you' Jess said pulling me in for a hug.
'It's lovely to finally meet you too' I tell her, 'Niall has told me all about you' I say smiling.
'Ahh really?' She asks blushing.
'Of course I have babe' Niall says kissing her cheek.
' So Kate, why don't me and you go and have a drink and a chat over there and leave the boys to it?' Jess says pointing to a small table by the door.
I actually really want to get to know Jess better and she seems really nice so this is perfect!
' yeah that sounds great' I say walking towards the table, Jess follows me carrying a bottle of white wine and two glasses.

Sorry it's short but I'm going to try and do another update soon! Please vote if you're reading xx

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