Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: Alex's P.O.V.

I started walking around the emptiness. There was nothing. Is this what death is? "This isn't death, darling. This is unconsciousness. Mitch is right by your side, holding your hand. Do you want to see?" Aiden said. He was a little light flying around. Probably his soul. I nod my head. Aiden starts floating away from me. I follow him. He leads me to what looks like a big screen TV. On the screen is Mitch. He was taking off his jacket and putting it over me. What the heck was that for? Was my physical body freezing or something? He then leans over and kisses my cheek. "Goodnight baby girl." I heard him say. I couldn't help but smile at the fact he calls me baby girl. I went to go talk to Aiden only to discover that he wasn't there. All the darkness started leaving. Light was starting to devour the darkness. Soon, it was so bright I couldn't see. I lifted a hand to my eyes and rubbed them. I was back in the hospital. I can't remember why. And I guess my body was freezing, because Mitch had his coat on me. I sat up and looked over. Mitch was too busy on his phone to notice.

I took the pillow on the bed and threw it at him. He jumped and looked over at me. His mouth instantly turned into a smile. He got up, came over, and just hugged me. "I'm so glad you're alive." he whispered. "I am too." I whispered back. We pulled back and he took out his phone. Probably calling Ty.

Mitch: "Hey, you need to get down to the hospital" -- "Just come down." -- "It's not bad news, just come down." -- "Hokeyp, bye."

He turned back to me. "Ty and the others will be here in a few." he says. "Or maybe a few seconds. You never know. They could get in a car accident. Ty could die. The others could come in stretchers." Aiden said. " SHUT UP AIDEN!" I screamed at him. Mitch came over, sat next to me. and wrapped his arms around me. Ty and the others burst into the room, but stopped when they saw me sitting here, alive. Ty and Bree even started to cry a little. Bree was the first one to come to me. She walked up to me and just threw her arms around me. Everyone joined in. It was a group hug. Eventually, everyone let go. "I can't believe you actually tried suicide." Jerome said in shock. "Oh please, walk a day in my shoes and you would understand why." I say and get up. "What do you mean? What goes on?" they started asking. Luckily, the nurse walked in. Ty signed the release paper, but everyone turned right back to me. "Now, what did you mean by that?" they questioned.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I say and start heading to the door. That's when they formed some sort of barrier between me and the door. "You're not leaving until you tell us." Mitch says, speaking up. I clench my hands into fists but keep them at my side. Then, Aiden decides to come out. I started pacing back and forth at the end of the bed. Stopping every once in a while to stomp my foot. Aiden and I were fighting. The guys could only hear my end of the conversation. After a while, my feet started to hurt, so I sat down and just held my head. I could tell the everyone but Mitch, Ty, and Bree were confused. From no where, my stomach and head started hurting. Man could I use some Advil. "Alex, are you OK?" Jerome asked, walking towards me. I could just shake my head. Ty comes and gives me my phone. I quickly put my ear buds in and play my music as loud as I could without the others hearing. Ty was rubbing my knee-cap. Then, Bree came over and wrapped her arms around my shoulder. Surprisingly, no tears came to me.

After a while, everything calmed down and we were on our way to Minecon. "Guys, I'll be right back. I'm gonna get my skateboard." I say and start heading to the hotel. "Wait, you brought your board?" Ty called out. "I never leave home without it." I answer and continue. I didn't realize until I was entering the lobby that I still had Mitch's jacket on. Once I entered my room, I got a text from Ty telling me they would meet me at the booth. As I was heading back to Minecon, I noticed some people looking at me. It was a range of 12-17 year old girls. Great, they're probably fans of Mitch and recognize his jacket. I just held it closer to me as I skated. I was right outside of Minecon when I hear voices. These were actual people speaking, not anyone on my head. "HEY!" they called out. Great. I stopped skating and turned to see who spoke. Pete and his group. Just who I wanted to see *sarcasm*. "Great." I mumble. They start advancing towards me. I freak out and start skating around the place Minecon was held. I made the mistake of looked behind me. Next thing I knew, I was on the cement ground. I was starting to rub my head, when I felt something warm. I looked back at my hand to see blood. Great, I have a gash above my eye, a scratch on my cheek, and scratches on my hands.

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