The Prince

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Hehe let's just go to the story...

I had a lot of explaining to do when I had first arrived back at the estate. Ciel was rather livid that his maid had left with no prior notice for 4 months. When I had explained that I had been trapped in a closet with a different time zone, they had frozen up. "Does that have something to do with what you are Lyric?" "Yes." They didn't question me further on the matter and Sebastion went to give me my list of duties to do, while he and the young master left to go do an errand.

~Le time skip brought to you by a smexy Sebastion~

In all honesty I had no idea how in the world we had ended up in the situation of taking care of a prince. I was thinking it over when said prince headed in my direction. He then said something extremely rude. I then glared at him, and instead of answering him I turned around, but he grabbed my arm and said, "Answer me woman!" He was about to slap me when Sebastion stepped in and stopped him. Agni moved to block Sebastion, but I moved and blocked Agni.

I looked at Prince Soma and spoke, "You may be a prince, but you are not my young master. Therefore I need not answer your questions. Especially when you are extremely rude to said person. ....Oh and another thing, do you make it a habit to slap servants who are not yours?" After saying these words I let go of Agni, smiled gently to him and glared at Soma and left to do my remaining chores.

~☆Time Skip brought by Potato☆~

Later on that night I had seen Agni leave the manor and the young master, Sebastion, and Soma went to follow him. I watched as they left and then turned to head to the Night manor. The moment I arrived I was met by a laughing Aya. She tensed up the moment I approached her ready to flee when needed, after a while she loosened and didn't see my fist fly to her shoulder. She flew backwards a couple of steps and then turned and changed into her fighting mode while I shifted into a human version of mine.

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We fought one another and before I could kill my best friend and watcher or more like physically maim her, Rain stepped in between us and blocked both of our weapons

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We fought one another and before I could kill my best friend and watcher or more like physically maim her, Rain stepped in between us and blocked both of our weapons. I looked at him in surprise, and the first thing out of my mouth was, "You cut your beautiful long silver hair!!!"

Rain sighed and said, "So you notice my hair, but not the fact that I can stop your attacks now!?" "Eh I was holding back

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Rain sighed and said, "So you notice my hair, but not the fact that I can stop your attacks now!?" "Eh I was holding back." "There is no way you were holding back!" "Um... hello I'm still in human form so..... duh I'm holding back by like millions of strength." "Thats unfair how you make someone believe they got stonger yet they find out your fighting with only an ounce of your power."

I laughed and said, "She wouldn't be standing if I had been fighting with my full power." I pointed at Aya who simply said, "True if you wanted to kill me you would have ended it in a second, but if you wanted revenge or to torture you would knock me out and wait till I woke up to slowly and dutily end my life. Right?" "Yup pretty much." We high fived one another, but Aya would have no idea what I was thinking of at that moment, oh so sweet revenge.

I left to go back to the manor and drank some tea with Tanaka. A moment later I heard and saw Soma run through the hallway to his room. I saw Sebastion and Ciel walk in and went towards the young master. "It's time for bed my young master." I led him up to his room with Sebastion and put him to bed. When we left I turned and looked at Sebastion, "So what happened to the Princely jerk and Agni?"

Sebastion chuckled and told me everything I needed to know about what happened. I smiled and said, "So know what to do?" "I believe the young master will tell us what to do soon." "True." After a few moments of silence I sighed and said, "Just speak outloud about what you want to know!" Sebastion smirked and began to speak, "I was just curious do you not feel awkward at all about the incident that occured with Meyrin?" "Hmmmm...nope." "Well, I was also wondering about your friend Aya..."

*Gasp* "What! What! What do you want to know about Aya!?" I was interested now, maybe the demon butler has some feelings for Aya? "I was just going to ask if your friend Aya is always so snarky and spontaneous." " you want to know about her honestly?" "I'm curious." "Well then.... Aya was adopted into my family by my grabdfather. She is always bright and loves to pick a fight with Rain, who in all intents and purposes is like her brother. She loves to be snarky and can be pretty spontaneous....especially when it comes to cats. She loves cats and would do anything for them, in all honesty Aya is a pretty courageous woman who cares not what others think of her, but will keep up all pretenses for a purpose. All in all, she is the most annoying friend, who I grew up with and care for as a sister." After that discussion I left Sebastion to try and sort out my thoughts of the past.

~Time skip brought by Crazy Fangirls~ A/N admit it you one of Bassys fangirls.

Ciel had ordered Sebastion to compete and win in a curry competition. When we had about a few days to prepare, we worked hard and in the competition Sebastion's curry buns won. A battle burst out and we used Sebastion's curry buns as a cure to the madness crazed people. Agni and Soma made up, and they left to go back to their country. In all honesty today was a hectic day. Now was the time to put my plan into action. Revenge is oh so sweet.

To be continued...

Tada my lovelies I finished it in one go when I had free time in my english lab class which is 3 hrs of hell. I finish early so I decided to update. Oh and to my lovely Sebby-chan fangirls I give you a fangirling pic. Enjoy! ~ Lady Night




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