The Italian Man: Mr. Domiono

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Hey there my lovelies, I hope you guys remember what happened in season 1 cuz this is the first episode. Now let us continue with the story!!!!
Lyric: u certainly cheer up quickly...
Me: *mumbling*
Lyric: what u say.
Me: *snores*
Lyric: o great she fell asleep!!!

Lyric's POV
I had gotten dressed as soon as I noticed the sun had gone up and had begun to make breakfast for the young master when Sebastion walked in and noticed me working in the kitchen. He told me to help the young master get dressed. I headed off to the young masters room and knocked on the door, I heard a soft "come in". I entered the room and said,"Sebastion sent me to help the young master get dresses." I began to help the toung master get changed when I heard Sebastion enter the room. I turned to look at him and he explained that we were to have an important visitor come in today. He brought in the young masters breakfast and the young master ate it.

~☆Le time skip☆~
I heard a few crashes that sounded like plates breaking, and an explosion. I headed towards the kitchen and saw Baldroy holding his flamethrower, I then walked to the hallway and noticed the tea set was all broken, and then walked into the garden and noticed all the plants where dead. Sebastion appeared at my side and asked the three servants what had happened.

I sat next to Tanaka who was drinking his tea while the three explained what had happened. When Sebastion said, "Why don't you take a page out of Tanaka's book..." he then stopped and gave orders to the three and me. When six came along our guest arrived and was in a marvel at the garden. I led him to the young masters room, I then stayed in the room and watched them play a board game.

Mr. Domiono lost a leg in the enchanted forest and then was burned alive. I walked out of the room to see if dinner was almost ready, I saw Meyrin stumble carrying the tea sets and Sebastion catch her. He told her not to run in the manor, I then returned to the room to continue watching the young master.

A few moments later Sebastion came into the room to inform the toung master that dinner was ready. The young master said they would finish the game later, but the guest wasn't interested he said he was gonna lose, but the young master wouldn't have it. He then whispered in a rather loud and abnoxious tone that the young master was childish. I froze and the young master turned around but the guest immediatley said something about how it takes a childs eyes to run a toy factory. Sebastion and I weren't entirely convinced and we stared at our guest for a second then led them out.

I led the trolley cart out with the dinner on it. I placed dinner in front of our guest and the young master. Sebastion went into a full explanation of dinner. The guest was completely overcome with shock. Meyrin was serving the wine but I noticed her wobly figure and she spilled the wine. Before it was able to reach the guest Sebastion removed the cloth and I moved the wine glass to the position where the wine had been spilling. I then helped to carry Meyrin away.

"Are you alright, Meyrin." She said she was ok and I walked back outside and heard Sebastion said he was "one hell of a butler", I silently smirked.

After dinner, the guest went out to make a call, while Sebastion brought tea, I existed and followed the man, and heard him talking to someone on the phone. He had sold the factory and was just asking for more money from the young master. I saw Sebastion and went towards him, he said, "Don't worry about a thing Lyric our young master knows what he is doing." I let out a small sigh and went down the stairs.

After a while I heard Mr. Domiono coming down the stairs and heard him fall, I looked from my position under the arch that he had broken his leg. He began to crawl away and I noticed Sebastion say something I entered the kitchen and heard Sebastion say to turn on the stove he walked in, I turned it on and heard a movement, Sebastion looked in and smiled lightly. I left and heard Sebastion speak.

~☆Le time skip☆~
I watched the guest crawl away burnt and hurt from a window with the young master. I left the room after seeing the young master finish his game. I walked down the hallway and saw what appeared to be memories playing out. I hid and saw Sebastion snap his fingers. After he left, I moved to the center of the room and allowed the memories to enter my mind. I slowlt spoke, "It seems that the young master has had a wonderful but tragic childhood." I then began to move all the portaits off the wall and made my way to Sebastion to tell him that I would help replace the wallpaper.

I then turned to see a rat run along the corrider and sighed it seemed we will have to also get rat traps. I made my way into my room and allowed my body to turn into a cat. I walked the halls and heard a light chuckle and saw Sebastion reach out to me, I let him pet me for a while before I jumped and made my way to my room before he could follow me.

I turned back and began to change I then brought myself up and began to look for the wallpaper to replace the old one. I had a lot of work to do.

Ok so Lyric watched mostly and spoke little in this one, but she actually was acting docile while trying to figure out why she hadn't liked the italian man. But everything will change soon in the next chapter. Hint hint it involves rats. See you later my lovelies. Oh and the picture is of lyric in her uniform its not mine so.... disclaimer.
Lyric: i hope i do something soon.
Me: o you will unleash awesomeness in the next chapter. *throws sparkles everywhere*
Lyric: im not cleaning that up.....
Me: thats alright gets a flamethrower
Lyric:.......where did u get that.....
Me: i may have borrowed it from Bard. Hehehehehehehe
Lyric: *runs*





~Lady Night

My original work is only posted on Wattpad, no other websites have my consent for my work to be posted on it. I'm referring to They have taken my work with no prior consent or knowledge on my behalf. 

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