The Reaper

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Hehehe so this is a twist because I have not updated this one in a while I have no clue what to write but I'm probably gonna do about 35 or so chapters plus an epilogue. ~Lady Night

Lyric's POV
I honestly had no idea why I had been pushed into the room with Will, but before I could crash into a object, Will grabbed hold of me. I felt my hair and body change, and looked down at my clothes. I was almost in my full devil form the only thing was my wings were hidden.

In all honesty when I looked into Will's green eyes I was caught in fright and in another feeling

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In all honesty when I looked into Will's green eyes I was caught in fright and in another feeling... desire? I was straddling his waist when I noticed and scurried off of him in an instant. He looked at my new look and said. "Real looks?" He had raised and eyebrow and pushed his glasses back up his nose. I loosened amd said, "Maybe..." He simply stood up and said, "Undertaker let us out of this room." We heard no answer and noticed that the door wouldn't open.

I cursed and said, "Damn you Aya!" Will looked at me and said, "So I guess were stuck here?" "Pretty much!" "Damn it I am going to end up having more overtime!" We continued to yell and curse knowing that no one would hear us

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I cursed and said, "Damn you Aya!" Will looked at me and said, "So I guess were stuck here?" "Pretty much!" "Damn it I am going to end up having more overtime!" We continued to yell and curse knowing that no one would hear us. After a while we calmed down and he began to question why I was at Undertakers. "I've known him since I was a child." "What are you anyway?" "I told you to figure it out." I whispered into his ear, yet again. He of course shivered, but moved away the moment I was done. "Stop doing that!" "Why should I!?"

After a few moments of silence I moved towards him and while he backed away I giggled and took off into the other direction. I headed towards the closet and looked through the dresses and the clothes my family would wear. I smiled and went towards a divider, I opened it up and stepped behind it. I changed rather quickly and placed on the glasses I had found that went on with the outfit. I stepped out and laughed at Will's reaction. "A proper lady wouldn't wear an outfit like that." He had a light blush on his face.

I laughed and simply said, "Well maybe I'm not one of those stick in the mud, boring as hell, proper smick ladies

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I laughed and simply said, "Well maybe I'm not one of those stick in the mud, boring as hell, proper smick ladies." "You should act more prestigious comsidering your bearing." "Hey, I get enough lectures back at home from my grandfather's.... You know what never mind!" "Oh why not tell, after all do you miss supernatural not want people to know your bearing and race!?" "If you knew you wouldn't hesitate to kill me!" "As if!" "Oh really! Your kind always take it upon themselves to do it! Undertaker was the only one who never did!" "Well maybe your kind are just seducing, lying manipulators!" "When have I lied or manipulated you!?" "So your not defending against seducing!?"
"We don't try to do that, it just happens!"

After yelling at one another we were both scowling and panting with red faces. I frowned and felt my feelings try to burst forward, but I shoved them back down with a violent thought. I moved towards Will, this time not caring how, close in proximity we were getting. He backed away, and finally when he was against a wall I poked his chest saying, "A prim and proper reaper like yourself, knows nothing of what my kind go through every day we decide to venture around in this world." I was surprised with what happened next, I felt soft lips collide with my own and all I could do was feel my body respond without a moments notice, and I kissed him back.

Will's POV
I was surprised over my actions after she poked me and scolded me over the dangers her people face every day, I felt something inside me snap. I then kissed her and when she responded back I was surprised. It became a heated battle of tongues and light nibbles. When we seperated I wasn't surprised that her eyes were now red.

From there on our actions were considered out of lust and desire. We consumed one another in body and in soul. The power I felt her radiate off, when I joined her as one was extreme. I was surprised such a creature existed, but we continued our passionate embrace and collapsed when we were exhausted. We closed our eyes and fell asleep. A luxury my kind rarely delved in. When I awoke I smelled something heavenly, I looked up and my face flushed red at the sight I saw. Lyric was in a shirt and only a shirt. I perked up the moment when I saw coffee. I placed my clothes on and headed towards her.

I didn't exactly button up my shirt all the way

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I didn't exactly button up my shirt all the way. Lyric handed me a cup and placed a light kiss on my lips. I responded in kind and kissed her lightly back. Once she dressed up I headed towardd the door and turned the knob surprised to see that I could open it I did so and walked out into Undertakers shop, Lyric following after me.

Undertaker spoke, "Well you two certainly took your sweet time leaving, 4 months have already passed." Lyric and I froze and we headed off to do our own work. I heard Lyric mutter, "Aya you will pay."

So that was nice now wasnt it.
Will & Lyric: *red faced*
LN: *smirk* I hope u two had fun in that closet.
Lyric: *red faced* s-shut up!!!
LN & Aya: *laughing together on the floor*
Lyric: *flamethrower* Die!!!!
LN: *runs* I regret nothing!!!!
~Lady Night



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