Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Alex's P.O.V.


I was lugging all my stuff to the bottom of the stairs. I had a bag for clothes, a bag for all my technology, and my guitar case. "TY, HURRY UP! WE HAVE TO MEET THE OTHERS AT THE AIRPORT ON 30!" I yell up at him. He comes running down the stairs with his two bags. "OK, let's go. BYE GUYS!" he calls out. We pack our stuff into the back of the car. Austin comes out and squeezes himself into the back. We drove all the way to the airport, music blaring. We walked into the airport and instantly, I found Bree. I ran up to her, dropped my bags, and jumped on her back. "AHH!" she screams. "Haha, very funny Bree." I say and jump off of her back. The guys were just staring at us. We gave them the what look. Ash, Luke, and Jackson come running up to us. Maybe I should explain the band a little. Luke is the bass player and strictly that, nothing else. However, Ash, Jackson, and I share parts. Us three are all the lead singer, guitar player, and drummer. It depends on who knows what instrument for whatever song best.

We all waited for our flight to be called. "Ash, my feet hurt and Aiden isn't helping. Can you give me a piggy back ride?' I ask him, sticking out my bottom lip and widening my eyes. "Fine, get on." he says, turning around. I jump on. Bree and Ty pick up our bags so they can be loaded. "ONWARD MY TRUSTY STEED!" I shout and point forward. He starts running. We make it to our gate and he lets me down. "Good horsey." I say and pat his head. We walk through the gates and find our seat. I was next to Jerome and Ash. I got so bored after the first five minutes to Orlando, Florida. I put my earplugs in and started listening to music. Aiden hasn't said a word. Yet. I ended up falling asleep. "ALEX, WE'RE HERE!" Ash and Jerome yelled at the same time. I woke up with a jolt. We had to wait for a few minutes before actually getting off. "UGH, I'M BORED!" I whined as we waited for our luggage. "We just got off the plane." Quentin said. I sit down crossed legged and waited as patiently as I could. We all finally had our bags and had to go get a rental car. "Can we please get a truck? Please!" I pleaded. "Why?" the guys asked. "Because there might be light tunnels." I say. Ty just shakes his head and requests a truck for the rental car. It's a blue truck. We all load in. Ty, Adam, and Ian were in the enclosed section, while the rest of us were piled in the back. We all got to sit up against the sides. My back was the to the enclosed section. Bree was to my right and Mitch was to my left.

"Hey Alex, we're heading towards a light tunnel." Ty calls from the drivers seat. "Oh yes. Turn up the song." I say and stand up. "Please be careful. You scare me when you do this as home." Bree says. I just roll my eyes. The road was smooth. I rest my arms on the top of the enclosed part and just stare at the lights. I would stretch out my arms like Emma Watson in 'Perks Of Being A Wallflower' if there was no one else in the back. "OK, we're out of the tunnel, sit down. Now." Bree says, pulling me down, I could still feel the wind running through my hair and hitting my face. It took us forever to reach our hotel. "OK, sleeping arrangements. 3 to a room. One room will have 4." Ty says. "Well, we'll take Ash." Bree says linking arms with me and Ash. "OK, well, go on to your rooms. We have to get some rest." Ty says, We start skipping to our room. We were on the fourth floor. "Do you think I could jump that while skateboarding?" I ask "If you want to die, yes." Bree says dragging me into our room. "I call couch!" Ash says and jumps on the couch.

Bree and I pick our beds. I get the one closest to the balcony. We get settled. I looked at the time. Midnight. Great. "Well, night guys." I say and crawl into my covers. "Good night, darling. See you when the sun rises. The early one catches the worm." Aiden coos. I shudder as I fall asleep. "GET UP, WE HAVE TO PERFORM!" Ash yells jumping on me. I sit up and rush to get ready. I grab my Pierce The Veil t-shirt, my black skinny jeans with holes, black high-tops, and my gray beanie. I run to the bathroom, throw my clothes on, and straighten my hair. I walk out of the bathroom and stand in front of Bree and Ash. "Lets go meet the rest of us." Ash says and leads me to the hallway. Bree follows close behind. I had my guitar in my hand. We meet up with Jackson and Luke who were already at the stage. "What song is first?" I ask. "'My Temperature's Rising' by The Audition." Ash says. We practice a little.

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